
Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Year Wiser

Every now and then, I'll go back and take a look at what was happening in our lives a year ago. I've been reading the posts from middle/late February of 2008...a lot of amazing and stressful things were happening in our lives, and it's a lot of fun and a bit strange to look back and remember. Reading through the posts and comments, I just realized that it's been nearly a year since I disabled the "anonymous" commenting option (you can read about that decision Here). I took a look at the comments I was deleting this time last year as well (yes, I save every blog comment), and there was a slew of really vile and disgusting anonymous comments...they always seem to come in bunches.

Anyway, I've grown and learned a lot this past year, including how to be a better blogger. Having a blog explode like this one did creates a lot of blessings and a lot of frustration...knowing how to deal with nasty comments has been one of those frustrating things that has helped me grow.

I've learned to nearly master that art of "ignore and delete, ignore and delete", and, whether unfortunate or not, the really cruel people seem to especially enjoy kicking you when you're down, and it seems we haven't been too down lately. All that to say, I'm enabling the "anonymous" commenting feature again, knowing that many wonderfully kind and encouraging people would love to comment without having to create a blogger account. Hopefully, this is a wise decision, but if not, it's easily reversed...




  1. Bummer. It is sad, but really...this blog is totally a blessing to so many people! Whether they know how to express that in words or not! Keep on keepin' on...and in Him! Blessings on you guys :)

  2. This makes me very happy. Second time commenter but continuous follower :) Y'all are one amazing, beautiful, inspiring family. Thank you for sharing your walk with the Lord with me.

  3. You know those vile comments come in batches because most often they are from one troll, one troll with many cyber egos.

  4. Wow! You're a brave soul, Nate! Looks like your courage paid off already. And I'm smiling over the fact that you've been enjoying some good times.

  5. I wish you a wealth of encouraging and sincere anonymous comments. You guys are awesome!!!

  6. Nate, thank you for enabling the anonymous post feature once again. I am one of those (elderly) faithful daily readers, and though I've not been able to comment for a long time, I have prayed for your family regularly. Praise God that everyone is doing so well now and that you are able to be together in your wonderful new home.

  7. i've wanted to comment as well..and started reading at least 8 months or so ago...was sent over by froggymama. i completely understand your decision to disable anonymous comments...but am so glad you changed your mind for a while anyway. take care and thank you for sharing your stories here. wishing you all the best. jcn

  8. (AHhh, I didn't realize you'd blogged about this decision...makes sense now. Disregard what I said earlier.)

    Anyway, it's actually easy to see from your posts how you have grown over the year(s) and what stuff you are now able to let roll off your back that used to get to you more.

    Having read YOUR blog before MY blog was "big" at all, I learned a lot by watching what you went through and how you did it...when many of the same "situations" confronted me later on, I was able to tap into some of what it (at the time appeared to me) seemed you were learning.

    So, thanks for sharing with all of us like you do!!!

    (Did any of that make any sense? It's really late and I'm desperately tired.)

    Here's too oodles of wonderful anonymous comments! Heck, I'm almost tempted to leave one myself!!

  9. Boo for nasty blogger comment people!

    You T and G are awesome and have inspired me so very much!!
    Keep up the awesome blogness =)

  10. Hopefully you will be able to keep the anonymous blogger option available. I'll keep my fingers crossed that those who want to say something unkind will do what their momma ought to have taught them - If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

  11. Yay- now I will comment more since I am too lazy to sign in to my account. I have loved reading your blog for a long time. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I must say, I used to think your photography was strange and didn't really capture people's best looks...but as I continue to see new pictures of your gorgrous baby I am loving your photography skills. I can honestly say I've never seen anyone elses that's like yours! I LOVE the picture of the baby on the rug with the flowers! SO creative!

  13. anon commenting -- i think its a good decision. the idea of remembering yet another password makes makes my head spin!

    you three have been on quite a journey - its amazing. tricia's "nothing can stop me" attitude is incredible and inspiring. i love hearing of sweet gwenyth's milestones, and i celebrate each one with you both. i love how you take it all in stride.

    also, as someone who has a camera attached to their hip at all times, i appreciate the pics you share, especially g.

    thanks for opening yourselves up to everyone.

    long island, ny

  14. Great advice that was passed down to me by a fellow blogger:

    My Blog. My Delete key.

    Ahhh....deleting the nasty ones makes me feel better but they sure do sting when first read.

  15. I have been following your BLOG for ages now...I dont understand what there is to be nasty about...i love it and have learnt loads:0)

  16. I've been following and praying for you and your beautiful family and amazed at your strength. What inspirations!
    The pix of Gwyneth and the one of you at 5 months...unbelievable! So alike it is scary, cute, but scary!

  17. yay! hello again lawrensons! i was wondering, will you be finishing the q & a post? (or did i miss it?)

