
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool!

Since I basically achieved the greatest April Fool's joke ever last year (remember This and This?), I'm not even going to attempt any foolery today on my blog readers.

Or will I?



  1. Oh I remember that...that was funny. And look where God has brought you guys. I am in awe.

  2. wait....isn't your birthday on April 1st????

    If so, Happy Birthday!

    and yes, I remember that joke you played on all of us! that was a good one!

  3. What a difference a year can make. It's amazing how much Gwyneth has grown in a year, and Tricia, wow, praise God for how far she's come! BTW, I LOVED the ice cream mascot video - hilarious!

  4. I was thinking about the pug trick last night and wishing I could think of a good one like that. Mother nature is doing a good enough job around here--a blanket of snow for today is enough of a prank!

  5. That was too funny!

    And now you have a baby who is a little less like a baby each day.

    Can you imagine how big she will be NEXT April?

  6. LOL...that was so funny and Yes, you probably will joke on some poor unsuspecting person! ;-)
    I didn't realize you were born at VA Baptist the same week as my I was probably in the hospital with your mom!

  7. Yeah I remember! I was one of the losers who fell for it AFTER you posted the confession. LOL.

  8. I was thinking you might be "anonymous" from yesterday... but none of those comments on this post, so maybe not?

  9. Happy Birthday Nate! I hope you have an awesome day.~Darlene

  10. Okay Nate that was mean,I feel for it this year since I missed out on it last year.

    Let Jen know that I am still praying hard for baby Stellan. I cannot get on her blog due to no anonymous signing. Not sure why its not on? ~ Darlene

  11. i think you need another photo of the pug with Gwyneth :)

  12. I agree, Sara... a new Gwyneth and Pug picture would be nice for those of us who have followed along (and who were taken in by the April Fool's Day joke last year). :) How 'bout it Nate?

  13. Have a Happy Birthday. Tracy

  14. Love those pictures of her all curled up and cute! And where is the Pug? Haven't seen him lately??

  15. You know what would really be funny? Post a picture of Gwyneth surround by cheese doodles and tell everyone that she is now on a strict cheese doodle Can you imagine the reaction to that one? I remembered the Pug prank as soon as I saw the email. It feels so long ago!

  16. oooh.. I like the cheese doodle diet.. THAT would bring a firestorm of comments, now wouldn't it? heh heh. And I would LOVE to see a pic of Gwyneth next to the (actual) Webkinz pug.. NOT the LittleKinz...

  17. I personally would love to see your little girl next to the pug NOW! I bet she could almost swallow him whole! ;)

  18. Lyncburg...hmmm April Fools

  19. how bout a new picture of G and the Pug?


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