
Monday, January 26, 2009

More Snow Pics

The snow has all melted, but here are a few more pics from around our house...

87 CFHusband points to the first person who can guess what these icicles are hanging from...

Palm trees are not native to the OBX...wonder where this one came from...

Meka does NOT enjoy the snow...



  1. It looks like the iceciles are hanging from a bathtub? Maybe one that was removed from the house?

  2. I wanted to let you know that I love following your blog. I wanted to pass on the Lemonade Award to you. You can find it on my blog waiting for you.

  3. It looks like its hanging on a pot you would put a plant in!

  4. I'm guessing a flower pot or a trashcan. Love the snow covered palm.

  5. It looks like the icicles are hanging from a grill. My little boy was eating icicles from our grill last week--our dirty, yucky, grill that was supposed to be covered. But I figure God made dirt...


  6. Nate,
    I got choked up at Kroger the other day when I checked out and saw cystic fibrosis donation cards that said 65 roses on it...had to tell my cashier about you all...and then, of course was really cool...

  7. They are hanging from the trash can, right? We had similar cicles!

  8. A flower pot??? ORRRR....the Mail box???

  9. I say a flower pot You always come up with the craziest stuff. LOL

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think they are hanging from Meka's bowl.

  12. Looks like the edge of a bird bath or a the base of a potted plant of some sort.

  13. It looks like they're hanging off the front or back step to me. I LOVe love love the Meka picture. :)

  14. Are they hanging from the bumper of the car?

  15. I am going to guess a concreat/cement ( I always get them confused which ever one is gray) flower pot

  16. I was going to guess Meka's bowl... looks like somebody beat me to it!

  17. I was going to say Meka's bowl too, so instead I'll say a cement bird bath.

    If so, hope there wasn't any birds in it.

  18. My guess is that they're hanging from your steps? looks like concrete to me.

  19. My first thought was flower pot!

  20. I would say their hanging from the garbage can.

  21. I have to go with the icicles hanging from the edge of a flower pot.

    Congratulations on your new home and getting settled. Everyone looks well and ready for 2009!

    Greetings from Oregon!

  22. My guess is a step or a big planter

  23. Looks like they are hanging from a planter/pot!

  24. I vote with the others...but will get more specific. It looks like the 'county issued' black trash bin...very similar to what is at the end of our driveway.

  25. the back of the wheelbarrow? Everyone else took my idea! :)

  26. I'd say a trash can. We had similar ones. I blogged about them on January 6th over at my blog.

  27. I think y'all got more snow than we did, lol.

  28. I think those beautiful icicles must be hanging from the edge of the steps in front of your new house (or in back of your house, whichever is appropriate!) The little ledge looks like it belongs on concrete steps to me.

  29. Looks to me like an article of clothing, so I'm gonna guess the cap of someone who had been out jogging.

  30. There is a vehicle that I see here in Ohio and it has a window cling that says OBX. I always think of you guys when I see it.

  31. I'm thinking some sort of concrete planter or birdbath. And you are coming up on 9 million hits on the counter.. that is amazing... (but not as amazing as Gwyneth or Tricia...)

  32. Hi - I'm very new to your blog...very new like right now the very first time seeing it. I came across it on posted by someone that reads that blog. Praise God for the wondrous things He has done in your families life. We are anticipating the day when my husband gets on the transplant list for a new liver. We have had a roller coaster past 2 years with his health since being diagnosed with PSC primary sclerosing cholangits. It is only through and by the Grace of the Lord that sustains us through the low points. Bless you and I plan on reading through all your entries!

  33. My guess is hangning from the cover of your grill. We have had similar ones haning off the cover of our grill for over two weeks now!

  34. looks like a weber grill to me.

  35. It's got to be the WheelBarrow, Right???

  36. I guessed flower pot, then i looked and saw that i'm not the only one, darn...

  37. Icicles hanging from the big green trash can you use to get rid of trash each week? That's my guess.

  38. I'm going with Kim on this one the wheelbarrel. When I saw the picture above it and then saw the one with the icecile I was like it has to be but could be wrong...

  39. Let's go with recycle box. It's not normal to have icicles hanging like that in the Carolina's!

  40. Those are kind of small icicles, aren't they? (says someone from the great white north :^) Anyway, I agree with whomever said the grill. The texture of the side looks like our grill.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Carpet that was removed from your house during remodel.

  43. I think you should have a contest to caption that second picture of you...or the first, I'm not picky! haha

  44. i think they are hanging from the back of a car

  45. Nice pics of you Nathan. lol

    Sooo bizarre seeing any snow in the OBX.

  46. It looks like iceciles hanging from the dog's water bowl!?

  47. It looks like the icicles are hanging from an iron cooking skillet or pot... but I'm not sure you would keep one outside, and it would probably be rusty anyway! Great shots though :-)


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