
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cystic Fibrosis Documentary Film

Do you remember my friend Eva and My Post about the upcoming documentary of her journey with CF and Double Lung Transplantation? Well, the trailer for the film has been released, and, in fact, the film itself has been picked up and will be shown at the largest documentary film festival in North America, Toronto's Hot Docs!

Please, take a few minutes to watch The Trailer for 65_REDROSES, and (especially if you have a personal connection with CF and/or TX) please, consider blogging about this film as well so that we can raise as much awareness and support as possible!

You can also join the 65_REDROSES Facebook Group to show your support!

And, visit the official 65_REDROSES Website to learn more about the film!

Way to go Eva!



  1. I'm going to have to check my schedule and see if I can actually go see the movie since I work in Toronto.

    Great work Eva!!

  2. Does anyone know why the blonde haired cfer in portland was smoking something?

  3. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about the blonde young lady appearing to smoke something. There has to be a good explanation for it... no way she would be smoking tobacco or elicit drugs in a film about CF! Maybe a form of treatment?

    It looks like a great film to bring awareness to the illness!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. actually, many CFers and other terminal patients choose to use harmful drugs and engage in other risky's a very common behavior, in fact. It's quite possible that the girl in the video was smoking something harmful and illegal...I wouldn't know of a legalized treatment that would look like that. My guess is the film-makers wouldn't put that scene in the trailer unless it had to do with a major aspect of the film...we'll have to watch the film to find out.

  6. She's struggling with substance abuse. I'm praying that she's able to overcome this. I'm sure she could use all of your prayers too!!!!

    I can't wait to see the film.

  7. Good point Nate. Why would Cfers be different than other people who sometimes turn to drugs to help them deal with crises in their lives? It makes sense that some would turn to drugs. Sad, but I hope she gets help and is able to overcome her issues with drugs.

    We will just have to watch the movie to find out. :)


  8. I am doing my walk on May 17th.

  9. I understand that cf patients do illegal drugs. A nurse once I had said she had seen CF'ers using in the hospital!

    I want to watch the film, but I have a hard time watching a documentary that includes a cfer that chooses to worsen her condition, I do not want the public to think that cfers bring on the problems, does that make sense? It really bugs me, unfortunately...

  10. I'd highly recommend to everyone that you withhold any judgment about a 2 second clip you might see of anyone in a movie trailer.

    I'd also recommend that you weigh the pros and cons of a documentary that focuses on CF (the good and the bad)...don't throw the baby out with the bath water!

  11. I agree Nate.

    I would want to watch it in hopes that the film maker would try to educate the public, who might not be familiar with the illness, that CF patients are human and deal with terminal illness the same way others sometimes do. He might show it in a way that makes the public aware of how desperate a terminal patient's thought processes can be; ie, "well, I have this disease that there is no cure for, so I might as well throw my life down the drain" This could lead to more compassion and funding for the cause.

    The clip is way too short to be drawing any conclusions about how the young lady's story will play out in the film, or about how the film will portray drug abuse amongst people with terminal illnesses. The film just might show the young lady choosing to end her risky behavior and bettering her life because of it. It might be a story of hope.

    We just don't know, so I am definitely going to give the film, the film maker, and the young lady the benefit of the doubt.


  12. I agree with you Nate to withhold judgement. I hope the movie eventually is somewhere I can see it!
    I remember a few years back there was a CF'er on the REAL WORLD mtv show and there was much controversy on how she chose to live her life etc. People were outraged she drank and smoked. But if you think about it, we all make decisions to harm our bodies and make choices that we look back and reflect on and realize a mistake. Just because the person has CF does not make them immune to rebellion or choosing a negative way to deal with stress.
    -Kristi Mom to Kaleb 8 w CF

  13. This is going to be a movie that I am so going to see. Honestly, the marijuana, that I am sure she is smoking is probably the medical one, if not, something to help for pain. Like in glaucoma. I agree with you about not passing judgement. And I don't. We all have our outlets on pain relief, my mother had open heart surgeries and basically beats herself up with pills. To each their own.

    Thanks for sharing this documentary. Opens up people's eyes.

  14. Wow. Just wow. Just wow. Thank you.

  15. Awesome!!!

    I used to work with renal patients who were on dialysis 3-4 times a week and they had so little control over anything in their lives that they often did risky behaviors just to take back a little control.

    Being sick is hard!!!


  16. People with CF are real people too, and also deal with real people problems, ; )

  17. It looks like a good film, but a difficult one to watch. Even when we live with the disease it's hard to watch.

  18. Any connection between the title of the documentary and Tricia's blog? Just seems that referencing 65 roses is a bit arbitrary to be entirely coincidental.

  19. "65 Roses" has become a term closely associated with "Cystic Fibrosis". You can read why here:

  20. Yeah, I'll wait till after the release of the Doco -(which looks interesting) - to judge the young transplant potential smoking crystal meth.

    First comment too, Nate. Long time follower from the way up the back of the stands. My missus has CF and has had a double lung transplant. Always interested to see how you're going.

  21. Hi Nate.
    It has been of pure coincidence that I found your blog today - I was searching for a photo of Eva's film's footage to put on my facebook and your blog came up.

    I instantly recognized your name, as I had just heard of you yesterday while visiting Eva in the hospital. We were talking about how amazing online communities/blogging can be. She mentioned your name, and how the success of her blog is intertwined with yours.

    I am also the spouse of a patient in the same hospital as Eva (who similarly is also fighting for his life -battling with Multiple Myeloma) It was by inspiration of 65 Red Roses that he started sharing his story online - and has found it to be therapeutic and a wonderful outlet. (

    Reading his blogs recognizing the power of sharing - I have started to write 'my side' of the story as well. (

    Eva speaks very highly of you, and as a fellow spouse of a patient, and a friend of Eva's, I look forward to reading 'your side'.

    All the best,

    Megan Williams, Vancouver Canada.


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