Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Role Reversal

Tricia and I will be experiencing a bit of role reversal tonight. We're driving up to VA in a little while to spend the night, Tricia and Gwyneth with a friend and me at a hospital...I'll be undergoing a sleep study.

Hopefully, this study will help determine a few things about my health.

Thanks, and sweet dreams.



anita said...

Hope it gets to the bottom of things, Bro... love youguys!

Jennifer Burgett said...

I had to do a sleep study several years ago and I think it is funny how the doctors expect you to sleep with all those wires hooked up to you. Of course, I slept just fine - but they also figured out that I have narcolepsy. Sleeping is not a problem!

Deep Thinker said...

Good luck! I had that done a few weeks ago and didn't enjoy it much! But they were able to determine that I do NOT have sleep apnea...

Aspiemom said...

I got to do my sleep study at home.

That certainly is a role reversal for you guys!

Burgess family said...

Aw, sorry Nate! Hope you feel better soon!

asplashofsunshine said...

Good night, and good luck.

Shari said...

Nate: I just had one of those done and it revealed a lot of problem and they are getting corrected. I hope everything works out well and things can get taken care of! :-)

TiffanyBlue said...

Good luck! Hope you feel better soon!!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Wishing you good sleep, or maybe bad sleep at the sleep clinic? Not sure which would be best, but hope you get answers you need. Tell Tricia and Gwyneth to keep the party to a dull roar!!

mom2LEAA said...

Hope the study works out for you. My husband, who insisted that he did not have sleep apnea, went for his sleep study when our youngest was 2 weeks old. His study revealed that had severe sleep apnea and he came home with a CPAP. That was almost 8 years ago. It has been a blessing for him and me. Hope all goes well and you get the answers that you are seeking.


Becky in VA said...

Happy snoring. Those sleep studies will definitely record whatever is going on. Be good.

Love to All.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Sweet dreams! Praying all is well!

Evolution East Truck & Car Club said...

Good luck Nate! I just had 2 done within the past month. Remember to take your camera because it is pretty funny how you are going to look all wired up. Also, don't expect to sleep very much.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes on your sleep study. I hope it turns out with good results Nate.~Darlene

sweetnika said...

oooh yeah! my man had to do one of these, happy sleeping :)

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Good luck with the sleep!

Nadia said...

we just did sleep studies on our 5&6yo's. it was SO easy, picked up the little machine, hooked it up with a bandaid type thing to the finger, threaded it through the jammies and out the pant leg and to the machine. then took the machine back the next day for them to download the data!

My2Girls said...

Hey Nate!

My husband just underwent a sleep study at Bayside Hospital in Va Beach a few months ago. My suspicion was absolutely RIGHT on the MONEY! After his overnight sleep study, he was diagnosed with SEVERE sleep apnea. Doc said he was technically "waking up" 45 times per HOUR! Yikes! No wonder he was EXHAUSTED all of the time!He now sleeps with a CPAP mask at night. The benefit? He now feels more RESTED throughout the day and I am able to sleep without being bothered with his LOUD, LOUD snoring. He just puts the mask on right before he dozes off and all is good! He gets enough oxygen so he is able to sleep comfortably and he sleeps silently .... NO MORE SNORING! Took him a few nights to get used to sleeping with the mask, but it makes such a BIG difference!

Anyway, BEST of LUCK to you! I hope you get some conclusive results from the sleep study!

Va Beach

Jess said...

I hope that it goes well... :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I had a sleep study done almost exactly six years ago. Good luck. I hope you get some answers.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Hey, my 9 year old is having one done next Friday....he wants to know if you'll share the details of "how" it is done and if it "hurts" (which I know it doesn't but trying to convince a 9 year old of that is difficult!)

Anonymous said...

my husband had one done, he didnot do what he usually does when he sleeps so nothing was captured that needed to be. I still have to deal with his sleep nightmare outbursts. help

LoveLladro said...

I am sure tons of other people will write in their stories... so I won't be any different! My hubby did a sleep study... as it turns out he was get 0 REM sleep and basically his sleeping did absolutely nothing for him. 1 night on a CPAP and he was a new man. Peppy, full or life and not falling asleep all the time. Not a night goes by without him using it! I hope the sleep study turns up some good information for you guys!

Unknown said...

