
Monday, March 9, 2009

New Sight

We're headed back for a post-op appointment with Gwyneth's eye doctor/surgeon. We're hoping for good news. In the meantime, take a look at the video below to see why we're so hopeful...



  1. That is awesome! You have a new baby there---one that needs to take in a years worth of sites!!

  2. Wow, that is pretty impressive just after a couple of days. How much fun the finding new things to look at is going to be. Congratulations on a assuming necessary and successful surgery!

  3. That is amazing! I'm so glad the surgery seems to have been a success. Enjoy showing Gwyneth the world!

  4. What a privilege to be able to see the wonder of the new sights in her eyes. Thank you for sharing such a special time.

  5. Praise God for the changes in Gwyneth! Love her outfit and headband by the way :)

  6. I can tell a difference in how she is seeing her world! How exciting.

  7. Wow - watching the video brought tears to my eyes. Amazing and wonderful changes happening right before YOUR eyes!

    Sweet Gwyneth is so pretty and Mommy's hair looks really nice!!!

    This is another special day!

    Love to all.

  8. AMAZING!!! I am so thrilled for your family. Thank you for sharing this wonderful news with us.

  9. Wow! I can certainly see the difference, too! A wonderful way to start my day. God's Peace!

  10. Wow, that is just wonderful :) Yay Gwyneth!

  11. That is so neat to watch. We are so happy for you guys!

  12. Wow! That's amazing! She's such an awesome little girl. She's certainly seeing a whole new world!

  13. Wow! Super Gwyneth strikes again :) She really seems to like it when you talk with your hands too. I hope you have a great Doctor's visit today.

  14. That is so awesome! Yay Gwyneth, enjoy seeing the world in a whole new light!

    Amy in Pa

  15. Amazing! Thanks for sharing.

    I think it's so interesting tha the world looks so different she's silent in awe of taking it all in. What a sweet baby girl.

  16. WOW!!! You can definately tell she is looking at everything now so intently. Im so excited for you Gwyneth!! Good Luck at her Post-op guys... From the looks of things its going to be a great appointment!

  17. She's such a cutie... this is awesome news... thanks for sharing :)!

  18. that is so awesome! And I think Tricia looks so cute there...I think she should keep the hair short :)

  19. Congratulations and thank you for the video...loved it!
    That is amazing...
    by the way Trisha, I love your hair!!!!!
    Best of luck today with your appointment!

  20. How wonderful! May the blessings continue to pour in!
    Julie D. (FL)

  21. That is wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that you are noticing improvements with Gwyneth's vision. I'm looking forward to hearing good results from the doctor as well.

  22. wow that video is amazing!!! I am following your blog now for nearly 8 months and it makes me so happy to see Gwyneth learing and exploring new things all the time!
    Thank you for sharing this precious video.
    PS: Tricia looks so pretty I love her hair!

  23. I am speechless along with Gwyneth. Praise God. How wonderful for all of you:)

  24. So happy for you all! All the best for a great follow up appointment!

  25. Wow! Don't you wish you could read her mind? It's truly amazing. So happy for her! And, I can't believe how big she's getting!!!!

  26. Sweet girl! She's definitely taking everything in, huh?

  27. I am so happy for you all!

    And I love Tricia's hair! It is beautiful!

  28. wow, that is amazing! So happy for you all. Do you find you are looking at things in a different light too? Have fun seeing the world together through new eyes.

  29. Praise God! That is amazing and exciting. :)

  30. It's probably like a whole new world to her! That's great. Praying for continued improvement for her vision!!!

    Tricia - you look ADORABLE with your hair like that! (Well, you're pretty adorable anyway, but there aren't many women who can "get away" with having hair like that, and you look like a million bucks!

  31. So exciting!
    When you are carrying her around you can actually see how much she is straining her body to try and get a better view.
    You must be thrilled!
    Good job!

  32. Yay Gwyneth! That is so great that there is already progess. Praise God!

  33. How awesome!!! That made me tear all up! What a beautiful girl (well, two beauties because Tricia looks awesome too!!)

    Sidenote - my favorite line was "Tricia's giving Gwyneth some drugs to play with." At least I think that's what you said. Ha! I thought "sit back and see how many people cause an uproar over that one!"

  34. What an exciting thing for her. Praise God.

  35. WOW!! That's so awesome. It's so neat to watch your child just be in complete awe of the world around them. I'm so happy for you guys and I'll keep praying that it goes well!

  36. WOW! That is so cool. So neat to watch her look around at everything as you walked her through the house. What a neat treat for her. It will be amazing to watch her developmentally now that she is able to see.

    You go girl! There are lots of things to see.

  37. wow! I can see a HUGE difference from your past videos where she was so "busy" talking and babbling and moving around. Now she's just looking around placidly in amazement!! awesome!!!!

  38. btw, Tricia you look beautiful!!!

