Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bug Hunting



Niecey said...

How very cute

Pam D said...

I love the pic with her feet in the air! How cute is that? She looks like she's having a blast.. what a joy to see her so happy...

Amy Lynn said...

She's so cute!!!

April said...


Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Absolutely adorable!

Heather's Haven said...

super cute! I'll bet she's about to that phase where some bubbles would just about rock her world!

Jolly said...

wow she has an explosion of teeth!

Staci said...

Nothing better than a good bug hunt! Love the toe shot!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! You can almost hear her giggling in those last few!

Unknown said...

She looks just like you! I'm sure you've never heard that before. She's darling and these pictures are so cute. I like Meka in the background.

Holly Aytes said...

She is an absolute doll!

Emily said...

look at all dem teeth! So cute! I like the one where you just see her feet poking out of the grass. :)
Have a good weekend!
Love and prayers,
The VA Beach Burgesses

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics in the long grass. Im a bit paranoid up here in NJ, have to do a deer tick check after playing in the grass. But well worth the fun.

Hoping Gwyneth doesn't eat the grass/dirt like my Nathan does.

Aspiemom said...

My favorite is the one with her feet in the air!

She's growing so fast!

auntrene said...

Absolutely Adorable...

Anonymous said...

Awww she looks like she's concentrating really hard to find those buggies!!! :) So cute!

Becky Johnson said...

Looks like she is very happy in the grass! Make sure you use lots of sunscreen on Miss Gwyneth, as her skin is sooo fair!! I am sure she will burn easily. Water Babies is a good one, spf 50!

Jessie R said...

Did you touch up the color of the grass in your photos? The grass looks soooo bright and green!

Twinkletoes said...

Look at those teeth! I love the shots - especially the one of her tumbling!!!

Em said...

I have never seen a little one so serious!!! Loved it when she disappeared in the grass and loving her teethies

((((((( HUGS HUGS )))))))


Anonymous said...


Erica said...


Becky in VA said...


Love to all!

BARB said...

me thinks when YOUR little bug gets lost in the grass it just might be time to cut it. lol.

Momof2bz said...

She's getting so big :) Are those 2 new teeth I see growing up there?

Jackie said...

Wow....what a difference a year makes!


Kathryn said...

someone is teething!

Anonymous said...

so stinkin' cute!

Becky said...

She is SO breathtakingly gorgeous! I love all these pics. It fills my heart up to see her so happy and full of spunk and sass.

SaraG said...

Very cute pictures of Gwyneth!
Her hair is really getting thick and long. She is such a cutie.
Take care!!

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

I love where she toppled over! Too cute. I am the one who sent you the tweet about ISR lessons. Just curious, because the only requirement is the infant needs to sit up without assistance. The lessons teach the baby to merely roll over and float if ever in the water... no coordination required, just for safety. We have a pool, so I am very interested, just looking for someone who has taken the lessons to see how they went. Glad to hear she is loving the water. After infant loss of our 23w6d micro preemie, we have a new daughter who was full term and is now 3 months. I am always looking for best practices and safety advice. Can never be too careful!

Thanks for always blogging and shareing Gwyneth with the rest of us. She was born not too long after we lost our son and I was rooting for her every minute of every day... and continue to do so. She is a miracle and a blessing... and you are an amazing father and husband. Happy Mother's Day to Tricia and I hope she recouperates and gets well soon after her fall.

Cassie12 said...

Cute pictures of a cutie pie!!!

Elaine said...

Great pictures. But when does Gwyneth ever take bad pics? Sure looks like she is enjoying her bug hunting. Did she catch one? Hope she didn't eat it!!!!
Elaine from MT

Ginger said...

Nate she is so cute!

Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

Jane said...

love these!

The Thornton Family said...

PRECIOUS!!! I think these are my most favorite pics ever!

Praying for Tricia....

Stacey in Missippi

Vicki said...


Gayle said...

These are adorable! I love this series. They capture the true joy Miss Gwyneth had in playing in the grass.

Saying lots of prayers for you all, especially for Tricia!

Joyce K said...

Absolutely adorable!!

Renelle Davis said...

These are the cutest pictures ever!! I love the pics where she's got her mouth open with her face to the she trying to catch bugs with her mouth OR is she praising Jesus with some awesome songs she's heard daddy sing?!? :) SUCH a cutie pie!!

Amy said...

I love the one where she is looking up at the sky with her mouth open as if to catch some raindrops (and hopefully not bird poo!). Her hair is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Gwyneth is getting so big!

Just wanted to warn you to be careful and watch out for ticks, which can carry Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.

My daughter has been very ill from Lyme disease-- she caught it playing in the grass in our own backyard.

Praying for Tricia!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for continuing to allow us to share your precious little girl.

Heather Marie said...

Laughing out loud with my little boys! Such a cutie pie!!!

Anonymous said...

Precious beyond words Nate.~Darlene