
Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Port

Tricia is receiving a new Port this morning...this will be her third (the other two were removed because of risk of infection...hopefully this one will stay). After speaking with several people the past few days and putting her foot down about not wanting the other options, she won the battle (I'm proud of her). The procedure is one that requires sedation, and from experience, it can be painful and will basically leave her groggy and grumpy for the rest of the day.

Also, my littlest sister, Rachel, is at the hospital back home waiting for her water to break and to deliver Gwyneth's very first cousin on the Lawrenson side of the family! We're bummer that we can' be there...we're also bummed that it didn't happen yesterday. Tricia was hoping for an Earth Day child, suggesting "Skylark Tree Blooming" for her name...

Thanks for praying for Tricia and Rachel today!



  1. Poor Tricia! My little Luke may getting a port today or tomorrow. Hie vessels around his heart no longer allow pic lines.

  2. praying for them both!

  3. Way to go Tricia! Hope that all goes with it, and that you get out of hospital soon.

    My friend's water broke when she and her husband were singing 'Rain Down' by Delirious....hope all goes well with delivery of your niece/nephew. Praying for Rachel!!

  4. They're both in my thoughts today. Please keep us posted.

  5. Hope Tricia feels better soon. Way to go Tricia for putting your foot down. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of the newest member of the Lawrenson family. Now Gwyneth will have someone to show the ropes to.
    Elaine from MT

  6. praying for Tricia today Nate, I am proud of her for making her needs known, sorry she is having complications but pray she will be back home where she belongs soon
    You are such an amazing husband and I am so grateful your girls have you!

  7. Saying a prayer for Tricia today. I am also glad she made what she wanted know. I have a port as well. I would prefer that over the PICC Line any day.
    Take care of yourself to Nate.

  8. we'll be praying nate! PLEASE give tricia my LOVE!

  9. Nate, hey man I just started following you on Twitter (from a tweet MckMama made) and read your story. My wife and I are praying for your entire family bro. Hang in there, you're in our thoughts.


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  11. Praying for Tricia!

    Praying for your sister and baby, too!

    Stacey in missippi

  12. Saying LOTS of prayers!!!! Much love!

  13. Praying for both of them...and that little almost-here cousin! Bet your Mom is about climbing the walls with excitement! :)
    Yeah, Tricia, for being assertive!

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  15. Thanks for the update, Nate. I'm sitting at the office waiting for the 10:00 staff meeting and now I know why I'm by myself!! I did put 2 and 2 together, however. I'm smart like that! I'm looking forward to having all the Lawrensons and their families back home soon--in good health and rested. Praying for everyone!

  16. Thinking of you Tricia. I'm on my third port in 2 years so can really sympathise with the pain of having them put in. I think you're great though for putting your foot down and getting what you want!
    HUGS xxx

  17. Good for Tricia and knowing whats best for her and sticking to it...YOU GO GIRL ! ! ! !

    Wonderful news about your sister...I bet your Mother & Father are So Excited.

    Great news about Gwyneth Rose this week too.

    I would like to say I agree with Tricia, a Earth Day Child would be very cool....interesting name Tricia choose.

    As always I am praying for Tricia, Gwyneth Rose, yourself and now for your sister, baby and husband too.


  18. I will pray for Tricia and Rachel. BTW, I had a good laugh at the skylark tree blooming name!

    I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but if you wouldn't mind adding my best friend, Stephani, to your prayers, I would appreciate it. She is having brain surgery and spinal surgery today. Due to the nature of the surgery, the risks of brain injury and paralysis are great. She could use all the prayers she can get. Thank you!

  19. Praying for Tricia and your sister. So much going on.

  20. Will definitely be praying...and yeah that port surgery hurt a whole lot more than I was expecting. At least she has had one and will not be caught off guard by the pain. I can't believe that some people have that done at bedside with just some valium & pain meds...anyway - will be praying for your sister as well!


    So Cal.

  21. Go Mom Rachel and Aunt Tricia and Uncle Nathan!!! And, of course, prayers...

  22. Praying here for Tricia and for the new baby cousin on the way. I'm on my second port and it's not cooperating very well, so I'm praying I'm not going to have to get yet another one. They can be such a blessing and such a pain, at the same time!

    God bless you all.
    Loretta in GA

  23. Did Gwyneth pass her sweat test?

    Is she still needing her oxygen?

    Does she eat solid foods yet?

    Hope Tricia is feeling better after her surgery. Just curious why couldnt she have a broviac put in instead of the portacath?

    Congrats on baby Evan! Show pics!

  24. Good Luck!!
    You guys are in my prayers!!
    Oh and CONGRATS Uncle, Aunt and Cousin!!!!

  25. I actually like the name "Skylark" but I'm not sure about the rest of it :) I hope that little baby is already in his mommy's arms. Praying for your sister and Tricia too! I guess she has learned how to be her own advocate! Good for her! I hope you guys can head home soon!

  26. I think Skye is a pretty name!

    Where did they come up with Evaine? Never heard of it !did they just make it up?

  27. Congrats to your sister. I'm pretty sure Evaine Claire will be happy that's her name and not "Skylark Tree Blooming." Haha. I hope Tricia's doing well.

  28. Best wishes to Tricia, I'm waiting for an appointment to go into Hospital for my 1st Port.

  29. Welcome Evaine Claire to the world.....
    Congratulations to your sister, her husband, your parents, yourself and gee everyone in your family.
    That is a Very Beautiful-Unique name your sister & B.I.L. have choosen for their bundle of joy.

    As always prayers all around


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  31. In my post i meant to also say,
    you know that show that is about the "woman bounty hunter", her adorble husband & children..(Not DOG's wife)....well one of her daughters is named "Ever Sky", I mention this because Tricia was suggesting "Skylark Blooming"
    I.D.K the whole "Sky" thing got me going. =) =) =) =)


  32. Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you all!

  33. Praying for you and your family and congratulating you on over 10,000,000 hits! You have touched a lot of lives and for that we give thanks!

  34. Emma Claire is a BEAUTIFUL name!!!

  35. Looks like you hit the 10,000,000 mark today!

  36. I just had my 3rd port put in Sunday morning. I was nervous because the last replacement had complications. However it was 7 years ago and placements have improved greatly. I will say that I am praying Tricia's placement goes as well as mine pain wise. I did have some complications, but I am weird. The pain was very minimal though. I am still a little sore. But the pain wasn't anything to horrible. Just need some tylenol. The first day I just needed one big pain med. I know she has been through this before, but its just nice to be reassured sometimes. I was by my lovely cf friends and it was greatly appreciated. Then to actually go through it with the new wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

  37. Hope all went well and this will just be a little bump in the road and nothing more.
    CONGRATS uncle!


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