
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eye Surgery Tomorrow

Gwyneth's surgery has been scheduled for 9:45am tomorrow. We need to be there at 7:45, which means we'll be leaving home around 6am. Gwyneth can't eat/drink anything but clear liquids after midnight tonight.

Thanks for your prayers.



  1. Bless you both Nate. How can we pray for you? Is there anything we can do for you? We would, if you asked.

    Brent (Abby's Dad)

  2. We will be praying for all of you!!!!

  3. Praying for all of you tomorrow! Hope everything goes perfectly!
    Emily in Mississippi

  4. My four year old is having dental surgery next week so I know a little of the anxieties associated with a child being under anesthesia. I'll be praying!

    How do you think she'll do without breakfast in the morning?

  5. Hope it goes well. Will be thinking of you (gonna have to work out the time difference to!)

  6. What kind of surgery is she having on her eyes? OUr daugther Mayson is going to have eye surgery soon too. She has congenital estoropia. I am scared to death of her upcoming surgery!

  7. We will keep her in our prayers.

    I found a family in need of prayers...Wondered if you could post their info so everyone can include them in prayer.

  8. She is so precious. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  9. We will definitely be praying!! Praying that the surgeon has a steady hand and that Gwenyth will go through it with flying colors. Praying that all is taken care of tomorrow and no further surgeries are necessary! May God give you the strength that you as parents need to make it through. May He give you a peace that surpasses all understanding! In the name of Jesus, Gwenyth will be HEALED COMPLETELY with no further complications with her eyes!

  10. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers, especially for the npo'll probably be the hardest on her, huh?

  11. You have and will continue to be in my prayers especially tomorrow. Two of my sons have recently had eye muscle surgery. It went very well and the recovery time is so fast. After a long nap, they acted like nothing happened. I pray that Gwyneth is the same way. It's far harder on the parents than the kiddos I think.

  12. I will be praying for your ears (when Gwyneth realizes she's hungry) and your hearts (when Gwyneth realizes she's hungry). I pray that the surgery will be on time so that she won't have to be hungry any longer than necessary.

    Love you guys.

  13. You are all in my prayers! My son just had the same surgery on Friday.

    It was rough for him coming out of anesthesia (some vomiting), but the rest of the day he was just groggy and his eyes burned. The next day, he was running, but still a little sleepier than usual. He still rubs his eyes (not supposed to), but is doing great today! There's a picture of him and his demonic-looking eyes on my blog. :) I think this was taken the day of or after.

    Praying for you all.

  14. Sending prayers!

  15. Tons of prayers going up for that little cutie!

  16. Praying for a perfect surgery tomorrow for sweet Gwyneth and peace for you and Tricia. God goes before you as you well know.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  17. I'll keep Gwyneth in my prayers that all things go well her surgery and those beautiful bluie eyes!

  18. Best Wishes for surgery day.

    Also NPO (nothing by mouth) is a hard for little ones. :(


  19. Good luck! The fasting is always the worst part :)

  20. Love and prayers for your darling girl, and you guys.

  21. Oh no! Those dreaded initials that every parent hates to hear! NPO!!!

    I hope that all goes well. I am praying.

  22. i'll be praying for your family! and gwyneth looks so grown up in this picture! (i'm a regular follower of your blog) :)

  23. The little sweetie gets cuter every day!! Praying for you tomorrow.

  24. We will be praying for sweet Gwyneth, for all to go perfectly, and for you and Tricia to be granted peace of mind (as much as possible) during her procedure. We always pray for your family!

    God's peace to you,
    Andria & family

  25. Absolutely praying. I know all will be well. Good picture!

  26. Praying for you all... especially little Gwenyth.

  27. My daughter is also a micropreemie! Maryam was born at 25w2d, weighed 1lb10ozs. She had lazer eye surgery for Stage 3 ROP when she was about 8 weeks old. My prayers are with you. Anytime our little ones have to have surgery its difficult. My punkin has had 3 surgeries, I know how you're feeling.
    Good luck tomorrow! Your family has a lot of prayers being said for it.

  28. Dear Sweet Gwenyth,

    Our prayers are with you.

    Hugs from Ohio,


  29. Many prayers will be offered up for your sweet angel. I hope this is the "cure" for the problem so that she doesn't need anymore surgeries. I hope time passes quickly while she is in surgery.

  30. Will be praying for your sweet little girl tomorrow. Will be praying for you and Tricia as well. And the doctors, nurses and various others who will be on her case.

  31. You guys will be in my thoughts! Good luck little Gwyneth!

  32. Such a precious baby girl! We will be praying for all of you tomorrow and always!

  33. Praying for Gwyneth-and for her mommy and daddy!

  34. I'll be praying for your little darling and both of you as well.

  35. I'll be praying for that beautiful little girl! :-)

  36. Hope it all goes smoothly tomorrow, and that the surgery is a great success. I'll be thinking of you and praying.

  37. I'll be praying that all will go smoothly and that one surgery is all that will be needed.

  38. Wishing you all the best of luck. We will be thinking about you.

  39. Praying that she just sleeps all night, and you can just take her still snoozing in her jammies. Praying for skill for the surgeon, peace for Mom and Dad , and a quick and pain-free recovery for the little peanut!

  40. Praying all goes well tomorrow.~ Darlene

  41. I love the's like she's saying "okay dad, the surgery is tomorrow? I'm gonna be fine, dad, I am, I promise." We'll be thinking about and praying for you all. We will be facing surgery with our baby girl soon, so we know the anxieties and worries (no matter how "small" the surgery!) that are probably running through your heads. It's hard to see our precious, priceless little ones go through any pain or trauma, and ANY possibility of something going wrong is pretty hard to handle, even if it's remote. God bless you tomorrow. Hang in there, present your requests to God, and eat some extra chocolate!

  42. Be prayin' and thinkin' of y'all, especially sweet Gwyn! :-)

  43. Praying for your sweet baby today and for you and Tricia as you wait for her... praying that the Great Physician continues the great work He started in her

  44. I'll be praying for both of you as her parents, Gweneth and medical team as Gweneth has her surgery. I'll pray for peace and comfort for you and Trish. Praying for wisdom and accuracy for all attending Gweneth and praising God for all he has brought you through and for what lies ahead.
    Will be watching for an update.

  45. It's almost 7:45 - praying for Gwyneth (and her parents) this morning!!

  46. We are praying for you guys daily, though I've not been following the blog as closely. We'll be praying for all of you especially for success of the eye surgery today!

  47. Big prayers from Michigan.


  48. My thoughts and prayers are with littleGwyneth today and with mommy and daddy while waiting in the waiting area. God will be with the hands of the surgeons who are taking care of your sweet angel.

    God Bless and I look forward to hearing how tings turn out.


  49. She willin brilliant hands :) x.

  50. Just stopping by to wish G. a successful surgery and speedy recovery!!!

  51. Prayers for sure!!! Hope it came out brilliantly and you are all home having a well deserved nap.


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