
Saturday, May 23, 2009


Finish this equation for me...if you live on the Outer Banks, you'll know the answer that I'm thinking of...

Memorial Day Weekend + The Beach + Good Weather = ?



  1. One zillion tourists, most of whom cannot drive properly!

  2. Not from the OBX but I am going guess...TOURISTS!

    I am a New Englander and the OBX is my "happy place" - you know the place you go in your mind before a painful medical procedure...or when your 3 kids under age 5 have been crying all afternoon.

    Were it not for the 17 hour drive I would be there right now, clogging your roads (or should I say "road" singular, eating crabcakes, and wishing I could live in my happy place forever!

  3. If I lived closer that's where I would love to be...I agree with everyone else = overcrowded with people

  4. never been to outer banks but live near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, so I know from our experience, the answer is... TRAFFIC!

  5. I would have to say, "Biting horse flies, tons of crabs, and tourists."

    That's from my experience at the OBX a few years ago after Memorial day.

  6. Priceless if it's spent with your two favorite girls!

  7. TRAFFIC. LOTS OF IT. and don't even try to get through the lines at Food Lion. Oh, and drunk people.

  8. I live by the Lake Huron and Lake St Clair In Michigan.
    Weather is great to. But planning a BBQ and spending time in the yard with my family rules when the weather is great.
    Have a great day no matter what the plan is.

  9. = Traffic

    Hope you feel betterer all day :)

  10. The start of a beautiful summer!!!

    My husband and I will be in Waves starting next Saturday 5/30 we are from Ohio and can't wait to visit our most favorite vacation destination.

    This is our 12th visit in 11 years!

    No better place to relax and enjoy the presence of our Lord!

    My first time posting to your blog.

    My prayers are with you and your family!

  11. ICE CREAM and more fun pictures of your girls.

  12. Heh. I'm not from the OBX but I've been there once, and I'll just say there are many reasons we went in the off-season. ;)

  13. a big boost to our emonomy! (and traffic)

  14. Tourists and unwelcoming natives (ie people who think they own the beach) who can't appreciate that people want to be with family on the beach during a holiday and boost their economy!

  15. yeah me NOT in OBX. Me in Ohio. Wishing I was in the OBX.
    It's my happy happy place. I think I need to move there.

  16. The start of the season where you can not safely leave your house without many events occurring. Including but not limited by the following things.... getting cut off at every road that comes to the one your on, people realizing they were to turn right...there, standing in line for one item at the grocery store for an hour because the cashier is lost and being yelled at by someone who feels they have the right to yell them.....and the list could go on

  17. The same thing that is happening in my neighborhood here at the west coast. Tons of people who don't know how to drive in a small coastal town.~sigh~ I do know how blessed I am to leave here at the beach though and put my patience cap on for the summer until Labor Day:) That's when we get our little town back. I am glad everyone has fun though. The beach rocks!! Have a great weekend.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  18. = a good reason to STAY home!!!

  19. A beautiful weekend with too much traffic. But of course, we'll all remain thankful that we don't live in some lame city with too much pollution, too much crime and no waterfront.

  20. I can answer this one with my eyes closed- TOURONS! If you are a local OBX'er, you know what this means.

  21. Hey! Don't be so hard on us! ;-) We get to go to the OBX two times this summer! I'm so excited! We'll be there for the 4th and later in July with my parents. I promise not to enter a grocery store on the weekend. And yes, I'm appalled the way some fellow tourists treat the grocery store clerks! I've never seen behavior as bad as a Saturday night at Food Lion at the beach! The driving? Well, we'll do our best. We don't drink, so that is a plus. Enjoy the weekend!

  22. Can we say........tourists! Those who have no clue how to drive,overcrowed resturants,grocery store and the works ect. ect. OBX sounds like a great place to be regardless of the above.~Darlene

  23. revenue for starving businesses

    and a reminder that life isn't about getting there fast, (because if you're behind a tourist, it won't happen! and if you're at food lion there will only be 2 checkout lines open and people lined up to the milk asile waiting to check out )

  24. aisle...(refer to previous post)

  25. WAY to many people that do not know where they are going...esp on Saturdays, the rental flip day!

  26. if it's anything like Northern Lower Michigan the answer is the reason I'm staying home all weekend and the only reason I dread summer... "tourists!"

  27. Everything's slammed. And for us, despite the overpopulated roads, stores and restaurants, it is what keeps our economy above water (slightly this year).

    Welcome tourists! I saw a bunch of you today and remembered why the old-timers here call you "sore backs".

  28. Welcomed TOURONS!!
    We welcome the Tourons, bad driving, rude shopping, and half-naked walking and all. The more the merrier. Bring 'em on; with their money, of course.

  29. =stay at home!

    Soo many people headed to the OBX, I'm sure!!

  30. Virginia Beach BurgessesMay 25, 2009 at 8:05 AM

    and unfortunately.... TRAFFIC!
    Hope you guys had a great weekend!
    Emily B.

  31. Yay...we'll be in the OBX June 13 for a week...our 7th year there and we love it. Some tips we've learned over the years are to leave at 4 AM to beat "some" of the traffic, and to bring in a cooler, enough food to last until Monday morning, hence avoiding the chaos at Food Lion on Saturday and Sunday. We stay at the Dune Lantern condos and it couldn't be more perfect...beautiful ocean view and breezes and the most comfortable place ever. Can't wait for long beach walks and delicious seafood dinners!

  32. I live in Ocean City, MD and we call them tourons too...we also have WAY too much traffic, horseflys (at assateague) and it gets way too crowded with people starting now with the "junebugs" and going into September.
    OBX is much nicer I it is too concrete, we actually go to the OBX to get AWAY from all the people and for better surf!

  33. = A good reason to go fly a kite at Jockey's Ridge :)


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