
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Almost Forgot...

I get so caught up in updating Facebook and Twitter that I forget to update my blog...

We arrived home yesterday evening, safe and sound. Tricia is feeling better and will be receiving an antibiotic to clear out her pneumonia. They could never tell us for sure what has caused it, but a CT Scan of her sinuses revealed some major congestion and inflammation, so they're assuming that is the cause. She and Gwyneth are out enjoying the weather and hanging with some friends today.

Thanks for your prayers...our goal is to stay out of Duke for the remainder of the spring/summer!



  1. That's a great goal!!! We're all praying for you guys! Glad you're home and can enjoy some warm weather!

  2. I can so totally relate to sinuses causing upper respitory problems... I seem to fall into that a whole bunch with chronic sinus issues. I hope Tricia is feeling well soon. I am so grateful for medicine and doctors.

  3. Big Congrats on having everyone back together again! Thank you for the update. We will pray that the WHOLE FAMILY stays healthy.

  4. I think that is an excellent goal!! Glad Tricia is on the mend and feeling better!

  5. I am glad to read that you are all home and that Tricia is on the road to recovery from the pneumonia. I have a lot of sinus issues ... I actually asked the ENT if sinuses were necessary trying to make a joke ... he didn't laugh.


  6. So glad to hear that she is feeling better and having outdoor girlie time with your favorite side-kick Gwyneth. And it's true, if we can't locate our friends on the blogs, we can chase them down on facebook and twitter:) There is no hiding anymore. Have a wonderful weekend, all 3 of you. Prayers continue for our Stellan. Also, don't know if you know of Kayleigh's story, but she is a preemie like Gwyneth and needs divine intervention for her life right now. Her button is on my blog if you don't know of her. She almost made it home and then tragedy struck after surgery. I love you guys and prayers continue.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  7. What a great way to spend your Spring & Summer HOME!!!!

    Hugs to all


  8. Spring ... summer ... 2009 and beyond! Praise God for the life He gives and the hope we have in Him.

  9. Glad to hear the girls sound good and that Gwyneth is coming along so nicely with her development!! I sure hope you don't let the turkeys get you down with rude comments. And I say post all the pics that you want and if someone comments that you don't have Gwyneth buckled in her car seat right or that they are appalled that you let her eat a dorito, tell them to buzz off. Don't let them stop you from sharing your love with the rest of us.

    You are doing a fab job! You have two girls that provide you with a lot of love, but also some work and some worry. You are a fabulous dad and a wonderful husband. Stay strong. Stay confident. And say Go fly a kite" to the bullies/sourpusses/judgmental posters.

  10. So glad that Tricia is feeling better and that you are back together again. Prayers that she continues to stay healthy.

  11. Saw your girls at the M&M yard sale this morning! I almost stopped them to chat but I thought that might be a little weird since they don't know me at all and I only "know" them through your blog! Hope to see them at other M&M functions and really meet them.

  12. Glad she is out! Hope she stays out for the entire rest of 2009! :)

  13. sounds like a great plan to me!

    FYI...i LOVE my netti pot to keep my nose clean, if you will :) with my allergies to dogs and cats, i'm always finding myself with crud in my nose that needs to be gone.

    almost jumped in the car and drove up there today...i could REALLY use some beach time.

  14. I'm glad she is feeling better!

  15. A sinus joke to cheer you who ache.

    A man came into a room with his head all bandaged, his friends asked, " what is wrong with you?"
    He said, "Oh, I have seen us trouble"
    One of his friends said, "Seen us- you mean sinus trouble don't you?"
    He said no- it's seen us, and it really hurts. The friend said, well I can see you're in pain, but it's sInus.
    The man with the bandages says, "No- I was out with another man's wife and he seen us."


  16. Your daughter is so beautiful!! She must bring so much joy to your and your wife. I will pray for you all.

  17. Great goal! We have a similar goal here. Between ear infections and chronic asthma we've been to our pedi every two weeks since Christmas. Our goal is to stay away until JD's 4 year in July. Praying y'all meet your goal!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. oops, I had two windows open and put the wrong comment in the wrong window.
    Here I meant to say, I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Your blog is very moving.

  20. are you still planning on posting gwen's 1st bday vid? i'm itchin' to see it. haha :)

  21. so glad that is ALL??? it is...amazing how some would hate this, but, for Tricia is a happy thing....have I told you lately Gwyneth looks like a mini you?


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