
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yes Sir, She's MY Baby!

Baby Gwyneth at 13 months

Baby Nate at 5 Months

And, that's not even a great picture of Gwyneth to compare... You might notice that she and I are wearing similar fact, the overalls are the exact same overalls...scary.



  1. She's way cuter. Looks like her Grandpa.

  2. Oh wow. That's amazing. I bet Trisha gets a real kick out of the similarity. I love it that our two monkeys look so much like their daddy...

  3. haha!
    I like Grandpa Rick's comment!

    That is so amazing!!! She looks JUST LIKE YOU!!!!

    I love that she is wearing the same overalls!

  4. awww.. that's not scary.. it's sweet! And Nate, don't listen to Grandpa on this one... she DOES look like a miniNate....

  5. But Pam, if you saw pictures of young Nate next to young me, you'd understand. His sisters thought a picture of me was him at age 10.

  6. LOL! I like grandpas comment! She does look just like you! CUTE!

  7. OH my goodness... how cute is that:)

  8. Great comparison...Gotta say I think I had that same carpet in my bedroom growing up! Pink and red shag...what was with those carpet manufacturers back then?!

  9. Actually that was a blanket, not a shag carpet.

  10. Look like twins...some families just keep having the same baby over and over. Think she'll have her daddy's singing voice?

  11. Wow, that's amazing how much you resemble and how much cuter she looks in your overalls!

  12. oh, poor Gwyneth! ;) Just kidding...she'd a cutie!

  13. That is to cute, you look so much alike. cute cute

  14. Ha ha Grandpa :)

    You're lucky to take a pic like that - we have 3 generations (soon to be 4!) of my family wearing my grandpa's old romper at 18 months. It's really neat to see the family resemblance carry on!!

  15. I've ALWAYS thought she looked like you. This is JUST the proof I've been waiting for!

  16. Not that you would want to but there is no denying Miss Gwenyth, she certainly looks like her proud papa!! Wonderful pictures!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  17. Sorry dyslexia kicked in...sp Gwyneth

  18. wow that's a crazy resemblence. atleast there'll be no questioning her paternity or tricia's loyalty ;)

  19. hee hee. that is sooooo cute. I love it when you find such similar photos.

    p.s. she's waaaaaay cuter than you

  20. @Rick/Grandpa - lol. I guess she does as you and Nathan look very similar too!

    I'm with Mckmama - I've always thought you two looked alike (except the nose - the nose looks more like a Tricia nose?) and here's the proof.

  21. Wow! Peas in a pod!

  22. Wow, MckMama leaves comments on your impressive is that!

  23. Wow! I know she looked like you but goodness you are like twins! :)

  24. Wow, Talk about a serious resemblance! :) Like Father Like Daughter :)

  25. No denying the resemblance! What I find interesting is the personality already displayed in the subtle differences in expression and "body language." Nate, you, with one hand slightly in front of the other, look determined and resolute, almost as if saying "Here I come! I dare you to stop me!" While Gwyneth is more quietly contemplative and a little bit coy, head cocked to the side, like "Daddy, why are you pointing that camera at me again...and, by the way, is this a cute enough pose?"

  26. How sweet! Although, I must tell you, I can see a bit of Tricia in some of the photos you're taking of Gwyneth lately too!

  27. You sure do look a like. I loved dressing my kids in the clothes that I wore. Or the clothes of their siblings.

  28. OH man, Poor Gywneth! I have 2 daughters and a son (6, 2, and 1 years old) Our oldest looks just like me and our younger two look just like my husband! We are always saying he is a triplet now!

    She is so cute!!!

  29. I think you should find a picture of baby Rick, all the pictures I have seen of Rick as a child look EXACTLY like Nate at the same age!

  30. It's hard to get pictures of baby Rick. They're all rusty.

  31. WHOA!!! She does look like you!!!

  32. Gee, did Tricia have any part of that baby making?? LOL

  33. Awww... and in some precious way she's our baby too cuz she created a miracle in our hearts when she was born. Cute pictures!! There has never been a doubt in my mind who she looks the most like. It's that first child thing... they always look like daddy.

  34. Wow! She definitely is her daddy's girl! So cute!

  35. Your dad is funny....She is definatley your girl!

  36. I looked at the pixs first and justt thought you'd posted two pixs of Gwyneth. How cool that that is YOU. LOL You are both adorable!

  37. That is so cute!! I have a pic where Nate thought that it was Brady and it was me. He realized it wasn't Brady when he saw that the baby in the pic had two eyes...Brady only had one at that time until he got his prosthetic. It is scary how much our kids look like us when they are younger and also when they get older. I just hope that she doesn't grow the hair on her face like you do. LOL

  38. She does look like you, how great is that.

  39. Rick is hilarious!

    It's so fun to compare our kids to our baby pics, isn't it?

    I love that my youngest 2 look almost just like older 2 don't really resemble me at all.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  40. Wow! That's incredible! Mom has lots of pictures of me wearing her baby clothes. We look exactly the same too.

  41. oh my goodness nathan
    to me the pictures look like a set of twins.
    fast questionabout the overalls ...
    is gwyneth wearing your overalls
    now that would be full circle as well as oh so dear & charming.

  42. Wow, Gwyn def looks so much like you! :-D She got her good looks from you and Mommy, too! :-)

  43. No denying it, she's your girl!

  44. I love this post! I was always curious about seeing comparison photos of you and Trish as babies compared to Gwyn! THanks for sharing!

  45. OMG! that is too funny! She def is YOUR child! Cute!

  46. it looks like you're crawling on insulation!

  47. Only a loving Mother would save those overalls for a grandchild!

  48. I have always thought she looked like you. This is just the proof!

  49. Completely love it! How adorable and I think Grandpa Rick is right also..hehe!

    We also have pictures like that of myself and son that if it wasn't for the photo quality comparision you couldn't tell who's who (and of course the longer hair for me!).

  50. Wow you guys look alike...she is a cutie!

  51. Goodness! the resemblence is uncanny! Crazy about the overalls. Sadly, my son looks more like me, than his daddy! oh well!

  52. Thought for sure that was the same baby!!!

  53. I thought it was Gwyenth 2 times and had to read the cation a couple times to realize it was you and her!How funny .

    Have a fun day today.

  54. Oh my gosh! I seriously thought it was the same baby. She really does look so much like you. Wow - just beautiful!!


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