
Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Niece, Leah

Leah was discharged today (Tuesday) and is now at home with her family. Don't know if they ever figured out any more than that she had some kind of virus that really messed her up for a few days...thanks for your thoughts and prayer!

My niece, Leah, who is in town with her big brother and mom (Tricia's sister, Megan), has been having a rough couple of days. They took her to the ER last night because she was vomiting...they gave her a few IV's of stuff and sent her home where she slept well last night. But, today around noon, they called the ambulance to the local hospital and then was transfered up to the nearest children's hospital a few hours away in VA. That's about all I can tell you at this point.

Please, if you can, take a moment to pray for little Leah and/or stop by Megan's blog and leave a note of encouragement, we'd appreciate it!




  1. Many prayers for your niece....I'm going out tonight but will keep up with you on my cell on twitter.

    Jo Lynn

  2. I am praying for you niece and sister in law.

  3. Praying for Leah as well as the rest of your family.

  4. You guys will be in my thoughts. I'm not too far from CHKD...they are GREAT! My youngest has spent some time there. It'll all be ok!

  5. Prayers for your niece and Megan!! ((hugs))

  6. I am so sorry to read this about Leah and I will be praying for her Nate. Such a little cutie pie.

    Love and hugs, Laurie

  7. Wow, that sounds pretty scary. Please keep us posted.

  8. Sending love and prayers their way !
    Hope that they figure out what is wrong and that little leah is better and comes home soon! Will be watching for updates!

  9. Sending up some prayer for Leah! Poor baby!

  10. Sending prayers out! Let us know how she is soon!

  11. I hope Leah is feeling better soon. It must be in the air b/c McMama's crew is experiencing the same bug.

  12. Praying, and tweeted/facebooked on the prayer request, I hope that is ok.

  13. Please let Leah parent know that she is in my prays.
    Praying from ND

  14. We all feel like we know Leah, too....following your family's blogs. Prayers going up for little Leah and your sister in law!

  15. Praying for Leah, her parents, and her doctors.

  16. Please ask your readers to pray for this woman and her unborn baby.

    This girl found out her baby has Trisomy 13 and likely won't live and the heart rate is low so they are possibly going in today to look at taking the baby - she is 33 weeks. She is young and a single mom - she will need our prayers.

  17. I forgot to add this is a devout Christian woman, who needs prayers from all of our Christian readers. We all prayed for Gwyneth, as did she. Please extend her the same prayers in her time of need as she was there for your baby Gwyneth and your wife Tricia praying non stop for them along with us.
    She could really use some lifting up at this critical time in her life and her daughters. My heart breaks for her.

    We will pray for leah now too. thanks for telling us. keep us updated . thanks

  18. Praying for Leah, her parents and the doctors.

  19. Lifting Leah to God.

  20. Poor baby! I hope she is better soon!

  21. Praying for Leah and hoping she is feeling better.

  22. Praying for Leah.... and continuing to pray for you all. I've been reading your blog for over a year, but have yet to post.... thought it time to come out of lurkdom. :)

  23. There is the Rotovirus running rampant right now. Hopefully it's not something too serious!

  24. Any update on Leah? I've been praying for her!

  25. Where in VA is she? I work at a children's hospital.

  26. any news yet on Miss Leah???

  27. Found your blog through Kelly's Korner. I am praying for Leah.I just wanted to let you know about my blog giveaway to benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. This giveaway is for Paula Deen’s 10 piece cookware set. Check out my blog for more details about entry. Thanks for looking. Tiff

  28. Nate and Tricia,
    Sending prayers for your neice Leah. I guess there is some type of virus going around,lots little ones sick lately.~Darlene

  29. We'll be praying for your niece, Leah! We're putting her on the prayer chain at Church.
    God bless all of you.

    In His Love,

  30. I will absolutely be praying for Leah. I said a prayer as soon as I read it. Poor baby!

  31. hi get your best blogger award for all time

  32. Prayers for this little angel. my grandaughter, Leah, also has CF. We pray always for her also and her sister Rebecca, who has CF. God is merciful and will not let this go unheard. Love and prayers for all your family. MaryLou C.

  33. We've had that happen with our children before. Just last week actually. I think it was some kind of food poisoning because no one else ever came down with it. But the one who did ended up in the ER getting rehydrated 3x. Of course, she's four. The smaller they are, the harder these viruses are on their little bodies. Glad she is doing better now!

  34. Praying for your family!!!

  35. Nate, do you or Trisha have an email address? I would enjoy making Gwyneth a winter coat but, will need some info to do so....
    thanks, from a mama in illinois


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