
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Enjoying the Weather

I took the first few days of this week off because Tricia and Gwyneth are going to be gone from today until early next week (meaning, I'll be a work-o-holic until then, getting ready for The CALL). We took advantage of the spring-like weather to take a stroll through one of Tricia's favorite OBX spots...can you guess where we are?



  1. Pretty sure I know where that is, as it is some of my stomping grounds. Did you by chance see a sailing ship? :) Side note: I was early elementary age when that ship was being built...and I was at the commissioning ceremony. I like that place, too!

  2. LOVE the carseat... i am sure its a girly thing but i always wished that i could have had a pink carseat for my girls but we didn't know what we were having till after we got the carseat.. its very stylish though!
    i wish it was warm enough to walk around outside here today.. but alas at -30 celsius.. it is a bit cold!

  3. I am NOT going to show those pics to my husband! He would be so very envious of the guys out on their sailboat IN THE WATER this time of year, in the background of the one that looks like the girls on a boardwalk! Our boat will be on Lake Michigan this summer again....but for now, it is still out of the water, on it's cradle, ccovered with tarps until probably sometime in mid-late April :( But we are being teased with some wonderful 60 degree weather this week!

  4. Looks like you had fun! and Tricia's hair style looks really cute on her.

  5. not sure but it looks like fun!! Beautiful day!

  6. Tricia looks beautiful, healthy, and happy! :)

  7. I agree, Tricia is beautiful.

    And, I love strolls on the Pier, although I'm not much a beach gal (and rarely do you find a pier - one that is substantial enough for a stroll - without an ocean). I prefer the sharks.

  8. Your daughter is so full of expressions. WOW! I cannot wait until we have some spring like weather. The Northwest just got snow!

  9. I have never been to the OBX, so I have no idea.... but Tricia looks so vital and wonderful in these photos, compared to this time last year, that it brought a tear to my eye. Congratulations on having these amazing times!!

  10. Downtown Manteo. I remeber when Shallobags use to be open along with Diamonds and Dunes.

  11. NO idea where you are but LOVE that last picture of you and your baby girl!!

  12. Look like you had a lot fun, glad you had some family time outside.

  13. Tricia looks awesome! I love her hair like that!

  14. would that be the METROPOLIS of MANTEO? The bridge over to RIFP? I just walked that route yesterday!

  15. Adorable pictures!! You just brightned my day:)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Your girls are looking so good. Getting out in the fresh air seems be doing everyone good! Beautiful pictures!

  18. What a lovely day. Wish I was there! I love the ocean too. Beautiful pictures. Love the berry (or are those flowers?) shot!! What a happy-go-lucky day.

  19. Love your photos - your girls are beautiful, and well, enjoy your smiling mug, too.


  20. Nate, you don't know me but I've been following your blog for over a year. I know the amount of readers you have and what prayer warriors they can be so I'm asking a HUGE favor. I am a Peds Nurse at UVa Children's Hospital and I have a CF patient who is very special to me. She is 16 and got very sick last night. Her Mom gave me permission to tell anyone and everyone about her if they would just pray and I know it's a big favor to ask but would you please ask your readers to pray for Holly? If you need someone to vouch for me, ask Patience Leino. She and I are friends from college. Anyways, I appreciate it! God bless you. :o)

  21. ohhhh, it has to be MANTEO! LOVEEE it down there! Keeping you guys in my prayers!

  22. Her first photo looks SO MUCH like her mum! :)

  23. Joe and I are saying the waterfront at Manteo.

  24. Great pictures and oh I am sooo ready for spring to be here and stay!

  25. Beautiful pictures. Looks like y'all had a great time.

  26. OOH ha ha Meka has little ballet legs

  27. Goodness gracious, that beautiful baby of yours sure know how to make faces! Any pictures of her making faces are truly pricless! Thanks for sharing!!

    You are, indeed, very blessed! :)

    (Blissfully Deaf)

  28. What gorgeous shots! Tricia looks so wonderful since finishing chemo. Hope she feels better since finishing, too!

  29. Great weather wherever you were lucky enough to be out for a walk.

    Quick you know what will happen to your counter when it reaches the one billion mark? I've never seen one get as high as yours.

  30. "Ah, Roanoke, Roanoke surely thou has made a man of me!" Manteo on Roanoke Island home of the Lost Colony.

  31. Looks like a nice Spring day your having


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