
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Let me brag on my wife for a moment, please.

Tricia just made the best fish tacos I have ever eaten...quite probably the best meal she has ever prepared in our nearly five years of marriage.

"Fish Tacos?" you say...why tacos are a very popular menu item around here, and having eaten just about every quality fish taco that local restaurants have to offer, I can proudly say that Mama Tricia's are da best!

"How good are they?" you ask...well...they're good enough to have made me eat no less than 8 of them.

If enough people beg, I might be able to talk her into posting the directions/recipe on her blog...I'll be digesting on our couch for the next 4 hours if you need me.



  1. Oh please please please post the recipe. I've never found a fish taco I've liked.

  2. I'll beg for a great & healthy how to!

  3. I LOVE Fish tacos and if I knew how to make them I would never have to leave the house, except for more ingredients.


  4. I'll jump on the bandwagon here and do some begging. I would love to have the recipe. Please Tricia!!!! :)

  5. What are fish tacos? lol. Is that tuna fish instead of ground beef in the taco? I can't picture them! Show pics!

  6. I used to think fish tacos sounded horrible, until I tried them and loved them. I've never made them at home so I'd love the recipe...PLEASE Tricia!!!
    Phyllis & Kristen

  7. For your sake I'm really hopin' you don't catch the bug Tricia and Gwyneth had. Can't imagine puking up Fish Tacos would be too fun! ;)

    Looking forward to her recipe! Way to go, Tricia!

  8. First time I ate fish tacos was on a pier in San Diego. I didn't know they made it to the east coast!

  9. Yes Please Please Please get her to post the recipe. I had some awesome fish tacos when I lived in CA but since moving to OK you just don't even see them around here at all. I never have learned how to make them.

    I need new food ideas, I can only eat so much pasta and plain tacos and frozen pizza with my kids! HELP!!

  10. Oh, do tell what fish tacos are. I've heard of them, but what exactly goes into them? Yeah, I suppose I could google it, but it'd be more fun to hear it from you! LOL

    WTG Tricia, on your culinary skills!

  11. Can you share, please? Always looking for yummy, new ways to prepare fish!

  12. Begging! I'm vegetarian and I *need* more meat/fish recipes for my poooorrrrrrr husband who's forced to eat my borrrrring vegetarian meals!

  13. I am officially begging on my husband's behalf. He would be thrilled to have some great fish tacos.

  14. consider this me begging:

    "please please please Tricia ... my family would love to taste fish tacos and we've never had them before"

  15. TACOS! TACOS! TACOS! We would like the recipe...PLEASE???? LOL

  16. PLEASE Tricia! I was just talking to a friend the other day about how I've never tried them! I NEEEEEEED fish tacos!

  17. Oh Tricia, PLEASE post your secret recipe. I love fish tacos, however still searching for the perfect recipe. Thanks, Alison

  18. I LOVE fish taco's...tell her that we ALL need new recipes...especially after cooking for 26 years...PLEASE????

  19. Cool! I have been so hesitant to eat a fish taco. Maybe, just maybe I will try the recipe.

  20. Ha! Funny that you should mention tacos. I'm about to head out for "Taco Tuesday" at our regular watering hole down the street. Every Tuesday it's all you can eat tacos for $6.50. If you're ever in Los Angeles on a Tuesday, let me know, and I'll point you to the best taco deal on the coast!

  21. This post actually makes me want to try a fish taco (which I can honestly say makes me kind of get the heebs)....I don't know why. Beg her to post it!

  22. LOL!!! what a wonderful wife she is and she found a good catch!!

  23. Would love the recipe.. My husband loves fish tacos and what wife doesn't love to make her man happy!

  24. I've never had fish tacos! You make me wonder how tacos can be good with fish in them... Have only had beef, poultry, or veggies for tacos but not fish. However, I've had shrimp fajitas and crab quesadillas. Hmm...

    I'm glad you loved Tric's fish tacos though! :-)

  25. Once you've eaten a good fish taco you'll forget ground beef.

    I look forward to eating Tricia's tacos. They must be good because there are some awesome fish tacos on local restaurant menus around here.

  26. How sweet to see a husband brag about his wife!! I love it.

  27. I would LOVE a recipe. I had some fish tacos for the first time last summer on the Gulf Coast and they were wonderful. I would love to make them at home!

  28. Would love the recipe! Although, my guess would be that if us midwesterners made it, it wouldn't taste quite as good as yours since we don't have access to fresh fish like you all!

    What kind of fish did she use anyway??

  29. I would love the recipe. I have never heard of fish tacos. My mom (a cancer survivor) may even try them. She doesn't care for traditional tacos but loves fish. That's kinda like a stuffed ham only from Southern Maryland where my daughter lives.

    Jo Lynn

  30. Please let Tricia know I'm begging for her best ever recipe! I collect tried and true recipes, so must have this noe!

    Pretty please?????

