
Monday, March 2, 2009

Lost Video 02

This video is one of our Lost Videos. It was shot during a lymphoma-related stay in the hospital on October 14, 2008, the same day we received This disappointing news.



  1. That is so sweet the two of them napping away. Look how far they've come!

  2. They look beautiful and so, so peaceful. Thank you for sharing.

  3. That was beautiful. They look like twins. Well, in a mother/daughter sort of way.

  4. that is so super sweet.... love it!

  5. Beautiful video!!
    Thank you for sharing it

  6. Isn't it great that something this precious is no longer lost, but found! Thanks for sharing it with us Nate! You have a special family and is blesses us to see God at work!

  7. peaceful is the one word that came right to mind

  8. So sweet! Tricia's neck didn't look very comfortable - but clearly Gwyneth was in her element!
    So glad you found this video and that you shared it!

  9. That is a gorgeous shot of them both sleeping through all of the noise - so at peace with each other!

  10. Nate, you are so blessed! How beautiful..........

  11. I can only imagine what was going thru your mind when you taped that video. I am so glad that it turned out to be an infection on that scan and that Tricia is looking (great) and feeling good now. It's great to think that you will be able to shoot many videos of your girls snoozing in the future.

  12. Priceless, such a beautiful shot.

  13. It's been a while since I checked up on you all, and WOW, everyone looks so good. I still thank God for so many answered prayers when I think of you,and Tricia. What an amazing journey. LU grad, 2029-ish? I believe!

  14. That has got to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. You've got two amazing girls on your hands....not that I had to tell you that.


  15. Nate,
    I just read your story and all you, your wife, and little girl have been through. What an amazing journey. I wish you and Tricia many years of happiness and joy while you enjoy each other and Gwyneth Rose. Thanks for sharing.

  16. How beautiful! Did you just sit there and enjoy them resting?

  17. look how far you've come!! both of your girls have hair now!!
    what a sweet picture of mother and daughter. so glad for how the Lord has restored them. so thankful for how you are remembering and telling of His goodness.
    blessings to you!

  18. That is such a sweet video of those two napping together. May the Lord continue to bless ya'll

  19. How beautiful - I've got a couple of pics like that & I treasure them!

  20. Aww. That is sweet seeing the girls sleeping together, but also tough knowing that Tricia must have been feeling terrible during that time.

    Love the green dress by the way too!

    ps. Way to go on sitting up little girl! That is a huge milestone for a micro preemie!! You do make it look easy.

  21. Just think of how grateful your family will be for all these movies one day. That was a lovely clip, thank you for sharing.


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