
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Duke Today

Tricia has several appointments at Duke today, including her Transplant Clinic and a few scans and tests to help determine if the lymphoma is truly gone. We're hoping that we'll know something for sure by the end of he day.

Also, neither Tricia nor Gwyneth slept well last night...I'm hoping that won't make today even longer than it might already be. Tricia seems to be feeling much better, but Gwyneth still has a stuffy nose.




  1. We'll be praying that all goes well. I can't beleive Gywneth is already a year old tomorrow.

  2. We'll be praying that everything goes smoothly. I hope they are feeling 100% soon. :-)

  3. Praying for a good day in every way! Will be watching for an update!

  4. Praying for great results today...and that both of your girls are feeling better soon.

  5. Of course, praying for great news from the doctors and even better health for your girls!

    Getting all geared up for pink & brown day tomorrow as well...

  6. Praying for good news and good health!

  7. I'll be praying that all goes well with the docs/appointments/etc. It has been a blessing to pray for your family and watch God in all of the details. Also, will be praying that tomorrow creates memories beyond belief! I think I might need to go shopping to find just the right brown and pink to wear tomorrow!

  8. I am a silent watcher of your blog but my prayers are not so silent.

    You have unknowingly (not so sure if that is spelled correctly as spelling is not my fortay.) given me a renewed faith.

    Praying for the tests to be terrific news.

  9. Praying for excellent news today! Feel better Gywneth so you can have lots of CAKE, big one year old girl!!

  10. Will be praying that all goes well with Tricia's appointment today and that little Gywneth gets well soon.
    Elaine from MT

  11. Praying that all goes well and that the reports are good.

  12. I will be keeping all of you in my prayers. I hope Gwyneth gets better soon.

  13. GOOD LUCK TODAY!!!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Praying that all goes well today Nate and Trisha gets great news!! I have been praying for this. Hope little Gwyneth is feeling better soon.

    Love, Laurie

  15. Praying everything goes well!

    You may already be planning something but on Pink & Brown day this Thursday, how 'bout you set it up so we can link back to your blog if we post our pics and show support from our blogs? That would be fun!


  16. Praying for good news for Tricia!

  17. Hi! I have NO idea how I came across your blog, but I did several months ago and have been a daily reader ever since. We are not too far away in Greensboro and go to OBX every year for vaca! I've been praying for your family. Hope today's news is good news too. BTW~ Our children share the same birthday! Happy birthday to your daughter tomorrow!

  18. Best wishes for Tricia! Good luck today…

    I’ve been following your blog for several months now.
    Hope this year brings lots of health and happiness to you and your family.

    Greetings from Chile...

  19. Praying for Tricia and the family! May God wrap his loving hands around you all today. I'll be looking for an update! Happy birthday Gywneth! I can't wait to wear my pink and brown tomorrow all for you!

  20. Praying Nate for Tricia!

    Blessings and love,

  21. Thinking of you and praying for great results!

  22. Nate. We are still lifting you guys up in our prayers.

    God Bless.

  23. We are praying for good news today. And we'll be celebrating Gywneth's birthday tomorrow in our pink and brown!!

  24. Good luck and keep us posted.

    One of the joys of parenting is that kids can be snotty for days (weeks... months..) after they are otherwise over an illness. I always wondered how something so little could generate so much snot.

  25. Praying that all goes well and the results will be great!

  26. Nate & Tricia,
    I was so blessed tonight. I attended C3's Vision Night and happen to run into someone (C.R.) holding Gwyneth Rose. I couldn't believe it. I've followed your blog since Dec 07 and prayed for that little before she came into this world. You guys have been so dear to our family's heart and it was an absolute joy to touch the miracle that we've been praying for. She is beautiful and just kept smiling up at Chris. I can't tell you how much it meant for me to see the miracle that I thought I'd never meet. Happy early Birthday Gwyneth!

  27. Good luck! Happy Birthday Eve Gwyneth!

  28. Tell everyone in K-ville hello! :)

  29. I have been following your blog since before Gywneth was born - can't believe it has been over a year!!

    Praying for your girls to feel great, fantastic test results, and a wonderful brown & pink day for all tomorrow!

    As a Florida Gator Alumni -I must admit that I think a tiny bit of Orange and Blue mixed in with the brown and pink tomorrow would be ok! =)

  30. Hey girls...feel better soon! Got to feel better for the big party! Sending mega prayers for great results!

  31. Gwyneth, its almost your birthday.... :)


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