
Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Thanks to everyone who responded...I've heard from over 200 people, which is more than enough for me to do some research...

For the rest of you, here's a picture of Gwyneth laughing with her Grandmommy...



  1. I can't believe I am the first to comment on this post. What a cute picture of Gwyneth. But what pictures of her aren't. She sure is getting big.
    Elaine from MT

  2. My husband is a middle school teacher at a Christian school and really has a heart for those kids. I forwarded it on to him and he should be emailing you this afternoon.

    Gwyneth is beautiful!

  3. I love all the photos you've posted in the past few weeks. Gwyn is a gorgeous lil girl and she's really growing like the rose she is. :-) I'm glad you are all settled in your new house and that your sofas have arrived. Also, it's terrific that you all are doing so well! :-)

  4. I am a high school secretary in a fairly small public school. Would be glad to help if you need those of us other than teachers who are involved in highschoolers lives.

  5. Oh my goodness how adorable!! Gwyneth is getting so big! I'm a teacher but of no help since I teach Kindergarten. Good Luck :)

  6. Hi Nate - I used to teach sixth grade (at a Catholic school actually) and don't know if I can help - I taught in South Africa and then London. I relate well to this age though, so let me know if I can help with any questions you might have. Hope all is well with your beautiful family.
    Tricia :)

  7. Nate - I would love to help you out- but can't get your email address to pull up on my computer. I teach 8th grade math at a public school in Oklahoma - let me know if I can help you!!

  8. I would love to help! I teach 7th/8th grade special ed in houston. If you need my email please let me know! What an amazing and powerful story!

  9. i'm currently a stay at home mom, but was recently a high school science teacher and would love to help - i'm kristalucas (at) gmail (dot) com.

  10. Hi, Nate! For some reason, I cannot get to your email. I personally taught 1 year HS and 7 years Middle School until recently resigning to adopt and raise my kiddos. My husband is currently a high school principal. (all public schools). I would be happy to help you... email me @ leskojill (at)

  11. and I forgot to mention that I HAVE a 13 year old

  12. She is just getting cuter and cuter. Thanks for letting random strangers peek at your lives. :<} All the best to you guys.

  13. That picture is too precious! Gwyneth is a cutie!

  14. From the look on her face she appears to know that ya'll like her!! LOL!! What a great smile!

  15. Man.. you crossed over 9 million visits without a bang, or even a whimper! Hmmm.. are you planning something big for 10 million?
    Gotta love that smile.... what a happy girl!

  16. I'd really love it if you'd post some side by side baby pics of you, Tricia & Gwyneth.

  17. Your family is amazing. What a beautiful little miracle you have in Gwyneth. I started reading your blog when my son's pulmonologist told us cf might be likely. He has since tested negative, but I still find your story amazing and pray for you all. Now, I come to you asking you would share the story of another boy in need of a miracle. I know you are busy with your wife and little one, but hope you have time to check out this blog and post about this little boy. Here is a little about Matt. He was born of a 15yo mother, and dx with a fatal brain condition. An incredible Christian family felt God leading them to take this boy, and comfort him through the ever near end. Yesterday they were given hope. For the first time. He has had a ct scan this afternoon and will know within the next few days if there is any hope. The next hours and days are crucial. He needs to be lifted up in prayer. I know your following is huge, and the prayer warriors that read your blog are many. I ask that you would take a moment to read his story, say a prayer, and share his blog. Thank you so much.

  18. Awww that is such a cute photo!

  19. Gwyneth Rose is beautiful. You've been so blessed.


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