
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lost Video 03

This video is one of our Lost Videos. It was shot in our hotel suite on May 20, 2008, just a few days after bringing Gwyneth "home" from the hospital.



  1. 'Tiny ones'
    are so cute and so precious.

    Aren't you glad you made the video?


  2. praying for you today....

    stacey in missippi

  3. So Sweet!!! What a darling video. I love the part where she is looking right at you.

    Prayers for a great surgery day!

  4. Those hiccups seem to be making her a bit cranky!

  5. She's so makes my heart melt!

  6. So precious!!!! Just hearing makes me miss having a newborn at home. :( I love how the paci is half the size of her face!

    I hope her surgery went well this morning!

  7. What a wonderful video. I wish I had taken something like that when my son was that little. They grow so fast, it is easy to forget how little they once were! Good luck and God bless!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh.....she was so little! How quick that we forget. Thinking and praying about you today. I hope the surgery goes well!

  10. Ahh - those little newborn cries! She was so tiny - I miss the newborn days! Keeping you all in my thoughts today.

  11. Praying that all goes well today.
    Hugs and lots of love,

  12. I like the shirt, "I'm blogging this" and now you are!

  13. thank you for sharing the lost videos. I love them! Those soothie pacis are the greatest. Our little guy loved it and we thought it was so cute that they are almost as big as their tiny faces!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Deleted my last comment b/c I thought I misspelled "shirt." Actually, I misspelled "Your." So here I go again...

    Your shirt cracked me up. Praying for a successful, productive yet uneventful surgery today!

  16. WOW!!

    Gwyneth has really grown. Thanks for sharing!! I'm also loving this "Lost" series!!

  17. wow she's so adorable and precious..I love to see dads interact with their daughters..your relationship with Gwenyth will be one of the most important relationships that she will ever have. Enjoy her.
    thanks for sharing!

  18. SO FREAKIN PRECIOUS!! What a treasured memory. How old was she here?? I had to watch it several times... precious. My daughter was 2 pounds when she was born. We had a looong hall in the Neo natal unit. This brought back memories.

  19. She's so tiny! That paci looks as big as her head, LOL! Good luck today!

  20. Wow, she sure was tiny!

    Were those little tiny gwyneth hicups I saw? What a sweet video, thank you for sharing!


  21. So precious! Those big eyes, perfect little ears and what cute hiccups! I love baby hiccups :)

    Been praying for y'all. Especially today!


  22. Precious video, thanks for sharing it with us Nate. They grow up way to fast. Praying all went well with the eye surgery.~Darlene

  23. Aww. Seriously. I don't blame you if you spent hours just looking at her back then. Or if you spend hours just looking at her now. :o)

    Were those little hiccups?

  24. THE SHIRT!! THE SHIRT!! I finally see the shirt in action.

    Oh, and naturally, G is a tiny bundle of wonder.

  25. Sending you lots of love and light today! I remember those paci days! My daughter had the same kind when she came home from the hospital! It was a god send on several occasions! :-)

  26. I never thought I could watch a video of a child other than my own do absolutely nothing except be TOTALLY ADORABLE! She is/was sooooooooo sweet!

  27. Listen to her squeak each time she hiccups! How precious.

    So Nate did you forget how tiny she was?

    Oh how they grow so fast.

  28. It's amazing to compare how much she'd grown between birth and this video and then since this video to now!

  29. Wow, I can't believe how much she's grown since then!!

  30. Love hearing those little sounds :) How cute! She was so alert too!

  31. So precious! I will always love the "squeaks and grunts" little bittys make. Thanks for sharing.

  32. I don't think I ever seen a video that expresses a father's love like that video did. The look in your eye, the way you touched her head, even the way you moved the camera so slowly as not to startle her. Your an amazing father.

  33. AAAhhh!!! Sweet baby hiccups. How I miss those!!! Glad everything went well with the surgery.

  34. my my she's come so far! I love how her soothie is as big as her face! LOL! And back then she looked a lot more like her mommy as opposed to now where she looks a lot like you.

    And I just realized you brought Gwyneth home the same day my son was born. That was a great day for both of us!

  35. Ow wow. Such a precious "lost" video. She's come a long way.

  36. What a special bond you get to share with your daughter. Moreso than most fathers get. To say she'll be Daddy's little girl is an understatement!!

  37. She is sooo precious, and tiny!
    You come into frame, and it's like "Whoa, she's a thumbelina!"

  38. OH, how she has grown!!!! She was so tiny when she got home - i forgot how little she was then! She is doing so amazingly well!


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