
Sunday, February 8, 2009


Growing up, my parents always made sure that I was exposed to a group of very unique people. Whenever a foreign missionary came to town to visit, my family would always find some time to just hang out with parents thought it would be a good influence on their kids to spend time with these people who were willing to sacrifice so much for a cause worth believing in.

Turns out, my parents knew a thing or two...there are few people in this world I have more respect for than those who enter a foreign culture to live and tell others about the love of God, and I can't even begin to tell you how much I've learned about my own faith journey through my interaction with foreign missionaries. Two of the missionaries that I've been able to get to know over the past several years are the DeHarts who serve with NAIM in British Columbia. I now consider them to be good friends of mine, and it was an awesome experience to have them in my home, spending time with my daughter this past week.

I pray that Gwyneth will learn, through her interaction with the DeHarts and our other missionaries, as much about God and her purpose in life as I have.



  1. She'll learn, because you and Tricia are following Proverbs 22:6

  2. I haven't left very many comments on your blog, but I have been praying for you all over the past year now. It has been a pleasure to read your blog, look at the pictures, but most of all be able to see and read about your families faith in God. I was raised Catholic, so I didn't have exposure to missionaries, or even the bible for that matter. I always questioned different things, and was most of the time punished for asking such questions. Now that I am an adult I have left the Catholic church, and began to look and visit different churches, and finally have all my questions answered. I have grown closer to the Lord. I have great pleasure in reading not only your blog, but during this time I have also learned more about God. Through Trish, Grewn's, and your journey this past year I have not only been touched, but I have also been blessed. I know I am not the only one either. I know there are many other people who have been touched and became closer to God. Thank you for sharing your family and your journey with me. I pray for you and your family daily.

  3. Oh that is awesome and it is also wonderful to see the gift of hospitality in play.

  4. Is she learning "This Little Light of Mine"? It sure looks like it.

  5. What a blessing for Gwyneth. Missionaries ROCK!!! The church that we have moved to recently doesn't have a realy missions program. That could possibly be our ministry. I love missions. We are working to get out of debt and mission trips are part of the plan. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I completely agree! I grew up going to GA's and Acteens (mission education classes) and meeting missionaries at GA Camp. I know and was taught by some amazing servants and thank my parents for making those opportunities a priority. We are doing the same! Our twin girls were born while one of our dear friends was nearing the end of her time in Kenya. When she returned she had dolls for them that were hand made by the local tribe. The girls love them and proudly show off their "missionary dolls" whenever they can. We were blessed to take the kids on thier first missions trip last summer along with the same friend. She is to return soon to Africa and I thank God for the love my kids have for her (and vice versa)! Their love for her will help make the sacrific of leaving more real to them, and encourage a richer prayer life.


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