My hubby has sleep apnea...and he goes for his 2nd annual sleep test in a couple weeks. What a blessing the CPAP has been. He's got more energy and rarely naps any more.

The initial sleep test showed that he stopped breath once every 30 seconds. The doctor was surprised that he was still alive. Stopping breath that much puts a lot of strain on your heart.

As much 'fun' as the test will be, it is very important. Good for you for going! Let us know how it goes.

Jen said...

Hope you find some answers, and feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams!!!!!

Catherine said...

Ah yes! The amazing sleep study where it nere ye impossible to sleep! Unless of course you like to feel like a bad spider electrical outlet.

Hope they're able to find some answers for you. If they happen to diagnose you with apnea and suggest a CPAP machine...GO FOR IT! I have one, fought wearing it for 6 years then finally gave in about 4 years ago and I'm literally a new person!

Sweet dreams spider boy!

BeckyG. said...

I had a sleep study done last year and it was a little annoying to be hooked up to all those wires! If you do have sleep apnea and get a c-pap machine,it will make a HUGE difference! I finally am starting to feel rested after sleeping for the first time in my life! Hope it all goes well and they can find out what is wrong! God Bless!

Julie said...

Praying for a decisive conclusion to your health issues!! (And a safe trip, too)

Becky in VA said...

Just thought I'd put in my 2-cents worth that sleep apnea is NOT the only reason for having a sleep study.

Love to all.

Kari said...

Hi Nate!

Hope the sleep study went well and they are able to figure out what's up.

My 2 year old son Nathan had a sleep study last night too! We just got home.... hope it wasn't as traumatic for you as it was for him. :)

Continuing to pray for you guys,

terri c said...

Good luck, hope you get some good information that helps with your health! Your little one has SUCH LONG HAIR!!! She's so pretty... Oh, and prayers rising of course.

The Doodle Family (As Authored by Kimberley) said...

Good luck Nate. I had a sleep study done last year and it was pretty funny to be all hooked up! How do they expect you to sleep? I hope you get to the botoom of things!

Me and my Gurl said...

Nate I pray that they discover what may be causing you difficulties with your health during your sleep study. I have undergone 2 sleep studies and the first was showing sleep apnea. The second was when my seizure's were found. I have not been back for any follow ups but hope that you will do well God Bless you and Keep You.....

Barbara said...

Hope the test provides some helpful solutions for you.

Shari said...

Hope it went well. I have had a few of them. My problem, I sleep on my stomach and cannot when all hooked up. The sleep study is worse than the CPAP. I used one for a few years, but am being reevaluated now. My husband who SWORE he did not have apnea now has one and I sleep soooo much better now that he does!!
This is quite the role reversal--my best too all of you.

Shari NC

libby @ ninesandquines said...

am i the ONLY one that noticed you shaved your beard and moustache???? AHHH!!!

two friends of ours got CPAPs after their sleep studies and have told us that their lives are COMPLETELY different...they said they don't know, literally, how they ever functioned without them...good luck!!!!!!!

Jonathan said...

I also noticed the clean face. that you, Nate. Nice!

Meg said...

My husban has sleep apnea, too. And the CPAP has made a WORLD of difference. If you have it, Nate, use the mask. It will help you so much!

TheRagan3 said...

my hubby had a sleep study and now uses a breathing machine at night. It's not too bad but he'd like to get rid of it. hope the study helps you out!

Anonymous said...

Are you thinking sleep apnea? I don't mean this in a rude way, but if that's what it is, it REALLY improves with weight loss. My husband had horrible sleep apnea til he finally got down to business and lost the weight and the apnea disappeared. It has been wonderful for his quality of life. Good luck!

Kimberly said...

Nate, I hope your study went well. Mine was a night from hell. But, determing that I did indeed stop breathing wayyy too many times to count in a night led to great changes for me so it was worth the hellish nights twice in a row! If you end up on CPAP or BiPAP, please make sure you tough out the transition period and get used to the mask (check out several great online bulletin boards for tips and tricks - feel free to email for further info if you would like it) and I would be happy to share the info I've learned with you at any time -- sometimes it takes several tries at a mask to find the right 1 for you, I love my comfortlite2 with the nasal mask attached rather than the pillows.. stick it out and find what you need to be successful with the therapy - it will make an absolute amazing difference to your life if you get a good night's sleep every night!