  39. Wow, that is amazing... great to watch this video!! :D

  40. Amazing! Praise the Lord for the procedures of today that can change people's lives. I am so happy for you and her.

  41. That is very cool! and must be so exicting for you guys to see her make such a huge leap! and apperantly its quieter now cause she's too busy staring at her 'new world'...

  42. Wow!!!! After just a few days. Praise the Lord!!! Thanks for sharing these things with us.

  43. Wow, that's amazing! My favorite part of the video is where you're turning around in the kitchen, and she turns her head around to remain focused on the refrigerator. That's impressive! I have to say, she and Tricia also look especially beautiful in this video :-) Thank you so much for allowing us to see this. Your little Gwyneth has been such a blessing to me!

  44. How wonderful for Gwyneth! How exciting for you!

    I'm laughing because towards the end of the clip the tip of the cat's tail zipped by and I would have sworn it was a mouse! Had to rewind a couple of times before I remembered there were other critters in your house. :-)

  45. AMAZING!!! So glad the surgery was such a success.

  46. You can totally notice the change!

    Oh Nat...she is soooo beautiful!

    Congrats and I hope her eyes continue to improve! :)


  48. Amazing video, Nate! Praise God for how he's taken care of little Gwyneth's eyesight--it's so amazing to be able to see her as she takes in the world. When she smiles at herself on the computer, my heart melted!

    We'll keep praying that He provides continued healing for her!

    p.s. Tricia looks GREAT! That short hair is very becoming on her.

  49. That's awesome!

    My husband tells the story of when he was little and started wearing glasses for the first time - he was amazed that trees had individual leaves. He always thought it was one big blog.

  50. That's really neat to see her taking everything in. Thanks for sharing that! AND Tricia's short hair looks GORGEOUS!

  51. Wow, it really looks like she is checking everything out!! Good for you all!!! Many blessings:)

  52. Every time I see her, I'm struck by how precious she is. Of course, every baby is precious, but there's something about Gwyneth's sweetness. So glad she's had such improvement in her vision. Hopefully no more surgery will be needed!

  53. Awesome news...good luck today

  54. so awesome, amazing, absolutely wonderful! pryaing for good news at the dr. today!

  55. Wonderful news!! I can't wait to hear how the appointment goes today. Praying that all is well.

  56. I can completely agree that you are noticing a difference. In January of 2007 my brother fell off of a 2 story ledge and fractured some vertebra and had some internal bleeding because he sees double of everything and cannot tell depth, distance etc because of his eyes. The doctors were amazed that he is coping so well with his eyes.

    I'm so glad for you guys. Enjoyed watching her. She's so cute the way she is observing and "bending over backwards" to see everything!!

  57. It is evident that she is just as in awe of her new sight as you and Tricia! Praising God for those Doctors and continued healing in those beautiful eyes of hers. So fun to check in with you all and see how you are doing.
    LOVE Tricias hair too, she looks absolutely beautiful.

  58. So happy for Gywenth! and for you and Trish. I know this must be a load off of your minds. Thank you God!

  59. Awesome...loved the smile when she saw herself on the computer and when she was watching your moving hand. GOD is an AWESOME GOD !!!!!

  60. Praise the Lord! She looks wonderful; especially in her pretty little dress and headband! Good luck with her appt. today!


  61. Amazing! Thank you Jesus! Go Gwyneth GO!

  62. What a great day for you all! I am glad to see her making such strides so quickly from the surgery. Tricia's hair is sooooo cute like that, I know she is glad to have her own and it is darling like that.

  63. This is awesome! I've been reading your blog for a long time and seeing Gwyneth grow up is so cool. And I wanted to comment to say that Trisha looks like a model with her hair short, not many people can pull off that look!

  64. That is super happy for you! Trisha you look GREAT! I love your hair!!!!

  65. What an awesome sight to see. I must say I love your videos...Gwyneth will love all of these documented days when she gets older.

    I could totally tell that she is amazed at what she can now see. Man what doctors can do these days just amaze me!


    Rachel (Lee's Summit, MO)

  66. That is beautiful to see-how awesome. My kids loved seeing baby Gwyneth in this video!!

  67. I always had bad eyesight but
    refused to wear glasses as a child-
    (I wear them all the time now!)
    I'll never forget the day I bought
    contacts as a teen- I finally saw
    everything- trees- license plates-
    faces and of course the blackboard very clearly!
    I know how Gwyneth must feel-
    Eyesight is a gift-
    Yay Gwyneth!

  68. Such a neat video! I love the kitchen where she is craning her neck to keep an eye on the fridge. And I love when she shows a little smile noticing herself on the computer. Absolutely adorable - and thank you so much for continuing to share your story, I so enjoy reading every single post. :)

  69. Fabulous, Gwyn's eyes look great! She's adorable as ever. Glad the surgery seems to be successful and hope the dr confirms that to be a fact!

