
Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15

On May 15, 2008, we brought you home for good from the hospital!

One year later, and we're pretty sure that we're never letting you go!


  1. LOVE the before and after photos! She is such a blessing for you both! Congrats on the coming-homeiversary!!

  2. No greater feeling in the entire world than being a parent. If Gwen ever has doubts (which there's no way she could) about how much she's loved... just show her this blog!!! Happy Homecoming Anniversary!

  3. Aww, those are so sweet! Bet it's been the best year ever!

  4. Same blankie! You looks thinner.

    What an amazing journey this year has been for you.

  5. She's gotten so big! What a fantastic anniversary to celebrate!

  6. As the mom of a preemie that spent time in the NICU I know how special the coming home date is. I hope you all have a great day just being together!

  7. I cant belive it has been a year! What an amazing year.

  8. What a great year it's been. Happy Home-iversary Gwyneth.

  9. I'm with ya! I'm pretty sure she's a keeper!
    How sweet!

    Stacey in Missippi

  10. Happy Homecoming Anniversary!!! Somehow I did not realize that you brought your little miracle home 2 days before we brought our 2nd little miracle home, Brooke, who was born on 3/26/08 at 27w 4d! Gwyneth is such a little doll : ).

    P.S. I have an almost 6 year old, Ryan, who was born at 23w 5d and spent 6 months in the NICU, so I know all too well what you went through with Gwyneth!

  11. Same blanket for Gwyneth, Same shirt for Daddy, different circumstances and a year in between! Happy anniversary with many more to come!

  12. Happy Homeversary! Is there going to be more cake? Sounds like a good excuse for more cake! :)

  13. WOW! I can't believe I've been keeping up with you guys for a year now. It seems like just yesterday when I read that she came home from the hospital. You guys have come so far from just a year ago. Congrats!

  14. Wow! A year at home. Gwyneth is amazing :)

  15. My oh my how Gwyneth has grown!!!
    Take care and have a great weekend!!

  16. LOVE IT!!! Life is so awesome!

  17. Our Father is good! A wonderful story of hope

  18. YAY!!!!!!! :)

    What a wonderful story to tell your little girl one day!

  19. Happy forever home anniversary Gwyneth. Look at how good you have grown up, WOW. You and your mom sure are miracles and your dad is a pretty special guy too:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  20. Wow! Can't believe it has been a whole year already! Wonderful!!

  21. Happy Anniversary.

    If I were you I would keep her... I have seen her cute little personality streaming 'LIVE' with her Daddy... and she is a keeper.

    The positioning of the then and now photos is amazing...


  22. Happy homecoming day sweetheart! Looking adorable every day!

  23. Yup, she is a keeper!!! There is no turning back with that precious person of yours:)

  24. What a happy thing to celebrate!! Happy Homecoming Day!! My daughter was born (full-term) a few weeks after Gwyneth, so I consider them "friends"! Love watching her grow up.

  25. Yaaaaaaa :) :) :)

    Happy homecoming anniversary xoxo

  26. Such a blessing.
    PS Was it a co-incidence that you had the same t-shirt on?

  27. Love the pictures, This sounds silly but I had forgotten how little she was. Amazing!!
    Beautiful family.
    Thanks for sharing.

  28. congratulations! What a blessing from God. I have to say Nate, you still have the stubble!!

  29. LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos.

    Gwyneth is making so many milestones these days!!

  30. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasMay 15, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    Yours is such an amazing story that is a reminder that God is Good! Enjoy every little smile and every little moment as it goes by so fast. There are so many wonderful things to come!

  31. God is good. She is a keeper that's for sure.~Darlene

  32. If it weren't for the changing of Gwyneth, one would think this was the same day ... you're wearing the *same* shirt!! Or at least it looks like it. ;)

  33. I can't believer I have been blog stalking you all for over a year now!! LOL
    Just a beautiful family and story.
    God Bless.

  34. wow, a year already! so awesome

  35. She looks pretty sold on you as well.

  36. I'm sorry I'm late, but wahoo! I can't believe it's been a year since you brought your sweet Gwyneth home!


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