
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Waiting, in a Waiting Room


  1. Y'all look incredibly bored.

    Have you taught Gwyneth to type yet? Maybe now is the time.

  2. I love playing with photo booth! Great pictures. Have fun killing time ;)

  3. oh man - photobooth is always a life saver when it comes to boredom :)

  4. I think we will be doing alittle of that tomorrow at Duke Surgical Oncology Clinic.

  5. you guys look like you are having fun! we have to find a lot of weird things to do in doctors offices and waiting rooms too!! You should make a video...a day in the life.

  6. That looks like fun!

    Have you checked out the book "Fun on the Run"? It's 324 activities to do while you're waiting. There's a baby section, too!

  7. Yeah, photo booth strikes again! I'd cry too if I thought it looked like I was being flushed down a toilet, Gwyneth.

  8. Gotta love Photo Booth...gobbles up hours of time! :) Good luck at Duke!

  9. Don't we all feel like that in a waiting room from time to time! I think this is a perfect photographic representation of what we all feel as the minutes tick into hours.

  10. She looks terrified in that last picture! So cute!

  11. You haven't done fun photos like that in awhile! How fun with baby girl! :)

  12. I can tell it was a looong wait! I love the pictures - so adorable!!!

  13. It's official! You have now documented every possible aspect of that girl's life! She is the cutest thing! Love that hair she's got! My almost one year old has a bit of a mohawk these days :)

  14. So...I've always wondered...who takes all these pictures of you and Gwyneth? Or you by yourself? How do you get such good shots if you take them yourself just holding the camera out in front of you?

  15. Someday she will look at those pictures and say, "Oh, Dad, I can't believe you did that!"

  16. Gwyneth has got so much hair! How gorgeous! Hope the tests went OK and hope you're getting home now...

  17. Those were great!! I hope the appointments went well

  18. Looks like you enjoy Photo Booth as much as my girls do! :-)

  19. you two know how to make good use of your time together! always enjoy seeing the creative ways in which you do!!

  20. Love it when you do these photos.

    I have a friend that will be at Duke next week to have her right lung removed because of a rare cancer she has.

    The waiting room looks nice.

  21. Some people read books...Nate distorts pictures. Whatever floats your boat. (hahaha :)

  22. Hey Nate, Gwyneth might like the site: My son loves this site! It will keep her busy for a little while!

  23. I love these!!! My kids and I use photobooth all the time. Isn't it funny how our kids will grow up thinking EVERYBODY takes pictures ALL the time and has computers that take them too??? =) Thanks for sharing.

  24. She looks just like her Mommy. Cute.
    Greetings from South Africa.

  25. You know...that little girl is incredibly lucky to have a daddy like you :)

  26. Praying for great news!!

    The warped pics are my favorite and really get the kids & I laughing. I think Gwyneth needs a pony tale on the top of her head with a bow!

  27. Hope all the appointments turned out well. I bet next time Tricia will get a chaparone for the two of you. (hee hee). Sure looks as though you were having alot of fun passing the time.
    Elaine from MT

  28. It is so awesome to see a daddy lovin on his princess!

  29. you make boredom look like fun! i think i'll make an appointment at the doctors! (not!)
    hope all the news you got/are getting is what you are looking for and we are anxiously waiting to hear good reports.
    blessings to you!

  30. A most excellent way to spend some down time!! Thanks for the smiles! :)

  31. Hope the doctor got to you and Gwyneth quickly. You guys did not look too well!

  32. Hope everything went well over the past two days. :)

  33. she's gonna kill you when she grows up. :)

  34. My mom saw this post and said, "What's with Nate and all these distorted pictures?! I keep looking at them, and then I see a real one and think 'that's a really cute kid!' "

    Just so you know - I share her feelings about your "really cute kid!"

  35. so we didn't have internet for 3 weeks so i'm just now catching up on you guys and i can't believe how much gwyneth has changed in such a short time. don't blink.


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