  18. I love the baby hair and hairdos. My kids were bald for years.

    Good choice to ignore all those questions about G's developmental level. She's your miracle baby, and you are enjoying her to the max. We know you are great parents giving G everything she needs.

    Thank you for letting us share in your joy.

  19. Just stumbled across your blog. My husband and I found out that we were having a baby last Nov. and we were told that we were both carriers of CF. With abortion NOT being an option we decided not to find out until he was born. Nathan is now 6 months old and is living with CF. Each day my husband and I learn something new but our Nate is doing well thus far. I find that reading your blog will be a huge support for our family. Thank you!!!

  20. I am so glad to be able to post a comment. It's hard to me to believe that some people can be so mean. I've read this blog from the beginning. I myself was pregnant at the same time. My little one just turned 9 months. I feel so involved with your family and check the blog daily. My prayers continue to be with your beautiful family. Bless you and yours.

  21. Oh happy day! There have been many times I've wanted to comment (nicely), but couldn't. Your blog is so inspirational to so many! Keep up the good works!

    Gayle in AL

  22. Thank you for allowing those of us without accounts to comment! I read your blog daily and constantly pray for you! We visit your church often when we are in town! Thank you for sharing your family with the world!
    Tracy Williamson
    Prince George, Virginia

  23. thanking Him for your miracles...Best Wishes

  24. I guess I'm trying to figure out what sort of comments you were left? How can someone leave vile comments regarding the birth of a baby - and especially with the situation your wife was in?? What is wrong with people? Aren't we all supposed to stick together here?

  25. I am still pretty new to blogging, and have yet to experience the nastiness. Not looking forward to it! Good for you, being the bigger person and just deleting! I hope you guys have a great weekend!

  26. Hi Nate! I'm so glad you've added anonymous comments again. I actually tried to leave one a few weeks back before realizing I wasn't able to. I have read some of your blogs about the Great Strides Walk in your area, and also about the town near you who started a new 1st time walk last year. This year, in Sept., we will be having the first walk where I live. I signed up to start a team on the website, and a month later a lady who works with them e-mailed me to ask if I would be willing to help with some of the planning and organizing. Right now I am just trying to get the word out about it, and will know more soon from her. Just wanted to ask in a general way if you could share any advice for making a first year event a big success? Thanks so much!


  27. Thank you for doing this.

    Much better then trying to find the time to send private emails (as I have do) when we are dealing with our own sick child who needs 24/7 care.

    Praying that it does not need to be enabled again.

  28. I hope that the nasty stay away. I know that there are probably lots of anonymous commenters with love and encouragement to share. I can't really see why anyone would feel the need to be nasty. I always remember to thank God for the little things and appreciate how life is because of your inspiration. Have a great party this weekend. I hope Gwyneth loves her celebration.

  29. I've been reading your blog since a week or two before Gwyneth was born and I've wanted to comment many times as well. Hopefully the trolls will keep to themselves, but if you do have to take back your decision, thank you for the opportunity for me to say hello this once.

  30. Just remember, for every mean spirited person out there, there are hundreds of well wishers! Keep up the good work!

  31. YAY!! I wanted to comment so many times! I am glad you grew some nice thick skin for the nasty people out there. Luckily I think there are more nice people than not!!

    I love you family. Love your attitude and love when you post pictures of you and your "mini-me!"

    Looking forward to your answers from your "ask me" post from before!!

  32. Thank you for allowing a comment again. We have two "children" with cf and they both enjoy following this blog as does our whole family. The Lord has truly blessed your family and we continue to pray for you and the journey you're on. Gwyneth looks greats as does Tricia. May you continue to be blessed.

  33. It shocks me that anyone could think of something negative to say about your family. Apparently the weak look for the weak... and didn't quite find that quality in you three. I wonder why?! Give miss princess lots of love from Blogland. Take care.

  34. Yeah! I have been following your blog sice before G. was born! You guys are an awsome couple and your love for God is so inspiring. I check your blog daily and always love to see everyone's progress! Love the pictures too! Thanks for allowing us non-bloggers to comment again!
    R. McLamb
    Clayton, NC

  35. Everyday you and your amazing family bring a smile to my face. Thank you.

  36. YAY!! I am praying for any negative commenters that they will have enough self control to just NOT comment (aka ruin it for the rest of us)!

    Love you guys tons and still keeping you in our prayers!

  37. I absolutely love the pic of you and Gwyneth where it looks like her sweet little face is resting on your chin.

    I will never understand why people get nasty with their comments, maybe they feel horrible about themselves and want others to feel horrible as well?


  38. What an awesome family you are.

    Much love to all of you!

  39. I happened to come across your blog a few months ago, and have been following your story ever since. I am a NICU nurse in Kansas City, MO and think your story is AMAZING. God works in mysterious ways, and he sure has blessed your family. Keep up the good work raising Gwyneth (hope I spelled that right). She is beautiful and I love all of your pictures!

