
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

...And Back Again

Back to Duke today and tomorrow (we should be on the road when this post appears)...Tricia has her bronchoscopy this afternoon (the one that was canceled because of her vocal chord surgery), and then her CF clinic tomorrow. She was feeling tired and was coughing up some crud last week, but seems to be doing much better the past few days. Hopefully we get a good report and our on our way home before too late tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for the prayers!

In other news, our new clothes dryer finally arrives, we can all stop wearing our undies inside out!

The icicles in the pic below are hanging from our outdoor trashcan...I think they were about 5 inches long. Although several people guessed correctly, Kori was the first...BUT, she said "I'm guessing a flower pot or a trashcan" so I can only give her 43.5 CFHusband points for splitting her decision (BTW, the 43 points are as useless and the .5 points).

Here are a few pics of Gwyneth on our kitchen table to make this post a bit more interesting...



  1. Just said a prayer for good news from the doctors today.

    Are you putting Miracle Grow on Gwyneth's hair or what? Every time you post a picture it looks longer!

  2. Praying for excellent reports today for Tricia and all goes well. As always, Gwyneth just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Hooray for your new clothes dryer. God invented them for women you know. Have a safe trip.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. I love how Miss G looks like both of you guys! She totally has her mama's eyes! :)

  4. Hey Nate, We will also be at Duke on Wednesday for my daughters visit to the clinic and ultrasound for a check her thyroid/goiter. She will be seeing the surgeon in the clinic after her ultrsound at the Childrens Hospital.

  5. Just said a prayer for great reports during Tricia's appointments.

    Can I just say...Gwyneth has the most beautiful brown eyes!

  6. Thinking about you guys and praying all goes well!

    BTW, do you ever watch House? The baby on there last night looked so much like was freaky!

  7. Good luck!
    I love Gwyneth's facial expressions. They always put a smile on my face.

  8. Honestly Nate, that baby gets cuter everyday!....and I'm pretty darn biased to my own beautiful boys:) Also praying for good reports for Tricia

  9. Whoo Hoo go me with my useless 43.5CFHusband points. haha

    Praying for a safe trip and good news.

  10. you should definitely do a caption contest for the middle picture! Gwyneth definitely has some personality!

  11. I love these new photos of Gwyneth, How do you get her eyes to go squint and is she still on fortified formula and meds?

  12. I hope Tricia has a great appointment today with good news. Have fun shopping. Thanks for leaving us with pics of baby G so that we can keep ourselves busy with thoughts of how adorable she is. Have a safe trip.

    PS - Clothes Dryers are overrated until they invent one that folds. :)

  13. i don't know if you realize, but there's probably alot of folks out there like me that check your blog everyday. and if thye're like me, they probably rejoice when there's a post about playing in the snow or marveling at icicles and other such normal activities.
    as you hang out at duke today doing the doctor cha-cha, i'll be praying for good reports, and marveling again at how great our God is.
    blessings to you and your family.

  14. You'll not be able to have her on the table much longer - she'll be moving around pretty soon, if she isn't already!

    All good wishes & prayers for Tricia's bronchoscopy.

  15. I didn't know it was possible for Gwyneth to get any cuter! Apparently I was wrong!

  16. Hope all goes well today!! Looks like Gwyneth is wondering why you'd put her at the kitchen table without food!!

  17. I hope all goes superbly at Duke and you guys will be back in YOUR home soon!

    I love the pics of's amazing what kids find fascinating, isn't it??? :)

  18. Oh my word. Gwyneth just gets cuter and cuter.

  19. WOW Gwyneth looks so much like her mom, (from what I've seen in the pictures)she is going to turn out to be just as beautiful I'm sure. You'll have your hands full trying to keep the boys off in a few years :)

    I'll be praying that everything at the doctors goes well and that God will give you peace. Take care.

  20. Still hand-gazing, I see... I guess the therapy needs to continue! Praying for all to be well with today's visit.. and just praying.

  21. Very cute photos!
    Question- with 'new' lungs, does T still have to do the vest or only when she's sick or what?

  22. Gwyneth just keeps changing with every post. she is getting cuter ad cuter.. how much more cuter can the child get? !!
    trish.. prayers for good reports.
    Have a safe trip and return home to enjoy your dryer. It is just the little things in life that really can make a a clothes dryer!
    GOD Bless!
    Jane/colorado springs

  23. Your pictures of ice are such contrast to the heat we will be having in Victoria Australia today, it is goign to be 41 degrees celcius here by 9am they say..which is about 105F I think.
    Positive thoughts are with you all for a good report for Tricia :)

  24. Good luck at the doctors!!!

    Gwyneth's too cute...and she makes a great center piece for your table!

  25. Hey -

    Will you up date us on what Gwyneth is doing, like is she sitting up, rolling over, stuff like that! I know everyone would love to hear!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date on things!

  26. praying for good news---those pics show REAL boredum--LOL they are cute,

    Shari NC

  27. I'll be praying for y'all and thinking about y'all today! The middle picture of Gwyneth is absolutely priceless by the way! :)

  28. Haha! Lovin' the Gwyneth pics!

  29. I love reading your posts. Gwyneth is just as adorable as ever. I love the ones of her on the table. Some of her looks are just priceless.

  30. I love the pics of Gwyneth on the table! She looks like she is really holding her head up beautifully! My sons were also preemies, and I automatically notice developmental milestones like that. She is simply breathtakingly gorgeous and a miracle!


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