
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hospital Gown

The tiniest hospital gown I've ever seen. The smallest pair of socks they had were about two sizes two big for Gwyneth...



  1. Ok that is just too cute for words... a little mini gown. LOL

    Looks much better on little mini-me's than the adults. HA!

    I am so happy it all went well yesterday. Hope she isn't feeling the full aftermath today.

    God Bless

  2. Oh that gown looks MUCH better on Gwyneth than on me!!! I never saw one so small. She looks so cuddly and adorable.

  3. HA! The poor muffin, she looks like she's feeling a little drafty, if nothing else! Still, that teeny gown is so cute it's ALMOST worth the reason she had to wear it! Well,that and getting those cute baby-blues in line! What an absolute doll, I am so happy it all went well!

  4. That next to the last picture is adorable... and Gwyneth ROCKS a hospital gown! How sweet is that?

  5. I can see even at a young age, people are not fond of hospital gowns!

    Thanks for sharing the pics are cute!

  6. Hey Nate,
    The drafty gown is adorable on Gwyneth. I hope she is feeling better today and happy to hear all went well.~Darlene

  7. So cute! I have never seen a kids' gown that actually fits them!

  8. Oh you're breaking my heart into tiny pieces. I probably would have cried with her. Gwyneth is such a trooper. Love you guys! Judith Taylor

  9. A little soldier in a cute lil gown! Too cute for any words!

  10. She's so so cute in that teeny gown.

  11. so tiny...and so cute! she looks a little "loopy" in pic #3! :) Hope she is feeling better today!

  12. My daughter is 8 now , but when she was all under the age of 1- she had 5 eye surgeries. It is so hard, and I hope this one is the only one she needs- It amazes me how she was a preemie and seems unphased by it. My daughter does not have large issues from being born at 27 weeks, but they are there.
    Melissa, from Illinois

  13. The gown is ADORABLE!!! I hope she's feeling great!!!

    Was she asleep for the surgery?

  14. Aww, what a cutie patootie! Glad surgery's over and all's well! :-) How's Gwyn today? Hope her eyes aren't looking more red and starting to heal.

  15. Soooooooo cute! Glad to hear everything went well and prayers that it continues.

  16. She is always beautiful but even more so in her gown! Thank you for sharing.

  17. Hi Nate, I've followed your blog for a while. Your family is incredibly inspirational. I feel like you are my U.S family. I have a question, being Canadian, I am completely unaware of medical costs. Ho do you pay for everything, insurance? I may be completely in the dark but I always hear nightmare stories of people losing everything due to medical bills. I would hate to think you have huge bills to keep your loved ones alive & healthy. Blessings to you, Kimberly

  18. the one time that my son had surgery they didn't have anything small enough for him... it was about 2 sizes too big! She is lucky to have one that fits! Too cute!

  19. Hello, I have been following for months and watching your amazing story. We have a friend who makes wonderful smocked dresses and we would like to order one for Gwyneth. What size is she now? Could I just send it to you at your church as I also read your dad's site? (I found you through Hot Tub Lizzy.) You can just e-mail me a response at I am on the up and up, I am a RN and have wept many times over the story of your two miracles. When I went to nursing school, people with CF didn't make it past 22 or so. My first cousin lives on the OBX and is getting ready to undergo breast cancer treatment so please keep her in your prayers, her name is Sharon. My husband says that I call him over to look at G's pix as much as I do our own granddaughter's. We wish lots of happy and healthy times for your little family!

  20. haven't checked into your blog in awhile. The hospital gown is soooo adorable. I hope they let you take it home for a keepsake!
    I keep weird things like that anyway...

    Glad to hear the surgery went well.
    God bless,

  21. It's amazing what doctors can fix!!

    Love to all.

  22. Awww.
    This reminds me of my tx surgery day--when I was sent into pre-op, there was a little boy (probably about 15 months or so) in a yellow flannel gown. He was adorable.

  23. How cute!! She is so precious!

  24. Undoubtedly the cutest patient to ever don a hospital gown!

  25. that is SO sweet

  26. wanted to let you know that i have not been around blog world much lately....been real busy with life stuff. I have been keeping up with you guys and praying via twit and i'm still praying like crazy for your family!!!

  27. I hope Gwyneth heals quickly. That hospital gown is so cute, although I imagine she didn't really care lol.

  28. That is a tiny little gown! So cute! :)

  29. Oh!! We have our very own hospital gown pics over on our blog, and it is the SAME gown! Chunky Monkey and Gwyneth are twins!! I'm glad her surgery went well!

  30. What a little pumpkin. I'm so glad the surgery went well. She is too cute, and getting cuter by the minute.


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