  70. Wow. How awesome, exciting and amazing!!

  71. this reminds me of my grand twins.
    they were born 11 weeks early. weighed a little over 2 pounds. we noticed danielle, the girl was not as friendly as Payton, the boy.
    they were on heart monitors for 10 months so the drs kept putting the eyes on the back burner. my daughter thought she had mild CP. finally at 11 months (we live in GA) the ped sent us to EMORY HOSPITAL. after much worry danielle was fitted with glasses. we cried for days. within a week she was walking. i notice gwyneth is holding her head to one side this is a signal that she still needs a little tweaking. or at least thats what they told us. today all is good. the boy has perfect vision and we are going broke for buying glasses to match outfits. god bless it is scary.

  72. Yea for such awesome progress!!! She's as cute as a button and you'll definetly have your hands full now that she can see where she's going and will be able to get into everything. BTW, she's still cute as a button and I love love love Tricia's hair. Wish I could pull of the pixie look too!

  73. Awesome! A wonderful bit of hope for you all! She is so beautiful and growing so well!

  74. You can definitely tell she is taking it all in and no wonder she is being so quiet...just imagine how amazing everything must seem to her now--I'd be speechless too! I am so happy for you three!

  75. Praise the Lord! I remember when my niece was able to hear for the first time after surgery - it's a whole new world of discovery for little ones. I'm so glad you shared this good news!

  76. Congratulations! That is so awesome! So glad you took the time to really treasure the moment. So many would just pass it by, taking it forgranted.

  77. I have been reading your blog for almost a year now... faithfully.. and have never left a comment... but this one was too amazing for me to not say how awesome she is doing! I cried watching her take it all in... thats so sad that all that time the poor baby couldn't see...:( But look at her now!! God is amazing! And I pray her eyes just keep on getting better... its amazing...Im gonna watch it again!..

  78. HOW AWESOME!!! AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! I love it!! She is just taking it all in!

    Love Tricia's hair, she looks SO beautiful. Glowing like a proud Mamma. You guys are awesome.

  79. She is doing awesome! I'm so glad to see that the surgery went so well. It's amazing how much eyesight/hearing/etc. can effect their development. I hope this opens many doors for Miss Gwyneth.

  80. How cool!! Very fun to watch her SEE the world around her!

    Okay..I am loving Tricia's short hair..I know it is growing out but wow..not many people are that pretty with that short hair..She sure is!

  81. Hooray! That's so exciting!

    I know why you're understandably careful about what you share about her development. But I'm so glad you felt comfortable sharing that with us. It made my heart soar... as someone who has had eye "issues" her whole life.


  82. What a Honey! So cute...and so intense in watching the new things around her!
    And you know what else I noticed? How VERY CUTE Tricia's hair is growing back in!
    Nate you have two stylin' women! :)

  83. Awwww so precious!! Thank you Lord!

  84. that is so great Nate! and Tricia is look absolutely gorgeous!

  85. that is so wonderful!! she is just precious too!! keeps me hopeful for whem my daughter has her eye surgery soon!! thanks for recording that!

  86. What a moving video! Thanks for sharing Gwyneth's good news. Praise God!!

  87. So cool!! I had no idea that would happen when your beautiful baby girl had her surgery. Thanks so much for sharing this with us! Praising God for the many ways He continues to work in Gwenyth's life!

  88. I've never commented on your blog before--this was amazing to watch! I am so happy that she can see clearly now! :)

  89. Wow, that is amazing. She was obviously just mesmerized by what she was seeing for the first time. How wonderful for her!

  90. This is so great!! I especially loved the part where she turned her head all around just to see the refrigerator. Imagine what's going through her little mind!

  91. that is huge and so exciting! eye surgery stinks (esp the ointment part!). so glad its looking good!

  92. That is so wonderful! And, could she get any cuter?!?! Adorable!

  93. I'm getting cought up on all the blogs. That is great that she can see. What a new world she has to look at. I'm so happy for her. She is so cute!

  94. Praise God for His faithfulness. May her healing and improvement be continually moving forward, and may the Doctors and Nurses be AMAZED!!!!!!! Blessings on you all!

  95. Congratulations!

    I know this video was about Gwyneth but the first thing I noticed was how BEAUTIFUL Tricia looks.

    Second, (I mean absolutely no offense to your photog skills - they are far better than mine!) but your pictures do not do your daughter justice....such a sweet sweet baby doll!

    I am happy for your family and all the so perfectly answered prayers you have experienced.

    All the best,

  96. Wow, that is really amazing! What a wonderful surgical outcome! I know what a big deal this is. Our fmr 23 wkr is blind from ROP, and it's always been our hope that she could develop some functional vision. She only sees light and maybe stark contrasts/moving bright objects.

    It's really fun seeing Gwyneth so visually alert and excited! You are right, this will make all the difference for her development.


  97. Thank-you so much for sharing the development of Gyneth. I am a speech therapist and work with one- and two-year olds so find this very interesting. Blessings.


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