
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Transplantiversary Party!

First of all, THIS IS A SECRET FROM TRICIA! She has been forbidden to view my blog or ask anyone about my blog for the next week. So, PLEASE, help me to keep this a secret from Tricia!!!

We are celebrating Tricia's one year anniversary of her double lung transplant (transplantiversary) with a party, and you're invited! The party is taking place this Friday evening, April 3 (exactly one year after Tricia woke up from her transplant surgery)...more details to follow ASAP (yes, this is an actual party, as in a real place with real people) the meantime, keep the date open if you can because EVERYONE is invited!




  1. Too bad I can't make the drive from Chicago. :-)

    Can't believe it's been a year! I have truly loved following your story and praying along side millions.

  2. FUN!! Can I drive to the secret local from Houston??

  3. Oh, I sure wish that I could come to the party. A little to far to drive from Grand Rapids, MI. How about an address where we can send cards.

  4. Congrats and Happy Happy!!! Has it really been a year?! Time has a way of getting away from us!


  5. Sounds amazing! Sorry I can't be there, but will be thinking of you all having a GREAT celebration!! and look fwd to seeing the pics :)

  6. Ah, Nathan that is going to be the BIGGEST surprise ever. What a sweet husband you are with a pretty sweet idea for this all too.
    I wish so much I could make the drive just to witness & share in the joy.
    I will be with you all in spirit, though I really wish I was able to be there.

    Hope there will be a video of the big secret.



  7. how sweet! too bad i can't make it from NJ!!! Hope all goes well!

  8. a year already? has it gone as fast for you guys as it has for those of us that didn't really live it? what a great reason to have a party - God sure is good!!

  9. Nate you are an amazing husband and a very thoughtful person, Im so happy that you all have had a great year, thank you for sharing your sweet story
    Tiffany in TN

  10. Well, how very sneaky of you! Sounds like a wonderful idea!!! Can't wait to hear more about it.

  11. Wow... amazing that it has been a year. And what a remarkable one it has been. The party sounds awesome. Wish we could be there. Defintely something to celebrate!

  12. I am with Brown Eyed Girl - can you give us an address so we can send along a card? Will definitely be celebrating in spirit in any event.

  13. That sounds like a BLAST. :O I wish I could come.

  14. Oh what fun! I wish we lived closer!

  15. I'd totally come, but I don't think I can afford the transatlantic airfare :(

  16. Very fun! And touching to open your party to EVERYONE! What a blast! You aren't too far either and it would be wonderful to meet your family and spend time at one of my favorite vacation spots, but it is impossible right now for me to make the 10 hour road trip. Have fun!!!

  17. That is going to be on BIG party! I'm so happy to hear it's been a year and things are going good for her. Wish we could come to the party and meet you all in person. Can I get an address so I can send a card?
    Can't wait to read about the party!

  18. i could soooo drive up there and party with yall!

  19. I would love to be there but I fear my car wouldn't make the drive from Pickens, SC (near Georgia) but you all will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your blog it is an incredible inspiration to me. :-D

  20. Tricia is "forbidden" from your site?! that will stop her from looking?! She must be awfully suspicious now if you told her NOT to look at your now of course she KNOWS somethings UP!

    I feel so sorry for the donor's family at this time that you are celebrating life. They have heavy hearts and are mourning a loss. I know this, because I am in their shoes right now. Please keep praying for them....never forget that without their sacrifice, your wife wouldn't be here with you now.

  21. Unless Nathan posts a different address, you can send cards to him at
    PO Box 302
    Nags Head, NC 27959

  22. SOOOOO EXCITED that we will actually be visiting you from NJ this weekend and can be at the party!!! Yay!

  23. What a fun surprise! I'm wishing more than ever that I didn't live in Ohio right now. Have a great time and you are an awesome husband!

  24. that is so cool that you are doing this for your wifey! She will love it. And what an amazing thing to celebrate -- LIFE, her LIFE!! Thanks God for your amazing gift of life, physical and spiritual! Blessings to you!
    Thanks Rick for the address... sending cards is a GREAT idea!

  25. Oh my gosh, i cant' believe it's been a year already. The Lord!!!
    Congrats you guys, can't wait for the party, thanks for the invite :)

  26. We would love to go!! But I'm not sure how well the 2 hour drive would sit with the family after a long day at school.... wish we could go! We'd love to send cards though!

  27. We would love to go!! But I'm not sure how well the 2 hour drive would sit with the family after a long day at school.... wish we could go! We'd love to send cards though!

  28. can't believe it's already been a my how time does fly! And it's just awesome for all of you....

  29. Please give hugs for me from NH! I wish I could be there! But be sure of this, I will be celebrating this amazing day with you all from home! I will be thinking about you all!



  30. It's hard to believe it's been almost a year already. We won't be at the party, but we will be in Nags Head and plan to attend NHC on September 20th. It's been a few years since we've been down there and we're looking forward to the beach and meeting you and your girls. We know your dad a little bit and my husband and I knew your uncles in high school in Lynchburg.

  31. I can't believe it has been a year already!! Wish I could be there in person to celebrate with the 3 of you, a little to far from here in northeastern Indiana. However, we are trying to plan a summer vacation down your way this year. Congrats to Tricia and all of you on the 1 year anniversary. I am sure there will be many more anniversaries to celebrate in the future.

  32. YEAH....i have made arrangements with Barbra....i'm coming up on Thursday, but have to leave Sat. :(((
    can't wait!!!!


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