
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Great CF/TX Story

If you think our story is incredible, you should check out what's happening down in Florida with a couple of young CFers who have both received double lung transplants. Make sure you read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (in that order and have your tissues ready), and pray/hope that Part 4 of Brian and Samantha's story is a good one.



  1. This has nothing to do with CF, but if you're interested in miracles of any kind-- check out my daughter's story on my blog.
    Love your blog and your story. =)
    God is awesome!

  2. That story is sad but hopeful at the same time. I hope part 4 is the one that end with both of them together and happy :) Thanks for sharing!

    (PS - I personally think you should have the donation link in that post. The story makes me want to donate more for the cure. Hopefully, more people feel the same.)

  3. Here's another story about them:

  4. Sammie has already received her new lungs! Here is a link to an update on her story. Thanks for your interest!
    Sammie's older sister,
    Meaghan Peterson

  5. Thanks for continuing to share your family's story as well as that of others in the transplant community. I work as a transplant coordinator on the donor side. It is always encouraging to see that transplantation DOES work and changes lives. Those of us on the donor side need to be reminded on occassion of the lives that are saved. Thanks again! S

  6. Awesome story Nate!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. The link is coming up 'service unavailable'. Don't know if it's because the server is down or because it doesn't let you read it if you're from Scotland....!

  8. This story is on my own back yard. Thanks for mentioning it on yourblog. It's a wonderful story. Almost as good as yours.

  9. For those trying to click on the 4th article, the extension is .ece

    Its an amazing story. I wish them the best!

  10. Wow, amazing. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  11. Wow! Powerful story. Thanks for sharing.
    Mom of 2 CFers

  12. Nate -- I really enjoy your blog and your upbeat personality you add to it. Glad to hear G. is feeling better and Momma made super fish tacos. Waiting for the recipes ...

    I just read Part 1 of the couple who got transplants. can you believe part 2 and 3 don't work????????? If by any chance you have them copied over I'd love to see them. Man, I'm super distressed right now!!!

    Keep us laughing ...

  13. Please update us when you hear part 4!!

  14. Here's the full story of part 3 (the link you have there is just the "full story later today" teaser):

  15. the newspaper website keeps changing the links, and I don't have the time to constantly check the links and find the new, if one of the links don't work, just go to the paper's website and do a search for "Cystic Fibrosis".


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