
Friday, February 27, 2009

(They Say That) Sitting Up Is Hard To Do-o

But my girl makes it look so easy...

Although this is the result of several months of progress, she's been able to spend more than a few seconds sitting up on her own (we sit her up, because she can't get there by herself) for about a week now...all she's got left to learn is how to break the fall...



  1. Way to go Gwyneth!!! There's no stopping her now!

  2. wow - she really is growing so fast.

  3. go gwyneth go! i love her expression in some of those's like "what are you looking at? i can do this all day!"

  4. Oh wow, how fun!!! The "breaking the fall" skill came waaaaaaaaay after the sitting up thing for all of our kids. In fact, with all the bumps and bruises and owies that seem to happen, I'm still not sure they've mastered it!

    So fun to see Gwyneth upright on her own! Enjoy the new view, Gwyneth (and get used to lots of random tipping over for a while!).

  5. Big girl! she looks like a pro!

  6. I love the 2nd pic - her expression! Priceless!

    Proud of you sweet one!!! Keep it up!! Thanks for the pics!

  7. Oh, that is wonderful!!! P.S. Check out hippotherapy for building that trunk strength AND a wonderful love of horsies. :-)

    She looks gooood!

  8. Awww...the milestones! I'm so glad to see that she is thriving. You guys are still in my prayers to thrive and thrive and thrive!

  9. Way to go Gwyneth! Whoohoo! Five stars for being so darn cute while you are doing it too!

  10. Rock On! Wooohooo for progress!

  11. Love how you can see Meka peeping in in a couple of the pictures. Great job, Gwyneth!

  12. It is so fun to watch how they seem to rediscover the world all over again once they gain this new angle. She'll be entertained just sitting there looking around for longer now.

  13. Way to go Gwyneth! You are a precious little girl.~Darlene

  14. Yeah Gwyneth! Sitting up is the first step to many new and fun adventures.

  15. Oh, look at Gwyneth! Those pictures brought the biggest smile to my face tonight. High five, Gwyneth!

  16. I've followed your blog with awe since just after Gwyneth's birth and never left a comment. However, this great achievement has inspired me to comment. Those photos have left a huge smile on my face. Well done, Miss Miracle, you continue to astound and amaze me!

  17. She's looking great. Keep up the great work mom and dad.

  18. So adorable. She looks just like you.

  19. You go, girl! Gwyneth is so tiny, she looks adorable sitting up by herself!

  20. My favorite part is seeing Meka also "sitting" in the background! How cute is Gwyneth? Rhetorical Question! :D

  21. Look how confident she looks! Good job Gwyneth! :)

  22. Yeah, you look so big. Way to go Gwyneth.

  23. what a WONDERFUL milestone! It's so exciting as a parent to witness it, but this is just wonderful, and brought tears to my eyes. God is so merciful, and it is just amazing to see her thrive!

    Also, have you heard of Bumbo seats? They're awesome! Check em out!!

  24. You go Gwyneth!
    And I love the 2nd and 3rd pics! I love how Meka is in the background looking on! Very cute!

  25. She is so darn cute. I'm so glad that she overcame the 50% odds of surviving. What a HUGE blessing to you all !!!

  26. I love Meka in the background keeping watch over her :)

  27. yay gwyneth! what a fun milestone :)

  28. The last picture says, "I told you I could sit up". ;)

  29. That is such a huge, huge milestone. I'm so thrilled for all of you!

  30. Way to go big girl! I love all her expressions.

  31. Yay, Gwyneth! I have a hard time sitting up sometimes, too, girlfriend, so you just keep working at it! I love, love the feet out in front, especially in the pics where they look SO much bigger than the rest of her. Somehow it makes me think of all things Pooh.... and Tigger... and Piglet...

