
Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Something new...pretty sure she thought it was a toy and not food.



  1. Cute! My little man just turned one and I love giving him new things to taste and explore!It is so much fun to watch their reactions.

    Hope all is well.

  2. That is too cute... nothing like cheetohs or nachos cheese to leave a lasting impression on the entire scene!

    Please pray for Abby... she is back in the hospital doing very poorly.

    Brent (Abby's Dad)

  3. Love it! Ds has much the same reaction to similar foods. It's all about the physical exploration before the tasting part for him!

  4. Ahhh, the food of all foods, according to my husband. My sister in law actually bought organic cheese doodles....we LAUGHED so hard. Around our house the cheaper the brand the more my husband loves them.

  5. Not sure if you took those pics today, but if you did, too funny! I gave my little guy (who share's G's bday) a taste of cheetos for the first time today, too! He seemed to know just what to do with them though...he's a little piggy!

  6. I love it! She is just so surprised to find that something that color is not just a toy but can be tasty! Thank you for sharing this with us! I love it!

  7. I love it! She is just so surprised to find that something that color is not just a toy but can be tasty! Thank you for sharing this with us! I love it!

  8. Well of course she didn't think it was food - that sort of stuff isn't! It's an edible food-like substance, and incidentally contains far too much sodium for a child her age. I think she would be best left in ignorance that such things exist!

    Really, Nate! For once, I am disappointed in you.

  9. That is too funny!!!! IT is so fun giving babies new things to try!!

  10. Pincer Grip!

    That's a milestone!

    Sodium, schmodium...lokee the pincer grip!

    Way to go, kido!

  11. Very cute!!

    But where are the after pictures where she's covered in orange sticky stuff? LOL! I remember my kids' first cheesy...too funny!

  12. Cute! If it helps, they have white cheddar doodles that don't leave the orange stain on fingers, mouths, and clothes. :-)

  13. Be careful when she realizes its food she will get addicted to those little things! My husband used to call them Crack a Doodles, because my son loved them like a drug addict likes crack. LOL

    Of course she is so litle a few cheesy doodles won't hurt her. She is so sweet. Watch out for orange fingers though, they stain couches up pretty good!

  14. eww! I have to respectfully agree babies shouldn't get cheetos..

  15. Oh great, now I want cheese puffs!!

  16. she really ate it or something...

    I missed the part where you actually asked for our advice.

  17. It looks like she figured out that it was food :) She's beautiful!!

  18. Its your baby girl Nate! Don't worry about what others have to say about your upbringing of Gwen! You have done a great job raising her and taking care of Tricia

  19. Oh, you didn't ask for advice?

    Hummm...I guess then me advising you that you are her parents and following the advice of people who have no idea what her medical/physical/developmental needs are is NOT needed.

    But, you didn't ask for advice, so I won't tell you that.

  20. So cute! My dd Elise did the same thing with fish crackers when she was about 18 months old. She held those things in her hands for probably 20 minutes before I finally convinced her it was food and okay to eat! :-)

  21. Nate,

    Saw your tweet. I don't have kids myself but read enough blogs to know you will get lots of advice and lots of criticism regarding parenting. I think the best advice is to follow the recommendations of those on Gwyneth's team and for you and Tricia to follow your instincts for everything else. The rest is just noise.

    And I won't be offended if you think my advice is just noise too ;)

    first time commenter

  22. What a great picture to wake up to in the morning! I love it! She is so stinkin' adorable!

  23. She is sooo sweet... and so very lucky that her mom and dad are taking plenty of pictures of all these great little moments.

    And seriously people, lighten up. It's a cheese puff. After all she has gone through does anyone honestly think a cheese puff is going to hurt her? It makes me sad when people are so judgmental when this family has given US the honor of a glimpse into THEIR lives.

  24. Get a grip Redboots! Everyone loves cheesy poofs!

    Love it! And she is a doll! My son was born the day before Gwyneth, and he gets cheesy poofs (only 3 or 4 at a time, redboots) once a week or so.

    Oh! Don't forget to teach her how to lick ALL the cheese off her fingers when she's finished! Let no cheese got o waste!!

  25. Too cute! My babies LOVED cheese puffs. A great "starter" food.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. On the one hand, I'm not really sure we, as a world or a nation, *should* be lightening up about these things, though. Our kids are starting to get sick because we haven't been taking this seriously, you know? We don't want to be responsible for making our children very sick throughout their lives.

    One cheese doodle doesn't hurt anybody, but neither does one cigarette. It's become a habit, it's not just a treat sometimes now, and that's why it has begun to hurt us so much. Taking it seriously and encouraging others to take it seriously is responsible, you know what I mean?

    However, from the unsolicited advice angle, I do agree. Unsolicited parenting advice is usually pretty annoying. :-/

  28. Good grief...some of you people have serious issues.

    If you knew what Gwyneth's medically recommended diet was, and if you knew that any foods we give her are specifically suggested by her therapists (not all foods given to underdeveloped preemies are for dietary reasons alone), would you comment differently?

    I've let this thread go on long enough...I'm shutting down the comments. Thanks to those who have been encouraging and are willing to see beyond the limited information I share on the the rest of you...really, lighten up and stop, and think, and then think some more before you decide to turn cheese doodles into the armageddon of parenting.
