
Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Just after we arrived at the hotel today from the hospital, it poured rain for about 10 minutes. As we stepped outside again, we saw this rainbow...

To be honest, I'm pretty sure it's been well over a year since I've seen a rainbow, and considering that rainbows don't happen in January in NC, we definitely paused for a few minutes to watch.

Rainbows are meant to remind those who see them of the promises of God, and, as we smiled at this rainbow, the day before Gwyneth's first birthday, I couldn't help but be reminded of a particular promise that God has made to Tricia and I:

"I came so you can have real and eternal life,
more and better life than you ever dreamed of."

(John 10:10b - The Message)

Promises are usually made before the storm.
Rainbows are usually seen after the storm.

The three of us have been given a life more abundant than we could ever think of or ask for. I pray that this year, you might experience that same abundance of life.



  1. Awesome! What a sign from Heaven.
    Vancouver, BC

  2. Beautifully said...couldn't been more perfect!! Our God is an Awesome God!

  3. I know it's after midnight in NC now, sooooo...

    Happy birthday, Gwyneth!!!!

  4. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. KJV

    Wow! The difference in versions of the bible gets me. They don't mean the same thing.

    Onward--rainbows are beautiful! We just had one here the other day.



  6. Nice reminder from God that he continues to hold your family in the palm of his hand. We continue to pray for you and your family.

    God Bless.

  7. Beautiful. God's promises are abundant.

    Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!

  8. Lovely photo! Yahweh created it just for you to take in..well, you and everyone else in your area but who knows if people stopped to take in the beuaty and glory of what He painted for them. :)

    My 2009 is just awesome so far and it looks like yours is too! Praise Elohim, for He is worthy to be praised! \o/

    Blessings from Texas!

  9. Beautiful!!

    Happy First Birthday Gwyneth!

  10. Amazing.
    Happy First Birthday Gwyneth!

  11. May you have a year full of rainbows! God bless, Sarah in Australia xox

  12. God is good.

    P.S. Happy birthday Gwyneth! I've got my brown and pink polka dot socks on in honour of you and all God has done in your life so far, and what I'm sure He's going to do as you grow too!

  13. Yes I saw that! My husband and I were about to leave the house. I opened the door to get our dog off the porch and heard and saw the wind and rain. I was like look it's raining and it's sunny! WOW. Then I looked for "the sign." I walked a little further out on the porch and looked up.

    There a PERFECT Rainbow in FULL with a partial second rainbow above. Isn't God amazing?

  14. Only GOD!

    Blessings to His mighty name!

    Happy Birthday to Gwyneth and all of you!


  15. Awesome! That seems so trite considering how over-used that word is today. But that God would chose to give you such a meaningful message fom Him at that precise moment is beyond-words Awesome! Praising Him with you!

  16. God is good, all the time.
    All the time, God is good.

    How beautiful.

  17. Wow! What a beautiful rainbow.

  18. How cool. I'm in Raleigh and saw that same rainbow. We turned out the lights in my office and just watched it until it went away. It was beautiful and a wonderful reminder of God's promises.

  19. Isn't it just like God to do something like that for us?! What a beautiful reminder!

  20. That's stinking incredible! Praise God. I have been so encouraged by your blog over the past year (dont' think I've ever commented). My hubby & I feel a connection with you & Tricia even though we've never met. That's how cool our God is - our hearts our connected as we intercede for you to our Father.
    May today be an amazing day of celebrating with your girls! Enjoy every moment!

  21. That was one beautiful rainbow! I have been sick and in bed here in Charlotte and my nine year old came running into my room yesterday afternoon around 4:30 yelling "Rainbow Patrol!" At first I wasn't sure what he meant and then he explained further, "Mom there is a HUGE and beautiful rainbow right outside my window!" I love that he understands how rare the rainbow moments are and what they mean and that he knew he needed to share that with Mom who was in bed. I couldn't see it with my eyes but imagined it from his description and just the joy on his face that he saw it made my day. I am so glad that you guys got to have a "rainbow moment" andhow fitting it was! I love how you worded your post, very true!

  22. That was a sign from God especially for you and the people who you touch every day. You are such a beautiful family with such a wonderful and kind spirit. The world needs more people like you.

  23. Truly beautiful! You guys truly deserved this rainbow. I pray you have many more rainbows in your future!!

  24. We saw this rainbow, too. How beautiful. God has truly blessed you guys and it's awesome how he reveals himself.
    After 5 years of infertility and finding out we were approved to adopt our oldest daughter, we were leaving church and saw a rainbow-and I just broke down and said to my husaband, God keeps his promises-he's given us the desire of our hearts.
    May he always bless your precious family.

  25. Can I steal something from your blog.

    "Promises are usually made before the storm
    Rainbows are usually seen after the storm"

    It says it all

  26. What an awesome confirmation of God's unfailing Love. He has his hand upon you. Thanks for sharing such a blessing with us. Have a blessed day!

  27. Wow! Well said! So glad the Lord gave you such a supernatural reminder!

  28. Thank you for sharing your abundant life with us online.
    Just another one of your fans, Barbara

  29. what a witness - thanks for sharing!

  30. WOW.....God truly tapped you guys on the shoulders! Happy Birthday little princess.

  31. That is the brightest rainbow I've ever seen.

  32. I am always in awe when I see a rainbow..because to me it is a "visual" promise from much He loves us!

    And only God can create such beauty, too!


  33. How beautiful!
    My rainbow story: On January 9, 1999, God showed my Daddy a DOUBLE rainbow. Daddy made me get out of bed and come look.
    The reason it was so special? It was my wedding day! (10 years today, wooohooo!)

  34. Well said- I love rainbows!

    Thank you for that reminder

  35. How cool! I was probobly looking at that very same rainbow when I was in Raleigh on my way home from work. The sky behind was vivid pinks and purples though from my angle. I thought about the same covenants that God made to us. Cool. Very, very cool.

  36. As you know, we live close to Durham but have family there.My good friend Sharon called me when she saw that rainbow on her way hoome from work and My step mother took photos of this same rainbow. Then my sister commented on that rainbow on her blog as she works downtown Durham. It was amazing to hear about it from so many friends and even though I didnt see it I was reminded of Gods pomises.


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