
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Slight Change of Plans

While we will be celebrating today, and certainly continue to invite everyone to celebrate with us, we do have a slight change of plans...

Tricia is having a minor bit of surgery done this morning (at 9am) and will need to stay tonight in the hospital, which means we'll delay some of the partying until tomorrow.

But, that also means that we have one more surprise for everyone (on top of the other fun surprises we have planned) is something that has been 365 days coming...

Anyway, I promise to post again today, and I guarantee that pug pics and a sweet video are on their way at some point, even if a little late.

Thanks so much for the thousands of people who are celebrating Pink and Brown Day with us today! If you haven't yet, Click Here to join the Facebook Event!!! Be sure to show us a pic of you in your Pink and/or Brown!!!

And, don't forget to leave a birthday note for Gwyneth in the post below!!!




  1. Good Luck Tricia! We're thinking of you.

    Happy Birthday Gwyneth:) Can't wait to see the birthday pictures.

  2. Praying for Tricia today.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWYNETH - You are a miracle that your Mommy and Daddy have very generously shared with us. I always think the child's birthday is kind of like a birthday for the Mommy too - so happy Birth Day Tricia too! Hope you have time to have fun later on or this week! We continue to pray for your beautiful family.

    Tricia and Clan (N.VA)

  3. De-lurking today to say a big Happy Birthday to your little miracle. I have been following your story all year. I was cold this morning when I woke up and put my brown warm up suit over the pink shirt I was wearing. What a funny coincidence! I might just wear it all day now!

    Praying for Tricia and hope you can get back into party mode soon!

  4. Praying for Tricia.

    I am wearing my pink!

  5. Praying for Tricia today and Happy Birthday to Gwyneth!!

  6. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! You are ONE year old!!! Woo Hoo!!

    Happy Birthday precious angel!

    Oh and I am praying for your Mommy today.

  7. Thanks for letting us know about Tricia's surgery. I hope all goes well.


  8. What a treat it was to see you guys at C3 last night--and I even got to see Miss Gwyneth while Chris was watching her during the service. She's even more beautiful in person :) Happy birthday Gwyneth!!

  9. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! You are a beautiful miracle.

  10. my prayers are never ending for your family.

  11. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!
    You are so beautiful and so are your parents!

  12. Happy brithday Gwyneth!!!! YAY! Good luck tricia, praying for you!

  13. Praying for you, Tricia! You are so strong! Happy birthday Gwyneth!

  14. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!! I am so excited to see you celebrating your birthday today. You are a true miracle from God!

  15. A very happy birthday to Gweneth Rose and a happy BIRTHING day to Tricia.
    I pray that all goes well in your surgery!

  16. Happy 1st birthday Gwyneth!!!
    You are an amazing miracle, although you already know that:)
    It is wonderful to see your parents faith each and every day on this blog. May Gods grace and mercy be shown through out your entire life.

  17. Good Luck Tricia.

    Happy birthday dear sweet Gwyneth. You have touched my life in so many ways. There are not enough birthday wishes out there for you. Have a great day.

  18. Still praying for you, Tricia!

    Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! We are rejoicing over your first birthday! I still remember the day some years ago when your Mommy told me about how she was dreaming of a having you in her life some day. I pray that you will learn to trust the Lord like your Mommy and Daddy do!

  19. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! You had quite a year, and thousands of people you never met pulling for you! May this year be ten times better then the last!

  20. Praying for you now as Tricia is probably in surgery right at this time! Thanks for letting us know!

  21. Dear Gwyneth and family, I'm roaming U.S. Capitol Building (my office) today proudly wearing pink and brown and praying for all of you! What a blessing your story has been in my life. Thank you for being such an instrument of God -- you have no idea the lives He's changed b/c of you! Happy birthday!! xoxo

  22. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! It's been amazing watching what God has done in your lives in the last year! I'm so glad to have found your blog...reading about Tricia has been so gives me such hope for my own little son with cf.

  23. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl! You are an amazing gift and evidence that God still performs miracles. I am praying that this year is your best year yet and that God will continue to bless your family.

    Tricia, Happy Birthday to you, too! I know this time last year was very traumatic for you and you weren't able to celebrate. Congratulations on the birth of your precious baby!

