
Saturday, February 7, 2009

The King Has Returned

After more than 15 months away from us (thanks Grandma and Mark & Sue for taking care of him!), Ralphie the cat has rejoined our little family. Meka and Tricia are both very excited, and, I admit, it's nice to have another guy in the house again, although we're now outnumbered...

As expected, when we brought him home, he slowly crept out of his crate and investigated things for a few minutes before quickly finding our bed and hiding underneath. But, he came out to find his litter box and food dishes, and now he's hanging out on one of our dressers. It will take him a few days to adjust to the new house, but once he does he'll come out of his shell and spend more time hanging out with us and playing with Meka.



  1. Love Ralphie!! He is so CUTE! those huge eyes are hilarious!

  2. Welcome home! You have a big kingdom to roam!

  3. Oh, Ralphie looks just like our our cat Taylor. I miss him :(
    I'm glad Ralphie is back with his family!

  4. Awwhh, glad he is home, saw ya'lls update on facebook. Tricia must be thrilled!

  5. Ralphie's got some seriously soulful eyes.

  6. What a cute kitty! You can tell he's scared because his eyes are so dilated. For some reason, cat's eyes get like that when they're scared. But if his eyes stay like that after more than a few days even in bright light, you should have him checked. It can also be a sign of high blood pressure. But he looks young and healthy, so I'm guessing it's just the new surroundings.

  7. YAY! I have such a soft spot for orange kitties.

  8. Very Handsome! Some testosterone is always good to have in the household. Especially in about 12 years when Gwen is a teenager! LOL!

  9. I've always wanted an orange kitty. He is so cute! Cats rule, Meka better watch out!

  10. He's like, "Oh great. It's the cat-a-razzi!"

    What a handsome boy!

  11. Ralphie is adorable. I'm glad he's back.

  12. Awww! I have ALWAYS wanted an orange kitty! I'm jelous! Does he have extra toes? I can't wait to hear stories of the King on his new throne!

  13. What a great cat. This should be fun for Little Miss Gwen!

  14. awww..he is soo cute!! I'm so glad to hear the family is finally complete again!

  15. He is cute - it has been said before but oh well.

  16. Looks like he is already adjusting to the camera!! :) That's good! Welcome Home, Ralphie!

  17. Cute cat.he looks like our Snip!

    I am looking forward to pictures of him and Gwyneth.

  18. What a cute cat. Glad to hear your all back together again.

  19. He looks like that popular pose of Puss 'n Boots from Shrek!

  20. He is gorgeous. reminds me of Haydn our Ginger puss who is sadly no longer with us.

  21. Welcome home Ralphie!
    I hope you are settling in nicely to your new home.

    Love to all
    Rachael x

  22. Hooray for Ralphie!!! He is so beautiful and will be ruling the house before you know it. Big adjustment for this guy. He is going to love running and sliding out on the hardwood floors. I love cats!!!

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  23. What a beautiful cat! Welcome home Ralphie!

  24. He is absolutely gorgeous! I love cats so much! I love dogs too, but there is just something about cats!

  25. What pretty cat, we just got a new cat last weekend2mn

  26. Ralphie is a beautiful boy. Love those big round eyes of his. He looks just like my dear baby Anthony... boy to I miss that big guy!

    I am glad he's finally home with you, and I'm sure he's glad to be "home" as well (even though I know Grandma treats him well - Grandmas treat everyone well!)

  27. I don't know why but I never pictured what Ralphie looked like. I must say he is beautiful. Can I say that about a boy cat?

  28. He is cute ~ I used to have a cat with his colorings, with green eyes.

  29. I love him! LOL! He looks an awful lot like Puss in Boots from Shrek! haha!

  30. I have to admit that I DON"T like cats but he is ADORABLE!! And LOVE those eyes!

  31. Ralphie looks just like my cat Stir-Fry. Orange cats rock. I bet your glad to have him home.


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