
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Party Pics

The party was great! The weather could not have been any more perfect, and about 60 friends and family came out to help us celebrate. Although Tricia knew I was up to something, she didn't know what until she arrived, which was fun (and amazing). Below are some pics from the evening...

This is Jane-Jane, a frequent blog reader/commenter who we had never met until yesterday...she has been praying for us for quite a while, and she drove no less than 8 hours on Friday from South Carolina just to come and meet us! Very cool!

My plan is to celebrate every year with Tricia and our friends and family, so make plans now to party with us on Saturday, April 3, 2010!



  1. I've been checking on and off all day for those pics.

    Ok, so I'm saving up now for my 'Brunettekoala in real life US tour' in April next year..starting in the OBX on April 3rd!!!

  2. PS - one of the photos that I THINK is your sister, reminds me is your sister that is due the same day Gwyneth was due getting on? She must be due to 'pop' soon? Anyway, been thinking of her and praying for her since September.I get constant prompts to remind me while working with pregnant women all the time, and lots of my friends are pregnant just now. :)

    April babies are the best (in my very biased opinion since I was born in April, my youngest brother is an April baby and my godson was also born last April) Obviously Gwyneth is an exception...but then she was due in April.... ;)

  3. How fun!!! You got some really great photos & I am glad you were able to pull it off with beautiful weather!!

  4. Lovely!

    Despite knowing all that everyone has gone through... these pictures REVEAL visions of health....

    Absolutely lovely.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. how exciting! hopefully next year i won't be recovering from another brain surgery and my daily migraines will be under control... i live in D.C. so it'd be a drive, but one i'm more than willing to make if i'm physically able to!

    - michelle

  7. Looks like so much fun. Gwyneth is getting so big and I love love love Tricia's haircut, it is perfect for her - she's gorgeous! Glad you all had great weather and fun time!

  8. My sister and I.
    Two Nevada girls...
    were talking and wishing yesterday that we lived closer so that we could be there to celebrate with you.

    Although we could NOT...
    you were in our thoughts.

    ToOdLeS.ShEiLa & aNgeLa

  9. Tricia looks amazing! You on the otherhand....JUST KIDDING@ heehee

  10. love the beautiful pics and thankfull you share all you do.
    trcia & gwyneth couldnt be more beautiful.
    so happy your secret plan played out perfectly.

    my prayers are always with you all


  11. These pics put a smile to my face today!! Thanks for sharing and I'm SO glad you guys had a good time AND that Tricia was surprised. :)

  12. I love Tricia's hair short - she looks great! (As do the rest of you, of course). :)

  13. i would so love to be there but all our spare cash is going towards our 2nd survey trip in Nampula to be missionaries.

  14. I am so glad the party was so successful!!

    I have only been reading your blog for a little bit, but I feel like I already know you I'm sure most of the other bloggers do, also! Your stories are inspirational and I love hearing about Tricia's fight with CF. My 2nd cousin, who turned 11 or 12 on New Years eve last year, has CF--they found it when she was just a few days old. It really gives me hope that she may live a longer life than expected! You guys are amazing :)


  15. too fun!! wish I could have been there.... so love Tricias hair - so adorable on here - is she going to keep it short or grow it back out?

  16. Thanks for taking our phoning in to the party. We love you and pray for you all.

  17. Leah looks slightly stunned in the picture...but adorable nonetheless. I wish I could have flown over to Hawaii to celebrate with you guys--maybe next year! Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia!

  18. Glad you had a good party and a nice day! What a difference a year makes! :)

  19. Your family is so beautiful! Tricia looks great, I can't believe how big the baby is getting.

    Congrats on your great party!

  20. How neat...and I absolutely LOVE Tricia's hair! She looks so chic!

  21. Beautiful Beautiful pictures!
    And thanks for the update on the plan to celebrate each year on April 3rd ... we'll add it to our calendar and see what happens. With a whole year of planning you might end up needing a very large location :-)

  22. So glad the weather was nice for your celebration. Here's wishing Trish many more transplant birthdays to come!

  23. so glad it turned out well! and SO wish i could have been there!! maybe i can plan ahead for next year :) love you guys!!! praying every day here in mexico!

  24. Beautiful pics! Looks like you all had the best time!!!

  25. I'm glad the party went well. I was thinking of you.

  26. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing your lives with us!

  27. plan on being there--w3anted to come this year, but did not want to share my cold!!

    Shari NC

  28. Congrat Guys. I am sorry I couldn't be there Friday but you are in my prayers everyday. Thank you for your inspiration. Coming from a kidney donor-. I hope anyone following your blog sees what a blessing signing up to be an organ donor can be. thank you for continueing to share your story.

  29. looks like a lot of fun. glad the weather was good for you all. happy days!! jcn

  30. I am so glad you all had a wonderful day. It looked like it was beautiful. The pictures are all wonderful. Tricia looks beautiful and I LOVE her hair...


  31. Looks like Baby G was the guest of honor! lol She sure seems intrigued by her audience!

    I love the 2nd to the last pic you posted of Tricia with G. great!

  32. You have a very beautiful family.

  33. How great to have such a special celebration! Congratulations and on to "year two"!

  34. You are such an awesome party planner!! It looks like such a wonderful time.

  35. So glad the party was a success. I'm sure Tricia was amazed that you could pull off such a huge surprise without anyone letting it slip. What a special day for all of you. Thanks for sharing some pictures. Maybe I'll get to join you all next year!

  36. Love the sun flare in the second to last picture. Tricia is rockin' her short hairstyle, HOT!

  37. i miss seeing Tricia wrinkle her nose in real life... but thanks for the great pictures! :)

  38. O.k. I am going to put that on my list of have to's. Thanks for the invite Nate!

  39. ill put my reservation in with Brenda now :) and i will get coverage for my volunteering so that I can worship with you guys on Sunday too.
    FYI...just checked, that is Easter weekend next year. wow...celebrating life will be a weekend affair.
    it was a great honor and pleasure to meet your family. it was GREAT to see in person that your family is just who you are in blog world...Christ followers that are just livin the life that God has given you.

  40. So glad that the party was a success! The pictures are great.

    Oh, and I don't want this to sound creepy or stalker-esque...but Tricia looks great with her hair like that! I know that is still in the growing-back phase, but the short do' is very attractive for her.

  41. Tricia,
    Your hair is growing in so cute.

    I love it.

    Wish I could have been there is celebrate with ya.

  42. Tricia's haircut is off the hook!
    LOVE IT!!!!

  43. Just seeing these! Wow! Sure, everyone looks good, and Gwyneth is incredible, but you know who is just radiant? TRICIA! WOW! :)

    Happy Belated B-day!

  44. Tricia you look wonderful! Hope you all had a wonderful, Happy day.

    And look great with short hair by the way!


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