  40. thank you so much for opening this again. I don't have a blogger so i could never comment. I just wanted to say that I have been following this blog since the day Tricia first woke up after Gweneth was born. I have prayed for your family since that day. Since then my nephew was born, and we found out he has cleft palate and lip. I can now understand a little of what you went through worring about Gweneth. My nephew has had the first of many surgerys w/ another one soon. Your story has enchouraged me so much, i just thought I would share thanks so much. :)

  41. Hi, I have never left a comment before, but do read your blog often. You have such a beautiful family and such an amazing spirit. Your family seems to appreciate all of the little blessings in life. Isn't it fun to see similarities in your children? Love the picture! :o)

  42. Hey Nate, God bless you all. You have such a precious family !! ( Wow, she looks JUST like you !! ) I thought you would really enjoy the video below. You may have already seen it. Take care !!

    This is a group of people who decided to do something incredibly
    creative at their church. They have on white gloves and are in
    front of a black light ... enjoy! Turn your sound on before clicking the

  43. Thank you for allowing anon again. We will behave.

  44. Yay!!! I can comment again. I so understood when you disabled anonymous comments, but with six kids I didn't want to start a blogger account to keep track of. I have faithfully/daily followed your blog though. We've connected on FB too, but it will be nice to chime in and say hi here. You and your beloved family are and willl remain in my prayers. Have a blessed weekend. Lisa Z. - Grandville, MI

  45. Hi Nate! I have been a "lurker" to your blog for about 8 months now. Became interested because my daughter in law, about to turn 31, has CF. She is an amazing lady, very strong.....she does have a complication - she contracted MRSA while working as a respiratory therapist in a hospital in Atlanta. She has chronic lung infections and usually goes in 3 times a year for a tune up.

    I think you, Tricia and Gwyneth have such an amazing story to tell. You three are so blessed and so corageous. Thank you for telling your story and sharing with all of us.

    I have tried many times to leave a message and could not get on, so am happy today to be able to inttroduce myself and wish you all well. Happy belated birthday to Gwynie - I look forward to her birthday photos!

    Betty Doherty, Oconomowoc WI

  46. Good for you Nate. I have not even thought about that in a long time after the awful comments my husband and I received. I am so happy to see your girls looking so beautiful and well, we keep you in our prayers. Although my hubby (Randy) will be sending his prayers from up above from now on. I lost him on January 6th, its been just awful. We do nto regret making any of the choices we made going to Duke and having the stem cell transplant, it was Randy's only chance, but it did not work for him. My heart aches for him.......
    As always SMILE and Keep your faith

  47. I don't understand mean spiteful people, but it looks as if you have a vast and wonderful anonymous following.

    I too hope the decision stays fruitful and never sour.

    I read frequently but not enough. The little girly is beautiful, you are blessed with joy and you can see it in every picture.

  48. I've been following your blog since a few days before Gwyneth was born. I'm so happy I can comment now. I have a blogger account and can comment on other blogs, but for some reason I haven't been able to comment on yours. I'm so happy that you, Tricia and Gwyneth have been enjoying a well deserved less stressful year.


  49. I can't imagine why anyone would want to leave nasty comments on such an inspiring blog. Unfortunately, that's just how some people are ... they love to start drama. I'm glad you've learned to brush off their petty words and have opened up anonymous comments for those who would like to wish you well!

    Even tho I don't comment often (this may be my second one ever), I read your blog frequently ... it used to be nearly every day, but since having my son I'm not nearly at the computer as often!! =D

    I wish you, Tricia, Gwyneth, Meka and Ralphie well!! =D

  50. Thank you!

    Nate,Trisha,and baby G:

    For allowing me... the silent reader.......... to comment. I understand your reasons to omit this anonymous button.

    As many bloggers have shared before with the nasty run ins they have encountered on their blogs of those who are cruel.

    Enough on that, I just wanted you to know that I am a faithful follower and friend.

    I want to wish the best for your family. You have come a long way within in the last year. Stay strong!

    I love all the sweet pics of Gwenyth,Meka,and Ralphie. Thank you Nate for sharing your beautiful family with us.

    Happy belated 1st b-day baby G

    God Bless,

  51. Your blog is such a blessing & I love keeping up with your precious little family -- and your GIGANTIC faith! Tell your rude & crude bloggers to keep their comments on the main stream media's blog pages... misery loves company!

  52. What a beautiful family! I especially love how your pets get along (your love is transcended through all the creatures in your house).

  53. It is sad that people are so hateful I truly feel bad for them because they can not be truly happy. When hateful people see true love and happiness they try to spread there hate. Thanks for not allowing that to happen!!


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

This blog receives many spam and troll comments. Please, do not respond to the spam or troll comments in any way. I am constantly monitoring and deleting comments, and I reserve the right to delete any and all comments related to spam and trolls, including responses.
