
Sunday, March 1, 2009

65Roses4PattySue Update

Tricia has updated Her Blog (click in "blog" when you get to her website).

Feel free to leave her a comment here.



  1. Beautiful poem... why is everything in the picture backwards?

  2. Hello

    I have tried many times over the past year to read Tricas blog but each time I do so it freezes my computer and shuts it down?

    It does it to all 3 in the house, not sure why so I know it is not the computer.

  3. @Will

    It was taken with a macbook.


    Sorry for that. It actually probably is your computers, or possibly your internet speed, or maybe your web browser. Her site is built on a Mac based software which some computers/web browsers just don't like.

  4. Hello there,
    First time poster here. Your story of you and your family is truly amazing. I actually unfortunately just lost my twin boys on 1/31 at just 22 weeks gestation. Prior to that I was in the hospital for 10 days and to kill time I searched millions of pages on the internet via my laptop. One of my friends sent me the link to your blog and I was then hooked. I went back to the beginning and read your story and felt the hope from your own blog reach to me here in Michigan while in my hospital bed. I thought if I had to deliver the babies there is a tiny hope they could survive.

    I do not want to be a downer but as I said they didn't but, my hopes are still high (as we look forward to a future pregnancy) and I feel like I know you and your family. I wish I would have come by sooner and let you know that your story really kept me going while I was in the hospital.

    Thank you for being such an amazing family. I wish you all nothing but the best!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. great poem.

    I also agree with the last line.

    A friend who immigrated to USA a few years ago has just been released from Duke after having her right lung removed because she has mesothelioma.

    She's home now and on the long slow road to recovery with minor manageable setbacks.

    Have a great day and thanks for sharing again. I'm so glad I can finally "comment" on your blog!!

    Always praying for you, your sweet daughter and loving husband!

  7. Tricia
    That is quite the poem.
    Talented aren't you.
    Thank you for sharing.
    I never thought to leave a comment here for Tricia... always have wanted to leave one at her blog. Thanks for pointing our the obvious Nate.
    I love keeping posted on your little family.

  8. Thanks for sharing! I was wondering if I could share the poem on my blog and Facebook? I will link to Tricia's blog and everything. I just feel like it is so true and having spent so much time in the hospital with my 18 month old, I have often thought some of the same things that she wrote in the poem. I have no problem if you don't want it being spread everywhere though.


    ~Courtnie (mommy to Luke ,w/cf, and pregnant with "little princess" ,cf carrier).

  9. To Tricia~

    That was a great poem. I've spent a great deal of time in hospitals over the last couple years, and your poem captures so many of the things I've felt/experienced.

    I'm usually not a big fan of poetry, but your poem really touched me.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

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