
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

200 Points...

...go to Kira =] for correctly guessing the name of the song in This Video is "Summer's Cake" from the Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack. I will award Jennifer 50 points 'cause she also gave the name of the composer!

Don't use all of those points in one place!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled Wednesday...



  1. Congrats Kira! Woo I am finally the first comment on something. :) I have been waiting for this.

  2. Woohoo, second! :) Congratulations Kira and Jennifer.
    God Bless!

  3. Yay Jennifer!!!!

    Wow! I have points!! Cool Beans! =]

  4. Nathan,

    My niece had to have the surgery that Gwyneth is going to have. It took her longer to start walking and the doctors thought that her eye was probably part of that. Her surgery went well and she has not had to have any follow up surgeries. She'll be 4 next week and you'd never know she had the problem. I had forgotten about it until I saw a picture of her with her eye patch on the other day. I will say a prayer that everything goes well and that you and Tricia will be able to remain calm...not so easy when it's your baby. Best of luck.


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