
Monday, March 2, 2009

Support the Leukeima & Lymphoma Society

My friend and jeweler extraordinaire, Lisa Leonard (you might remember This) is hosting a fund-raiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society today by donating 20% of all of today's orders on her website to the LLS. She is doing this in honor of a friend of hers who is participating in a triathlon...Lisa has created a custom piece that might interest any of you who also are into the swimming/biking/running thing.

Click Here to check out the fund-raiser!




  1. My friend bought me a necklace from Lisa and I bought my mom something from her for Christmas. Lisa's jewelry and story are amazing! How great that she's doing this!!!

  2. Oh my gracious! Where is this triathlon piece?

    If ever a piece of jewelry was calling my name...

  3. Megan,
    Just push the "click here" on Nate's blog and it will connect you to Lisa's site. Depending on the length of your triathlon, you can put your own numbers on the necklace

    Nate, Thanks so much for linking me in. So great of you!!!

  4. @Megan

    I figured you would take interest in this post...

  5. I just ordered a mommy necklace for myself, in honor of a dear friend's mom who was just diagnosed with Leukemia. Thanks for the link.

  6. My son is a lymphoma survivor, and I can personally vouch for this organization. They are wonderful, and were a help to us when we needed it.


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