  24. Wishing Tricia the best today and a very Happy Birthday to Gwyneth. Although I won't be able to post a picture on Facebook, I DO have on my brown today in celebration of Gwyneth's life!

  25. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! You are such a special little 1 Year old!

    Many prayers for Tricia, too!

  26. Praying for things to go quickly and smoothly.

    We are honored to share in the rejoicing of Gwyneth's first birthday!!! Wearing our pinks and browns here today!

  27. Happy birthday, sweet thing! Congratulations on your first year - may you have a wonderful 2nd year. Xoxo

  28. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth Rose. What a little miracle you are! You will have so many surprises for your Mommy and Daddy this year... walking/talking. May God continue to bless your family.

  29. I hope that Tricia will be ok and feeling better soon. My prayers are with you all.

  30. Happy Birthday Sweet Gwyneth!!

    We Love You!

    Have a great day! Our prayers are always with all of you.

    God Bless

  31. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Our whole family is celebrating!

    We will be thinking of you today.

  32. Praying that all goes well for Tricia today.
    Elaine from MT

  33. Praying all goes well with Tricia. Happy birthida Gwyneth. What a big girl you have grown to be. What a wonderful miracle from our Heavenly Father.

  34. Praying for you Tricia.

    Happy Birthday sweet Gwyneth!!! We are all wearing pink/ brown. Can't wait for pictures!!!

  35. Praying the surgery goes well.
    Jane/Colorado Springs

  36. praying for your family and loving the celebration on facebook. she is my status on facebook and i've twittered about her. what a yearful of miracles!! rejoicing and praying with you.

  37. Happy Birthday little Gwyneth! You and your mom and dad are such an encouragement and I have never even met you. I have, however, prayed for you often and will keep on. Cannot wait to continue reading about what God has planned for all of you.

  38. Tricia, praying for your surgery today.

    Gwyneth, can it truly be a year since you were born? Sweeet Gwyneth Rose; you may be small in size, but you and your parents have been a mighty example of God's miracles in this century. Today, I thank God for the miracle of your life and for blessing me with the opportunity to pray for you and your parents.

    Love to you,


  39. I was thinking about you guys this morning while getting Abby ready, and put one of her pink and brown outfits on her...and forgot to take a picture - DOH! I'll do my best to remember when I pick her up today. Happy birthday Gwyneth!

  40. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gwyneth!!! Have LOTS of fun! XOXO

  41. Praying that all goes well and that you have a fantastic celebration of this wonderful day! My daughter is in pink and brown today, just for Gwyneth!

  42. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

    You are TRULY a MIRACLE!!

    Love, The Bell Family

  43. I was so excited earlier this week to read about pink and brown day. Of course, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I hate to admit, but I forgot this morning when selecting my outfit. Funny thing is - and I don't usually do this - I didn't like the first or second outfit I picked and went back to my closet for another try. And what did I pick but a pink sweater (that I haven't worn since last winter) and brown pants. I just did my daily check of your blog and realized today was the day - and I - entirely by chance (or divine intervention - hmmmm) am wearing brown and pink!! Celebrating your many blessings today!!

  44. Heal fast Tricia. Bummer you have to be in the hospital today but also ironic too. gah! I know you and your family will be a shining light no matter where you are. and it really only matters that you all are here in one piece in the grand scheme. So far you all have come. AMAZING!

  45. We will be praying for Tricia. Hope the surgery goes well. My daughters have a special birthday message (including pictures) for Gwyneth on my blog. we are so happy to be able to celebrate with you!

    ~Sara in MD

  46. January 8th is a miracle day for you guys. I am sure Tricia will be amazing through this minor surgery.

    My prayers are with you Tric and Happy Birthday Gwyneth. :o)

  47. Tricia and Nate- Praying for this visit to the big city and for the surgery! I have been on board almost since the very beginning and you both have been an amazing testimony of what God can do in a life! Thank you-

  48. Happy Birthday Gwyneth... I can't believe its a year already!!

  49. Prayers that Tricia is well and recovering swiftly. Hugs, you are an amazing woman!

  50. I hope everything went well for Tricia today and that you guys are enjoying a cake together. We all remember your last cake in the hospital :-)

  51. Praying for Tricia today and wearing pink and brown in honor of Gwyneth...



  53. I hope things went well for Tricia

  54. Praying that everything went well yesterday.


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