
Thursday, February 26, 2009

March of Dimes: Ambassador Child

Gwyneth has been invited to be one of the Ambassador Children for the Outer Banks/Dare County March of Dimes - March for Babies for 2009. Her parents have given her permission. :)

Her first official responsibility was to introduce herself at the kick-off breakfast this morning...actually, I did the introducing. We're very honored and excited to participate in this year's fund-raising walk which takes place on May 16 at Roanoke Island Festival Park, and we pray that we can help this event to be a huge success.

We look forward to telling you more about this event and the ways that Gwyneth is able to participate! I'll be announcing some great ways that you can get involved and join our team!




  1. Thank you for taking the time to blog, I love reading it. I don't comment often enough. :)

  2. Nathan that is wonderful.
    I know you guys will help out raising money for this imporatant cause. Seem's like little Miss Gwyneth Rose is a bit of a celebrity. =) =)
    Though it is none of my business and of course you and Tricia probely thought of it already....
    something just dawned on me, Being Gwyneth is one of the Ambassador Children, if she receives a certificate, it would be so cool if it was framed and hung up in your home...don't you agree.
    You & yours are always in my prayers,
    Patricia Nelson

  3. good luck and enjoy representing MOD. My son Daniel (24 weeks) was an ambassador for two years.

  4. Hey is that Gwyneth sitting up all by herself??

    Love your blog and all the help and inspiration you give others!

  5. Thank you for the inspiration! I'm going to see about starting a family team out here in Nebraska and get ready for the walk in April!

    Gwyneth is the perfect Ambassador! Looks, charisma, great with babies ... wait, she is a baby ... even better!!

  6. Congrats! My husband and I are doing the March of Dimes walk in honor of our son Parker in April! Pretty excited! So glad you get to share Gywn's story even more now!

  7. Congrats Gwyneth! I'm glad your mom & dad said it was O.K. You'll be awesome.

  8. I saw that too! She IS sitting up all by herself!! Congratulations Gwyneth!

  9. How cool is that?!?! What a great opportunity for you to share Gwyneth's story with even more people. Awesome.

  10. I cannot think of a better Ambassador!! God Bless M.O.D.!!! They do some of the most important work on earth. We know that first hand. My 33 weeker turns two tomorrow thanks in part to MOD!!

  11. Have fun with it! We're our local Ambassadors, too - our Family Teams kick off is in a week, and we're looking forward to it (though I think S is most excited 'cause it's at the Science Museum so she gets to play in the awesome play room).

  12. There's your girl... doesn't want to quit! She cracks me up - so glad this was a better day than yesterday. Paige never ceases to amaze me with how self-aware she is.

  13. I've been a faithful "lurker" on your blog since Gwenyth's birth...I have a 26 weeker who had sever bi-lateral brain bleeds, thanks to prayer and early interventin he is doing great...we too are a mission family for our area with the March of Dimes. I just wanted to tell you what a blessing your blog is and that it looks from the picture that Gwenyth is sitting up!!! What a HUGE milestone! Good luck with the MOD walk, and thank you for sharing your story...I have finally added you to my very small preemie blog roll. (I only list the ones that I actually read faithfully!)

  14. Nathan,
    As a life-long volunteer for the March of Dimes (my mom was local exec. dir.), I am SO excited that Gwyneth is an ambassador! From the time she was just a few weeks old, I told my mom that she'd be a great ambassador for someone! I hope you guys have a wonderful time participating in all the festivities. I'm sure it will be old hat to Gwyneth, as she's been famous since long before she was born!

    Just another example of how Tricia's CF is being used to bless others! Because of your's and Tricia's beautiful daughter, more money will be raised for the March of Dimes (as well as the other organizations you are involved in) and more lives will be positively affected.

    Sometimes God's ways seem mysterious, and other times they just seem to shine through as clear as day!

  15. Nathan,
    As a life-long volunteer for the March of Dimes (my mom was local exec. dir.), I am SO excited that Gwyneth is an ambassador! From the time she was just a few weeks old, I told my mom that she'd be a great ambassador for someone! I hope you guys have a wonderful time participating in all the festivities. I'm sure it will be old hat to Gwyneth, as she's been famous since long before she was born!

    Just another example of how Tricia's CF is being used to bless others! Because of your's and Tricia's beautiful daughter, more money will be raised for the March of Dimes (as well as the other organizations you are involved in) and more lives will be positively affected.

    Sometimes God's ways seem mysterious, and other times they just seem to shine through as clear as day!

  16. That is so wonderful!!! And look at little Miss Gwyneth--she's sitting up on her own!!! She's getting so big!!! And is such a cutie!!!

    Durham NC

  17. This wonderful, I so happy that your family can be apart of this.

  18. We always knew Gwyneth was destined to greatness :)

  19. OMG! Is she sitting all by herself? Good job little one.

  20. That is great! I know that March of Dimes is a great thing. Keep us posted

  21. My daughter is getting married that day! We'll be thinking of you.

  22. Congrats! We do our local March for Babies every May. This will be our 5th one. I sometimes have a hard time reaching my fundraising goal, even though I always post it on my blog and ask everyone I know. I think we might try a lemonaide stand with the kids when it warms up.

    Emma and Ella walk in the preemie parade every, except there first since Emma was in the hospital. They usually give out a little gift to them at our walk, they got medals 2 years ago and its among their most favorite things they own.

  23. Love how interested she is in the balloon! :)

  24. That is so cool! We have walked for March of Dimes for the past 3 years in honor of my son. one of these years we might be the ambassador child too!

  25. She is the perfect centerpiece! I am so glad she was chosen and you approved! What a terrific way to raise the level of awareness another notch!
    And - looking at her sitting up so well, by the way!!! Way to go Gwyneth!

  26. Congratulations on this great honor! You all are amazing and have such an amazing story to tell. We have been asked to be the ambassador family for our area, too. It's very exciting!

  27. Yeah Gwyneth,
    You join a great bunch of former ambassadors. Our triplets were the 08 ambassadors for the City of Atlanta walk last year. Here's a link to our March of Dimes stuff...

  28. Have fun as the ambassador family for MOD - my daughter Addison (25 weeks) was the ambassador last year - it was an honor for us to represent a charity that meant so much to our family.

  29. That's great! She has such an amazing story, I hope this will spread it even further.

  30. I think that this is such an honor to be able to help with the March of Dimes. My son was also pick for our county in Southern Indiana this year. Good Luck with all of your fundraising!!

  31. Congratulations! We are the Ambassador Family for our area this year too! It is quite an honor!

  32. I remember as an HR manager that the local Ambassador Child was someone we looked forward to reading about each year during MOD kickoff. I am confident that Gwyneth's sweet face and amazing story will inspire generosity beyond measure with the workers and residents of your community. Thank you for committing to this amazing process!

  33. Congratulations! You'll have so much fun being the Ambassador Family! Our family was asked to do the same thing when Matthew was only a few months old for the Las Cruces, NM office. Then we did it the next year for the El Paso, TX office. You'll have lots of opportunities to be on tv, radio, etc. Enjoy and remember that it's sort of like being missionaries. Go tell 'em your awesome story!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family


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