
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I woke up this morning to an email about my friend Adam's daughter, Kaleigh. She is a micro-preemie who has been in the hospital for several months due to many different issues...things have been slowly and steadily progressing toward a discharge, but it appears that something has gone very "wrong" in the past few days. It is believed that Kayleigh may have had a stroke and that she is now brain dead.

Please take a moment to pray for Kayleigh and her family with me, and maybe stop by her Blog and leave an encouraging note.




  1. I've been following Kayleigh since she was born! This is heartbreaking!! I will continue to pray for Aimee and Adam and their family. I can't imagine what they are going through. It's sad. Really sad.

  2. Nathan, I am so very sorry about Kaleigh,I am praying for her and her family.....
    going to leave a note on there blog right now....

    p.s. also praying for Tricia, Gwyneth and yourself.....

  3. Thank you for the heads-up. I normally don't check their blog until later in the day. I left a message for Adam & Aimee.

    I hope you and the girls are enjoying your time at Duke. Are the gardens blooming? (If they are, I am sure you will have some fabulous pictures for us) I hope that Gwyneth's appointments are going well. Please tell Tricia that she is looking wonderful these days and that I hope she gets the answers she needs to feel as well too. Praying for you all.

  4. Absolutely. Prayers ensuing.


  5. Brilliant news about Tricia, Gwenyth and Stellan. I'm sorry to hear that Kayleigh has suffered a setback and will definitely add her to my list.

  6. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Kayleigh all evening.

  7. We've been praying so hard for them! Reading about this new turn of events this morning broke my heart. I really hope that Jesus can make a miracle and prove those doctors wrong once again!

    Hugs to you!

  8. We are praying for Kayleigh's tiny body & for her dear parents. Our hearts ache for them.

  9. Nate,
    I am praying for them!!! So sorry to hear of this news.

    If you could, I know this is going to sound odd, but can you check the last post on my blog and give me whatever insight you can to help me out with our project? Thanks!

  10. This is so heartbreaking. Lifting them in prayer.

  11. I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. Please know our prayers are with Kayleigh and her family.

  12. I think I'm still in shock. I read it last night and was praying and hoping with everything I had that I would get up this morning and it would all be different. We are praying for Adam and Amy that they find the answers and strength in this difficult time.

  13. Praying heavily for Kayleigh and her mom and dad. I have been following her and cheering her home with her family and I am just sick that this is happening now.

    Praying for Tricia to mend quickly and for you guys to be headed back home.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  14. I will pray. Take care.

  15. I found your blog on my Aunt Kayes blog. I was wondering if you wanted to take my Bible Verse challenge?

    I love your baby she's so cute!

  16. Praying for Kayleigh (and family) and the Doctors working with her and her family!

  17. It is shocking ... I have been following for a while now and was just shocked when I read that today. I am so sad and hope that she amazes them somehow.


  18. I prayed and left a comment for them. May God comfort them right now.


  19. been checking in all day and sending good thoughts her way.

  20. Oh, how horrible :( I'll keep their family in my thoughts.

  21. We are also following Kayleigh and stumbled upon your blog. Our son, Carter was born at Duke in October 2008 and spent 4 months in the NICU. We'll be praying for your wife--pneumonia is a scary thing when you have lung issues. Maybe we'll bump into you at the SICC one day! :)


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