
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

28 today!

Here's what I wrote on my blog on this day last year...

"My first as a father! My third as a husband! I expect it will be the best ever!"

I had NO idea...

April 2 was the day we got the call that finally gave us tangible hope for Tricia's future.

April 2 was the day that, together, we raised over half of my goal of $15,000 (Click Here to read all of the wonderful birthday notes from Last Year).

Definitely the best birthday ever! And, again, I expect that this year's will be ever better!

If you'd like to say "Happy Birthday!" with more than words (and I totally appreciate the words!), please consider donating to my Personal CF Fund-Raising Great Strides Goal (click "click to donate" on the linked page) to help continue to make life better for Tricia and all CF patients around the world. Every penny we raise goes directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

Thank you (my readers), again, for helping to make this past year our best ever!



  1. It was a privilege to be included in the journey!!

  2. oh yes it's your birthday and Tricia's transplant call bday!!! congrats and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You guys are amazing and this past year has been incredible for you all!

  3. Happy birthday to you!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I have so enjoyed keeping up with your family. you have been a blessing in my life. May you be BLESSED abundantly this year and always.

  5. Happy Birthday!

    Have ablessed day and have fun with your girls.

  6. Happy Birthday! What an abundance you have to celebrate this year!

    You will have to settle for words from me, I'm afraid. I have my own CF Fund raising goal to accomplish! ;)

  7. Happy Birthday, Nate. I remember last year's very well. We were all checking in on your blog every 15 minutes for updates.

    I hope this year, and in the years to follow, you continue to be blessed with love, health and happiness.

  8. Happy Birthday, so much can happen in a year. Great that its been an awesome. You have so many reasons to celebrate!

  9. Happy Birthday! I don't know how you can top last year. I guess just being in your new home with your two girls is the best present ever! Many blessings for the year ahead!

  10. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day!

  11. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day :)

    I do remember April 2 was the day you guys received "The Call".
    I remember because I was overwhelmed with Gods gift to you on your birthday, I believe I cried that day for you.
    I enjoy your blog, your pics and your sweet tender thoughtful ways.
    Have I ever mentioned you ROCK not only as a photographer but as a writer also.



  13. Happy Birthday! God bless you!

  14. Hau'oli la Hanau! May the coming year be full of blessings for you and your family.

  15. Happy birthday, Nate. Much love to you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.

  16. Happy Birthday Nate!! So much to be thankful for and celebrate today. It has been amazing following your journey from before your birthday last year to this year. I am so proud of you and who you have been to your family. You bless me.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  17. Happy Birthday, Nate!!
    You have the most beautiful family!!

  18. hispanicbrotherinlawApril 2, 2009 at 11:11 AM


  19. Happy Birthday! What a difference a year makes.

  20. Happy Birthday! We've been following this blog since before Gwyneth was born and we feel so blessed that you have shared this journey with us.
    Love and prayers from Va Beach...
    The Burgesses

  21. Happy Birthday, and thanks for including us on your journey!

  22. Continue having the best years ever.
    Happy Birthday.

  23. Happy birthday, Nate! I hope the next year brings lots of calm times!

  24. Happy Birthday-I hope you have a wonderful day and a year full of joy and happiness.

  25. Happy birthday Nate!! I do remember sitting at my computer last year and reading that you guys had gotten "THE" call..I remember crying. What a day you had!
    Hope today is just as wonderful but for many other reasons! Enjoy the day with your girls!

  26. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to Nate, Happy birthday to you! I hope your day is as special as you are. My neighbors two children both have CF and we are major supporters of it. I never knew a thing about it until they moved in. Thanks for sharing iwth us

  27. Happy Birthday dear son in law. So very glad you were born!!!

  28. Happy Birthday, Nate! God bless you on this wonderful day and as you celebrate the new beginning you got on your birthday last year.

  29. Have a great Transplantiversary - you are a remarkable family and I am so greatful to be following your blog every day. Thanks for sharing all of your blessings with the world. Love, Lori

  30. Dear Tricia - Have a wonderful transplantiversary - what a blessing you are. Your family is truly remarkable - thank you for sharing your story with the world - love, Lori

  31. Happy Birthday!! And many more to come :)

  32. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Nathan, Haaaaaapy Biiiiiirthday to Youuuuuuu!

    So much to celebrate this week!

    Congrats on all of it!

    Exeter NH

  33. awwwwww! happy bday! or as my lil one (19months) says "Happy B"

  34. happy birthday, Nate! :-D

    - michelle

  35. Happy Birthday Nate! Hope you have a great day with your two favorite girls. I'm betting all the cooking Tricia has been doing lately, she has a scrumptious dinner in store for you.

  36. Happy Birthday, Nate!!! Hope this one is wonderful!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  37. PS i've given you a Kreativ blogger award!! I'm supposed to let you know....

  38. Happy Birthday Nate! and thank you for sharing your life with us, it's been absolutely a gift to stumble upon your blog!

    Here's to many more blessed birthdays with your girls!

  39. Happy birthday to you, Nate!! Amazing that a year has gone by already, especially with the transplant as well!

    May you have a wonderful blessed birthday (it already is!!) and many more birthdays full of blessings! :-)

  40. We share the same birthday!
    Hope you've had a great day - and congratulations on the year anniversary.
    Thankyou for sharing your experiences and your faith it is a great inspiration.
    Godbless you and your family
    Kat (London, UK)

  41. Happy Birthday! You share a birthday with my precious granddaughter who turned 17 today!!
    Nate I want you to know that I have followed your blogg for over a year, and I have felt the awesome power of God in some of your posts. I know it hasn't been easy for you as the husband and daddy, but what strength and wisdom who have shown your girls and the rest of the world. You have let God be your strength and lead you, and it has strengthen me when I have been at my weakest. Thank you for writing many times when we know you really didn't "feel like" writing, but wanted to keep us informed so we could pray & rejoice with you.
    Hugs & prayers in IN.

  42. Happy Birthday!

    You are a fantastic blogger, wonderful husband and father, great photographer, and cute. I can say that 'cause I am roughly twice your age.

    (I linked your fish taco recipe into my fish taco recipe recently.)


  43. Happy Birthday, Nate! Enjoy your 2nd birthday as a Daddy.

  44. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a blessed birthday!

  45. Happy birthday to you!
    May God bless you!
    Enjoy your special day!

  46. Happy Happy Birthday, Thanks for sharing your wonderful family and story with us this year. Have a Wonderful evening.

  47. Happy Birthday, Nate! I hope the year ahead is magnificent!

  48. Happy Birthday Nate, I hope you have a great day.

  49. Happy Birthday!!

    T. Anonymous reader in WA.

  50. Happy birthday!! You're so nice and young;) Sorry I didn't clue in that it was your birthday earlier, but I'm still squeaking in with my wishes in time, at least in my time zone.


  51. Happy Birthday!! Sorry I'm a day late, kids kept us busy all day yesterday with baseball & softball games. I hope you had a wonderful day! Thank you so much for inviting us into your world through this blog. I'm addicted to it!

  52. Happy Birthday Nate! What a wonderful year to celebrate! May your birthday wishes continue to come true!!!!

  53. Happy Birthday to You! I'm late because I went up north to San Fransico to wish my grandbaby a Happy 1st Birthday!

    April 2 brought a lot of wonderful things!


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