
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Puddin' Head

Another first...chocolate pudding. Apparently she has no qualms about new textures 'cause she was totally into this!



  1. nothing wrong with a little pudding on the face, ear, nose, lips, eyebrows, etc - makes for a great photo!

  2. Blue jello.


    I bet she is totally enjoying these [firsts].

    Puddin head? Yes!
    and she is a cute puddin head.


  3. How refreshing! New parents doing fun developmentally appropriate activities with their child, just for the sheer joy, entertainment, and development of their sweet child!
    I am a Child Development Consultant, and spend most of my days trying to convince people that activities like this are so beneficial to the development of children... The nutritional value of the food and textures, has absolutely nothing to do with what is GOOD for your child!
    Kudos to you for being a good and proactive parent for your child!

  4. How fun!! I love all these wonderful firsts!!

  5. Seriously, what girl wouldn't go for the chocolate pudding? Thanks for keeping us updated an all her amazing progress!

  6. Every woman loves chocolate!! What a beautiful pudding face!

  7. Well done sweet girl. I know you would love the chocolate pudding. Your a natural baby G.~Darlene

  8. Yummyyyy.... :).
    Welcome to the world of chocolate Gwyneth... you won't be leaving any time soon!

  9. Well...she is a girlie girl...

    ...Chocolate is a must! :)

    She is adorable!

  10. Soooooo cute!! And she's definitely a smart baby--chocolate pudding is WAY yummier than jello!

  11. to much fun going on there! heehee!!! so who gets to do all this laundry?!??!? usual i love it!!

  12. Try making pudding pops.The mess is great.

  13. One of my most favorite memories is letting my little ones finger paint with pudding.
    In warmer weather I used the Formica sink cut out piece from our kitchen and took the art to the patio. Afterwards, both the art and the artist were hosed down (gently)and the beautiful mess was gone till next time.

  14. Looks like a chocolate coma to me! My husband tells me I get the same exact look as does out little one! LOL!

  15. I love it. It is wonderful to see Gwyneth movin along, trying new foods, Blue ones, Chocolate ones, Sitting Up.. Wow. She is getting to be such a big girl. Congrats Gwyneth, and remember Chocolate is Great!!!

  16. Well of course she liked's chocolate! Too cute!

  17. This is great too! I love these texture things! I can't get over how big and beautiful her eyes are! My eyes are drawn to them the second I look at a picture. You are going to have to chain the doors up when she is in high school! What a little beauty!

  18. She is sooo darn beautiful! She is going to be a wonderful woman of Christ. I can already see His spirit in her pictures!

  19. Ahhh....chocolate....


    Have to say that the blue jelly disturbed me. I've never seen blue jelly before, and reminded me of blue slush puppies that were apparently meant to be 'raspberry' (how many blue raspberries have you seen?!) but it just and made kids really hyper... like blue smarties (which I think are banned in the UK now because of the effect the E numbers had on lots of kids...!)

    Chocolate pudding is well better.

    (oh no....I hope that doesn't sound like I'm the 'Jello police)....

    PS Is a 'doodle' what I would call a Cheese puff or a 'wotsit'? Is it like a cheese flavoured crisp?

  20. Sorry, using Scottishisms again...

    By jelly I mean 'Jello' (I realise jelly = jam in US)

    And when I say 'well better' I mean like 'fantastic'. For some bizarre reason here we add 'pure' and 'well' where to emphasise certain verbs!

    And slush puppies where like this drink basically made of slushy ice and syrupy stuff. I'm pretty sure you have them because well I saw them being drunk by characters in the film 'Juno' and that was set in the US? Are they called the same thing?

  21. First Doodles, then Jello, and now PUDDING?!?! What is the world coming to??? I'm totally kidding! What adorable pictures! One time I took my now 18 month old daughter with me to the dr and being that it was Halloween, the office staff gave everyone a mini Hershey's bar when you checked in. I saved it to keep Isabelle occupied during my visit and the dr thought it was so cute he desperately wanted to take her picture - but had no camera! No one can resist a baby enjoying a yummy chocolatey treat! OK, now I need to go downstairs and make some pudding!

  22. Now's the time to introduce that Carolina girl to grits. She'll be eternally grateful.

  23. MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm. chocolate pudding. Brendon says Kozy shack is the best.

  24. This is fabulous!!!!! Love it!!!

  25. Yay, sensory activities! Infants learn through their senses, for those of you who were upset about the cheese puffs and jell-o. Definitely developmentally appropriate, and I agree with Hershbine Family - it's so refreshing to see parents doing activities like these with their infants. I'm and early childhood educator, and we're all about the sensory activities. We love stripping babies down to their diapers and getting messy! Oats with some water dribbled on top are fun, too.

  26. Agreed! My friend's daughter is getting speech therapy and having great fun with exercises that involve strawberry jam and chocolate sprinkles.

    Tempted to start talking with a lisp or something so I have a 'valid' excuse to do the same........!

    But seriously, what flavour is the blue jello? I'm intrigued...

    I used to be a community education worker, and it drove us batty that there is so little we could do with kids - so much health and safety, healthy eating blah blah blah. Not that I don't think these things are important, but it gots seriously OTT (like banning blue smarties for example).

    We had to stop making birthday cakes with the kids on their birthdays because 'it was bad for them'.

    Bah humbug to the education policy makers!!

    (Rant over)

  27. Cute! I want pudding now!


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