
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All About Gwyneth

Here are a few pics from my birthday party on Sunday! Funny how all parties/get-togethers have now become all about Gwyneth...not that I'm complaining!



  1. It's cause she's so precious! Welcome to Parenthood! It seems to be all about the kiddos once they arrive! I know you love every minute of it too!

    Thanks for keeping us in the blog world up to date!

    BTW - I am lovin' Tricia's hair! It looks great!

    Glad you had a good Birthday! It will always be a day that sticks in my mind. I know there were many many people that were praying you guys through the night that night!

  2. I love how you get down on her level in all the pictures!! What awesome shots!

  3. Oh my....she's quite a cutie pie!!!!


  4. She is just so precious. It just warms my heart, to watch her grow.

  5. Well seriously, who is cuter than her at the get togethers?!

    And now that she's not so fragile I'm sure everyone is making up for all the snuggles & kisses they couldn't get in when she was a newborn. =]

  6. That is what happen when you have children. I rather see pictures of her instead of you

  7. At my niece's (first grandchild - spoiled rotten by all of us for many years) baby shower, it was noted that she seemed to be enjoying herself. She sighed and said, "yes, it's because this will be the last time it will be all about me." Truer words were never spoken. Once the little ones arrive - they get center stage.

  8. Well, when somebody that cute is around how can anyone focus on anything else!?

  9. I love her red hair! It's getting so long and is pretty! What a sweet little girl!

  10. My first thought here was "welcome to parenthood", how many people I know have become (fill in the blank)parents once they have children. She is doing so well with her sitting up skills! Such a precious little one and what a poster child for the phrase "God still works miracles!".
    Enjoy her, the time goes by so fast!

  11. you can just see it in her face: she is a little miracle.

  12. That fourth picture looks like a self-portrait from the position of her arm. You've taught her well, Gwyneth's dad...I mean Nate.

  13. Yeah, but just LOOK at her! How could it NOT be all about Gwyneth??? LOL

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  14. OMG she is getting so so big, she is just beautiful as your family is, Continued prayers for your family, I love hearing wonderful News....

  15. please dont delete I really didnt mean to make anonymous.. lee and BH

  16. She's a cutie, for sure... and her eyes look amazing!! (props to that surgeon!)

  17. I was wondering, you never mention if Gwyneth is off her oxygen for good now. I notice she doesn't wear the oxygen for pics now, is that good news true??

    Also, she seems so pale, is that just the photo or some anemia?

    Seattle, WA

  18. I LOVE her dress! My daughter had her first portraits taken in an identical dress.

  19. she is so cute!!! I can't believe how grown up she looks! (not really grown up, but more like a little girl and less like a baby!)

  20. Could she BE any cuter??? :)

  21. LOL! She does NOT look amused ;)

  22. She is so cute, and her hair has grown longer since Joe and I were last there. Well I am glad you had a good birthday even though most attention was on Gwyn. Have a happy Easter!

  23. 3rd picture down= The absolute cutest picture of her EVER!

  24. I love all the pictures and I must say that I love Tricia's hair short and pixie-like!

    I gave you an award on my blog!

  25. If you want to read a true testimony of unshattered faith in a time of tragedy.. please read today's post on

  26. Hey Gwyneth's dad,
    How could it NOT be all about her?!
    These are my favorite pictures yet. I love her sitting, the two where she is facing you. She is such a doll and such PERSONALITY in her face!!!

  27. Great shots Nate. I love the 3rd one from the bottom the most. She' s adorable Nate.

  28. Gwyneth looks so much like you in this set! It's so fun to watch her grow and see her features develop.

  29. Welcome to being a Daddy! You are now the transportation for the most important part of any celebration, and you are right... you don't mind at all. :) Such great pictures!

  30. Get used to her stealing the show!
    But it's all so fun & worth it.
    Great pics!!

  31. It is truly so much fun to watch her expressions as she experiences new things in her world. Our daughter just turned one, and she is like a little sponge, absorbing every tiny detail of her world.

  32. She is just too cute and I cannot believe how big she is getting!!!!!

  33. Happy Birthday! And Gwyneth is so, so cute!


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