
Monday, February 2, 2009


Just a quick FYI that Tricia's bronch biopsy came back with no signs of rejection (which is always a good thing).

She was tested positive for Pseudomonas, a common bacteria found in the lungs of people with chronic lung diseases (and something that Tricia had in her old lungs)...although it could be harmful if let untreated, it was found early, and the anti-biotic that they've ordered for her (she'll take at home through her PICC line which she still has from her last anti-biotic) should take care of any infection issue that would otherwise arise.

Oh...and Gwyneth wanted me to pass along a message to you..."rrrrrrrrrrrpppppppppsssssssoooooo".



  1. sounds like things are going well. glad they caught her infection early. thanx for the message Gwenyth!!

  2. praise God for no rejection signs! the more I learn about CF, the issues that come along with transplants...the more I am amazed at how God made our bodies. He is soooo very creative. praise God for doctors, their education and trials to develop new techniques and meds.

    hey back to baby girl.

  3. I am so glad to read the good news and know that what Tricia has can be managed with antibiotics. Tell Gwyneth Laurie says "same to you chick!" God bless all three of you guys. I love you tons.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. So glad there is no rejection!!! And that all is treatable. Sounds like you have great doctors & that's a good thing.

  5. The good thing about pseudo post-tx is that it's usually acute and is taken care of with the IV abx. Tricia is in my prayers!!!! :)

  6. praising God with you for a good report! praying for continued healing and restoration!

  7. That is good news for Trisha. It is so much better to catch things early. Tell Gwyneth we said, "Right back at ya sister!" Congrats on the new furniture.

  8. Pesky pseudomonas! After nearly 8 years post-transplant, I still test positive for them in my sinuses. I'm so glad for no rejection signs!

  9. My Alex got that evil hospital psudosemonas, Im sure I spelled that wrong. His was in UTI form. Hope the medicine works.

  10. So glad to hear that Tricia had a good appointment. I know she'll beat that silly old bacteria because she is Super Tricia, amazing to all. Tell Gwyneth that the boys and I said right back at ya :)

  11. My friend has been living with her pseudomonas for so long she charges them rent! They don't make great tenants - always throwing wild parties and disturbing the neighbors. Hope you get them evicted soon!

  12. hi, we have been following your story since last year some time...
    We hold these updates close to our heart as they give us a little more specific to pray to our Heavenly Father and have shared with groups at our church to hold you all in their prayers...
    Happy to hear your that there is no rejection...yeah!...what about the cancer? can I assume this is all gone too?
    Sure would be an answer to prayer...little Gwenyth looks like she is changing every day lately...

    Keep up the good works!

  13. Praise God, that is fantastic! Thankyou guys for sharing your story, and being so open, it touches my life. You guys are Gods tools.

  14. Thanks be to God for good news. I love how the issues seem to keep getting smaller and more manageable. God is awesome!

  15. HOLY COW, over 9 million hits now! AMAZING!

    Make sure you tell Gwyneth, "ssssswwwwwwnnnnnpppp"... she'll know what i mean.

  16. I didn't realize Trisha still had a PICC line in. It comes in handy now. Hope the infection clears up without complication!
    Gwyneth, you are such a cutie!

  17. I'm very glad there's no rejection and that the nasty Pseudomonas was caught early. Praying the antibiotics kick the bacteria's butt. :-)

  18. Great news about the biopsy. Glad they cought the other quickly.

    Feel better soon Tricia! We are praying for you in PA!

  19. Wonderful news about the bronch! Go away, pseudomonas!!! Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

  20. Hey! my question was how is Gwenyth developmentally, do you know if she has any longterm effects like CP? I follow another blog of twins micropreemietwins that their daughters were born way early.


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