
Saturday, February 7, 2009


By far, my new favorite pastime.

I'm beginning to understand why my dad would tickle my sisters and I until we peed our pants when we were little...



  1. Oh my gosh that is so sweet. I love her laugh!

  2. That was so cute! I loved how when you stopped tickling her, she'd stare at you, waiting for the next round of tickles!

  3. That was precious! Sweet baby Gwyneth has come so far.... :)

  4. Thats soo cute, I love meking my little boy laugh, another good spot is the inner thighs! I can really get Dylan going by switching them up, its sooo much fun making them laugh!

  5. That is tooooo cute. Her laugh is infectious! Love that when you stop then she stops and looks like "umm Dad why did you quit". Then starts right back to laughing.

    Very cute!

  6. Wow, thanks. Laughing right along with her. That was so adorable.

  7. Thanks for the giggles! We laughed out loud for the whole show!
    Wonderful to think of how far Gwyneth has grown and developed during the past year!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  8. That was so adorable!! She is so cute and her laughter infectious.

  9. Aww! She found daddy's nose despite all the tickling going on!

    I often wonder if the neighbors think we're terrorizing our 1 1/2 year old son. At night, before bed time we rough house a little, and by rough housing I mean we tickle, A LOT!

    Thanks for sharing! Such a sweet sight..


  10. Brought a smile to my face. I'm so enjoying watching that baby girl grow up!

  11. Wow, thanks for sharing. I was laughing right along with her. That was so adorable.
    God is so good

  12. A baby's laughter is just the best sound in the world!!

  13. you are just amazing that you would share such sweet times with your gwyneth with all us bloggers.
    too cute!!!!

  14. Aww so sweet! Thanks for sharing that.

  15. Love that grin. What a cutie! Melts your heart :-)

  16. Beautiful laughter from such a miracle baby. Thanks for sharing your miracle girl with us!!!

    God Bless~

  17. a way to start my morning!! loved it

  18. Isn't that the best sound ever?

  19. And the thing that is almost as adorable as her laughter is you, Nate. You love her over the top and it shows. Awwwwww.

    Heidi Reed

  20. Hee hee. Fun stuff. Love to see Gwyneth's smiling and laughing, you can't help but smile too!

    My godson laughs so much when his Mummy or Daddy does the sort of raspberry blowing on the tummy thing. He thinks it's hilarious!!

  21. this is our favorite past time too! My son watched the video with me and was laughing right along with Gwyn! there is nothing better than a belly laugh from a child - no matter what age!

  22. That is so cute!! I just love to hear a baby laugh!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Isn't it amazing what we'll do to hear that precious sound! She is VERY cute!

  25. Nate- you have to try "Round and round the garden" with Gwyneth. You take her hand and trace a circle in her palm and say "Round and round the garden like a teddy bear" then move your finger to her wrist and say "1 step" move it to the inside of her elbow and say "2 steps" and then tickle her armpit "Tickle you under there" After they get the hang of it and anticipate the tickling it's fun to drag out the steps causing them to giggle waiting for the ultimate tickling of their armpit. Enjoy! =]

  26. I love my little guys laughs. They are infectious and brighten any dark day. It is the little things in life that often bring the most joy!

  27. That is too darn cute!!! I love baby laughs!!!!!!

    What's her adjusted age, if you don't mind me asking? I have a friend who gave birth to a very premature baby and I was wondering what the adjusted age is around a year old?

  28. It's the best when they get a little bigger and say "AGAIN!" when you stop tickling them!!!

    How sweet.

  29. precious sounds of laughter from Gwyneth could not be more of a joy to listen to!

  30. That was the funniest thing!! My daughter and I were cracking up!!

  31. Nate,

    That is so great! I am in almost the exact same stage with my son Ross. Watching your video was like watching one of my own. I do the same things you do, blowing on the belly, tickling, holding my face close while he grabs my nose and beard. I have to say, I always loved being around him, but I LIVE for his laughter and happiness now. Thanks for sharing some of your family's!

  32. Oh how cute!! We are a big fan of tickle fights in our home ;)

  33. So cute!! I have a baby girl born Jan 08 and when she heard Gwyneth laughing she came running over to see. She started laughing and pointing at the screen. I agree, there's nothing better than a baby's laughter!

    I'm a first time commenter, but I've been following your journey for about 9 months and rooting for Tricia and Gwyneth.


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