
Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Good Day"

A man I greatly admire died today.

I hope your next page is glorious...good day, Sir.



  1. I always loved hearing The Rest Of The Story. It always seemed to me that he would be such an interesting and nice person to know.

  2. He was a wonderful man that many of us will greatly miss in our lives.

  3. I can hear his voice. My mom and I listened to him together. He will be missed.

  4. I read that he had passed earlier tonight. I'm sad! He is a part of my day everyday!! He will be missed!

  5. I grew up listening to Paul Harvey. My heart goes out to his family and friends. He will be truly missed.

  6. I listened to this man with my grampa on the radio when I was barely in school back in the late 50's. 5 generations of my family listened each day. Ther will be other stories to tell but he will use a different wave length I think. Heaven does have something better than radio, right?

  7. Yup, my husband is listening to him right now. He was dear.

  8. Oh my goodness, I did not hear that he passed a way.How sad He will be missed

  9. I have fond memories of Paul Harvey. He will be missed.

    This is a bit off-subject, but I wanted to tell you about a video called "Your Baby Can Read". (Might work better when Gwyn's eyesight is better.) You can google it for their website. My son started watching it at 10 months and he loves it. My husband and I think it has really helped him with communication, object awareness, and learning things like clapping and waving. Plus, he actually is learning to read, which is amazing. Anyway, I thought that maybe it might help Gwyn's development. It beats SpongeBob. Take care, and I wish your family only the best!

  10. I have tender memories of listening to Paul Harvey on the radio at naptime, cuddling with my mother. As an adult, I continued to find his voice calming. He will certainly be missed. Page two...

  11. We were also very saddened to hear this last night. His wonderful voice touched so many generations...I guess mine is the last to really know who he is. I hate that my baby won't get to know who he was.

  12. Thanks for posting this. I would not have know otherwise because I don't really pay attention to the news. This was important to read. I agree with the others - his voice was so kind, familiar, comforting.

  13. I loved him too. And I will miss him.

    He was one of my Grandma's two favorites in the whole wide world. The other was Billy Graham. Now all three are gone.

  14. I remember listening to him with my mom every day. When a coworker read the paper yesterday and said he died, I couldn't help but say "now he knows the rest of the story". I too, can still hear his voice although it's been many years since I've listened.

  15. This post brings back so many memories of my grandma and her house when we listened to "the rest of the story". I'm brought to tears - because of what is missed. Good Day.

  16. It makes me cry every time I think of it. I have his book of The Rest of the Story collections, but mostly his voice reminds me of my lovely childhood in west central Wisconsin, because my mom always had the local AM radio playing on cool summer mornings and I remember hearing Paul Harvey on that radio, in that kitchen, enjoying the cool before the day got hot, anxiously listening for him to say "And now you know, the rest of the story."

    Thanks for noting our loss of him on your blog.


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