  32. i thought this was the best baby stage - sitting up before mobility - you can plop them down for a long time and not worry and they keep themselves entertained so you can do something else. plus she looks so super cute. :)

  33. Wow - this is a great accomplishment! I love the way Meka is watching from behind. We tried putting pillows in back and beside of the little ones to help with those tip overs until they got the hang of it later!
    Gweneth, you are a precious gift from God and many of us enjoy watching your journey on what God has in store for you!
    Loving you from afar in Michigan,

  34. Yay Gwenyth!!! I'm so excited for her! She is so stinkin' cute.

  35. The second picture down needs a caption... "Really, Daddy, MORE pictures???"

  36. Awesome!!! That's so much fun! Breaking the fall is certainly an acquired skill... one that my little guy wasn't too interested in acquiring. He thought it was fun to fall backwards and we finally figured out after a few months he was doing it on purpose! :) Yeah Gwyneth! Before you know it you'll be chasing her!

  37. Gwyneth's expressions are priceless. What a little doll. She is doing so good and growing up right before our eyes. Thanks as always, for sharing your beautiful girls with us. You three are such a blessing.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  38. I totally read that title as "spitting up." Glad to find out that you had not posted something like that!! Way to go Gwenyth!!

  39. Faith didn't learn to sit up until she was about 14 months old. At 21 months, she still cann't get up on her own, but she sure rolls everywhere. It's an amazing feeling to see their accomplishments, especially when they got such a rough start in life.

    You go girl (Gwyneth). Way to make a lot of people proud. Keep up the hard work.

  40. Nate, what a cutie you have on your hands!!!

  41. she is going great! Our second daughter had to be 'placed' to sit to.. but then she would sit for what seemed like hours. she couldn't figure out the getting up or the getting down part of sitting!! Gwyneth is too cute!

  42. Yea!!! First comes sitting! Then comes crawling...hope ya got that house babyproofed! I am amazed at how she is growing. God is so good!

  43. I am TOTALLY loving photos 2 and 3 with Meka in the background. It's almost as if Meka is "keeping watch" on little Gwyneth. Gwyneth's own, personal GUARD dog. So cute!

  44. Yeah....what a big girl! Little steps are so exciting to see and she looks like she is doing great. As for the pudding face ~ too cute!!

  45. Gwyneth has a whole new world to explore!

  46. How wonderful! Before you know it Mom and Dad she'll be heading off on her first date...YIKES!

    You go Gwyneth, nothing like sitting around all day, leasurily enjoying what God has provided for you.

  47. Gwyneth looks so cute and grown up sitting up all by herself. She is doing something new and wonderful in all of your new posts. Way to go Gwyeth!!

    Annapolis, MD

  48. Oh my goodness....she is just such a dolly! I love watching her change. Way to go Gwyneth.

  49. praise GOD for small (and huge) miracles!!! go gwyneth!!!

  50. That's so great! And, I love Meka sitting in the background. Too cute!

  51. I remember those days clearly - they either get tired and just fall back or start to look up, lose their balance, and fall back. It will come...everything will come in time!

  52. Awesome! I thought for sure you were going to say that something was holding her up. Good job baby girl!

  53. OMG! She's growing up so fast! WTG Gwyneth! I love the pic with your cute pug in the background behind her. I bet the two are a cute pair.

  54. She just has the most wonderfully expressive little face. You capture it perfectly in your photos!

  55. congrats gwyneth! enjoy the new perspective on life:)

  56. YEAH!!! Awesome job, little gal!

  57. Looks like she's a pro! Way to GO!

  58. Rock on Gwyneth! Check you sitting up all by yourself with Meka looking on in the background.

    Great photos!!

  59. What a BIG girl!! Way to go!

  60. Baby steps Gwyneth! You Go Girl!!! :)

  61. that is such a huge son was born early and has cerebral palsy and he still doesn't sit up that straight (he's 2) is sooo amazing what gwyneth has are a very lucky daddy!!

  62. She's ready for a chair - with armrests!

  63. It's been a while since I left you guys a comment. I still check in, though. I am so amazed at how far Gwyneth has come. Wow. She's such a big girl. Sitting up and showing the world that God exists! I love it! Way to go baby Gwyneth!

  64. Way to go, Gwyneth! Awesome job!


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