  31. Ohhhh yum! You sound like my husband with "crunchy tacos." He eats somewhere between 6-8 of them all the time. LOL...and then wonders why his belly measures about as big as my 37 week pregnant belly. =)

    Begging cute Tricia for her recipe!

  32. I LOVE fish taco's! I have no clue how to make me Tricia!

  33. Okay Nate, I am from the frozen tundra and I have never heard of fish tacos. So being a catholic and it being lent can Trisha please share the recipe with us? Glad to here that Trisha and Baby Gwyneth are feeling better from that nasty bug. Take care~Darlene

  34. PLEASE?!?! I would LOVE a good recipe.

  35. Please, please, please! I love fish tacos, but the recipe I have is kinda lame.

  36. I'm begging. Please, please, please. I'm always interested in interesting new fish recipies.

    Please again!!

  37. Just looked up some recipes on fish tacos, ugh, please tell me yours sounds more appetizing??

  38. My husband loves a fish taco! I have never attempted to make them, but I might with a good recipe. Do share your secrets, Tricia! Thanks!!

  39. Oh please oh please! Tricia, please share!

    And to all the fellow readers out there, I think in exchange for Tricia's kindness, if she posts the recipe/instructions, we should each post our best recipe and share a link to it.

    Perhaps even a contest for CF points? Nate?

  40. Yes I am not below begging for a great Fish Taco recipe! PPPPuuullleeeeeeeeese!! I'll be a wishin and a hopin as I check back frequently! :D

  41. I love fish tacos. When I 1st heard of them, I thought "gross". I tried it and I love them!

    I have been following your story since the beginning and I have shared it with many. Stay healthy and have fun exploring with Little G today.

  42. Please? I'm desperate for new dinner ideas (for things that my kids will actually eat!).

  43. Begging!!! Never had them. My brother loves them from Blue Coast/Baja Burrito and my husband just had them for the first time yesterday at Vinnie's-I'm totally intrigued! Come on, Tricia!!!

  44. I never understood the fascination with "fish tacos" either til a friend made some with tilapia! WOW!! I can't imagine any other fish with them though. Do tell how she made them!!!!

  45. Pretty please with a cherry on top will you share the recipe!

  46. If y'all ever come to Nashville for any reason, you need to go to Rosepepper Cantina. They seriously have the best fish tacos.

  47. Tricia, I would love your recipe for fish tacos, please! My husband and his business partners get together about every 6 weeks from different states for meetings, and on the menu, is always fish tacos. I have made the tacos for them a couple of times and they loved them but yours sound amazing and I would love to have a new recipe! Thanks!

  48. Okay, I rarely comment, but if you are "drunk" over your wife's fish tacos, you MUST post the recipe!

  49. yes I want the recipe..b/c I have failed miserably at this task..and I need a good recipe.

  50. I love fish tacos!!! What kind of fish did you guys use? Did you go fried or grilled. We really like 'em with the hard shells, but they're yum no matter what :)

  51. Please post the recipe! I LOVE fish tacos! (So does the whole family.... there's 6 of us). Is 55 requests enough? ;-)

  52. I am always looking for new food ideas--please please please Tricia, post your recipe!

  53. Oooh I LOVE fish tacos!
    (And I would love that recipe!) ;-)

  54. fish tacos are soooo good. There was a fantab recipe in Rachael Ray about 6 months ago that I've used & loved. I made my husband a believer in fish tacos. :)

  55. I loooove me some fish tacos...please share!

  56. Please, please, pretty please!

    Mainly - grilled or fried?

    And I desperately would love the recipe for the sauce - I haven't found one that I loved. Liked, but not loved.



  57. I gave Tricia a recipe for lasagna yesterday. If she ends up poisoning you, it's not my fault--I left the poison off the list of ingredients. ha ha :-)

    It's so nice to read about your domestic life instead of your hospital life for a change (not complaining--just happy for you). I think about all you had going on last year & I praise God at what He has done in your lives!

    Thanks for sharing!

    ~Sara in MD

  58. Mmm. Sounds delicious. I would love the recipe. Please, Tricia!! :)


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Please, PLease post the the recipe, we love fish tacos. We love trying different restaurants for their fish tacos while we vacation in the Outter Banks.

  61. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!My husband would be so happy and probably eat 8 as well!:)

  62. Please, oh please, share the recipe. Anything that gets a review that promising has to be tasty!

  63. Oh I hope she'll post the recipe... my husband loves fish tacos, and it would be nice to have a good recipe for one, you know so he can down 8 or so :)
    Julie D. (FL)

  64. My husband LOVES fish tacos. I think he's loves mine as much as you love hers. I am always looking for fish taco recipes. Please please share!!!!

  65. Yes! I'd love the recipe! We've been eating more fish at home lately and I'd love to try the taco method and see how everyone likes it. My "hunter-gatherer" (ie. husband) caught a ton of bass and striper (we live in a lakey region of the country)last Fall and I'm wanting more ideas to use it up before he catches more.

  66. I love the picture! They must have been really really good to put Nate in his fish taco daze. Can't wait until you share it :)


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