
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thank You, Revisited

Many of you who have been following my blog since this time last year will remember my "Thank You" Post to Tricia's donor and family. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the donor's sacrifice and his/her family's loss. And, certainly with all that has happened this past year, we are even more thankful now, if that is even possible.

As much as we are celebrating life by remembering Tricia's transplant this coming week, a family somewhere out there will most certainly be remembering the death of a loved one...the person who gave Tricia her second chance at life more than likely passed away on the 2nd of April, the same day Tricia went into surgery.

With tears in my eyes, and a heavy weight of gratitude and compassion, I ask, with all of my heart, that you'll join us in praying for Tricia's donor's family this week.

Thank you.



  1. Tuesday is my daughter's half birthday - a special day in our home. We'll be sure to say a prayer for the donor's family on that day as well.

    Have fun at your party! My lips are sealed. :)

  2. I certainly will! I added it just now to my prayer journal, I will pray for ya'll as well. May the Lord give Peace and Joy this week. What a sacrafice and blessing all at the same time.

  3. We will certainly join you in prayers! Praising God for the life Tricia is living, and truly lifting up the donor family. Thank you Jesus!!! Oh comfort them Lord.

  4. I will say a prayer for the family of the donor as well as yours. Such an emotional time for both your families.

  5. Absolutely. I hope he or she is able to look down and see sweet Gwyneth and her mama now and that this family is comforted by the mighty hand of God this week.

  6. Praying for that amazing sacrificial family. I cannot fathom the bittersweet time this is for you. I'm glad you're celebrating! I believe that would thrill them to know Trica's life goes on!

  7. Sometimes when things are so right in our families, we forget the sufferings of others. It is so sweet of you to remember and pray for the donors' family, too. You have such a precious gift with Tricia and a blessing to have such a successful transplant. May God bless BOTH of your families each and every day!

  8. With tears in my eyes, yes, I will pray with you...

  9. Absolutely. I'm thankful for your heart, Nate.

  10. With tears in my eyes also, I will say a prayer for that family.

  11. Blessings to you and yours, and peace and joy to your transplant family. When my father died of a sudden heart attack, the only thing we could donate (due to the need for an autopsy) were his corneas. It is true my father's death didn't save anyone's life, but it allowed two blind people to SEE. Amazing. So no matter how sad I am that he is gone, my spirit is uplifted knowing the difference he made. I'm sure your donor family feels the same. Only MORE.

  12. My Ma~in~law passed away about a month ago. She was well into her 80's, but we were still able to donate some of her organs for research. It is our hope that somebody will live on in the future based on this research.

    Your family is very blessed, and I know the bittersweet of this situation...grieving for the loss, yet hopeful for the future. I pray and will continue to pray for peace and comfort for all of the families involved.

  13. Because of reading this blog, when I renewed my drivers licences I became a donor. Since then a dear friend of mine who has a different type of lung disease has recieved one lung through a transplant.

    So, I join you in thanks the Lord for allowing us a people to go this far in medicine and I too am thankful that people are willing to make sacrifical decisions during difficult times.

  14. I will absolutely be praying for this precious family. My daughter had a bone marrow donor, so although this man is most likely alive, he gave of himself when he didn't have to and gave us an additional 6 months with Jordyn that we most likely would not have had otherwise.

    God Bless

  15. Yes, I'll pray with and for you. What a blessing that family is to you. Reading your blog makes me so glad I checked that little organ donor box on my driver's license, and that my husband and I both agree to honor that wish should something happen to either of us. If it is time for one's soul to leave, than what better parting gift than to share the body you no longer need with someone who does need it. I'm grateful too, that Tricia got this second chance at life with you and Gwyneth.

  16. Nathan I hear you & I'm with you.


  17. Please continue to pray for the donor's family, you have no idea how much pain we still suffer, as you rejoice and celebrate life , we are still mouring a devastating loss. I know, because we are one of them.

  18. Praying for peace and comfort for the donor's family on their anniversary of their loved one's death.

  19. Nate, it is hard to believe how much time has passed already. We will pray for the family as well as continue to pray for your family! Praise the Lord for this year!

  20. Being in Wake Forest I am so close but this is an important week for our family.Our daughter is in the play Oliver on Thursday,Friday and Saturday.

  21. Nate, thank you for the reminder to pray for a very courageous family - I will pray that they receive comfort and that the fact they were willing to make a difference in another's life will daily bring them comfort.
    We rejoice with you and Gweneth that Tricia is loving life with you and you have so much to celebrate!
    I once struggled with how to pray for a new heart for a friend needing a transplant knowing that someone else had to die for that to become reality. Another friend put it this way, "if that person is going to die, why bury what could be used to save another life". It is also a reminder to pray for that grieving family.

  22. What a precious post to a wonderful family. We will be praying.

    BTW I just changed my blog to private (I think) and since I follow you I am not sure if I have to send you an invite or not to post on mine. If so my email is thanks!!

  23. I've read your blog quite often but never sent a comment. I just wanted to say how amazing you and your family are.
    My family will join in with the prayers

  24. Wow...I can't believe that it has been a year since her Tx. I can only hope that this next year is better for all of you!!

  25. My father recieved a kidney and pancreas 9 1/2 years ago!! We celebrate his "new" birthday every year and always pause to also say a prayer for the family who so unselfishly gave him the gift of life!! It is hard to celebrate when at the same time you know that a family is struggling with loss!!

  26. So true.... definitely on my knees for this family!


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