
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentime!

I was checking out the several posts from last year's Valentime's Day (that's how Tricia says it, which I love and make fun of) was quite a day. Our one millionth blog hit, a surgery for Tricia to remove her port, and lots of gifts, cards and love...all in the hospital.

Today, I'm two sweethearts are still away. But, I'm happy for them and we'll celebrate when they return...they've already received a few gifts in the mail from me, and they'll find more when they come home next week...

In the meantime, here's a kiss from me to you, Patty Sue and Gwyneth too!




  1. Wow y'all's Valentines are never ordinary :)...

  2. We ate at a chinese restaurant last night and the sweet chinese woman wished us a Happy Valentime's Day when we were leaving. Now I have to think to make myself not say it that way! Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you all :)

  4. Cute and dorky and totally you :-)
    Happy V-Day!

  5. Ha! My First graders say "Valentime's" a lot and I work very hard to correct time. It's funny to know that maybe all that work does not pay off and they'll still say it that way as adults!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Wow. that's quite a portrait, Nate.

    Happy Valentime's to you all!!!

  7. Interesting pic you got there. It's going to stick with me all day.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  8. Tricia, I would think long and hard about hurrying back home to THAT face!! :)
    So thankful for all that has happened in the past year!! Wow!

  9. Teehee, I say Valentime's, too! I'm sorry you are spending the day alone, but how sweet that you sent gifts for your girls! I'm glad this year's v-day is hospital free!

  10. hee hee ARen't you a handsome devil with that big smooch on your face?! Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. Happy Valentin(m)e's Day to you all, too. :)

  12. thank you for sharing your life with us. you guys are a true picture of love! happy v-day!

  13. So funny, because that is how I say it and my hubby always gives me a hard time.

    Love Tricia for that. :)

  14. Thanks for the post! Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. Ummmm.... Nate, I think it is a good thing your girls ALREADY love you!!!

  16. Ha ha. We were teasing somebody at school yesterday for saying "ValentiMe's" instead of ValentiNe's.

  17. Here is a site that you should go and see. I just found it. I think you can relate to it.

  18. you are a great husband!! love to hear how you love your girls, so sweet and encouraging.


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