
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Day!

You might remember me posting about our friends, the Johnsons, who were preparing to adopt three more children from Africa?

Well, this was the week, and tomorrow (I hope) we get to meet Juan and Pam's three new children at church...what a happy day! You can read more about their story on Their Blog!



  1. Hi Nate,
    I was reading about your friends the Johnsons and just wanted to send some prayers to them...adoption is an incredible journey, one which my husband and I are on as well, and I can only imagine their joy as they begin the next phase of their new life with their expanding family!!! God Bless them!! BTW: I am not sure if you "remember me" SIL, Michelle Haber lives in Nag's Head and knows Tricia's sister, my brother Doug used to be an instructor at Kitty Hawk prayed for us a while back and I was very touched! We were on the OBX in April to do some adoption networking and I wish we could have had the chance to stop by your church and say hi..the week went by so fast! I read your blog all the time and keep your family in my prayers!

  2. This sounds like it is great news for them. It will be hard I am sure... but anything worth having... usually takes hard work.

    Kudos to them!


  3. Hey Nate!

    I was wondering if you could do me a favor and pass my name and contact info on to your friends, the Johnsons. I would like to do some photography work for them, I they are amazing people and I would love to capture this for them. . . . free of charge obviously.

    I am glad to see you are all doing well. I'll be seeing your Mom next Wednesday at the monthly meeting. :) Oh, and if you ever want a little photo lesson just let me know, be glad to give you some more pointers.


  4. I spoke with Pam this afternoon...she sounded tired but sooooooo happy. How wonderful that this family is finally united, that she and Juan have all of thier "little" children under one roof. All glory to Jesus! (and also a quiet nod to you, mentioned Pam & Juan's story on your blog back in the early days of this adoption, and because of that, Pam has become one of my dearest friends. The Internet is a funny place!)

  5. I have been a follower of your blog for quite a while. Our family has also experienced the miracle of adoption as we have been blessed by adding 2 Liberian children to our brood of 4 bio children a little over 2 years ago. It has been quite a ride but we can't imagine life any other way! I love hearing of other families who have also grown through adoption ...and of course, Africa is near and dear to my heart :) Thanks for sharing their story!!!

  6. I have been a follower of your blog for quite a while --what a joy it has been to follow the story of God's faithfulness to your family. Our family has also experienced the miracle of adoption as we have been blessed by adding 2 Liberian children to our brood of 4 bio children a little over 2 years ago. It has been quite a ride but we can't imagine life any other way! I love hearing of other families who have also grown through adoption ...and of course, Africa is near and dear to my heart :) Thanks for sharing their story!!!

  7. We will see you this morning Nate!! All of us, Lord willing- Big group of kids and things are really very difficult yet--;) but can not wait to see our church family. blessings, Pam

  8. Thank you so much for sharing their blog link... I've been following their story for the past few weeks and am so touched by their story. My heart strings have been been heavily tugged :)!


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