
Friday, May 15, 2009

Such A Perfect Day

Tricia's birthday was perfect...perfect weather, perfect company...perfect. Strawberry picking, lunch out, homemade cake (two of them both courtesy of her sweet husband), time with family and friends.


Can you name the song?


  1. Strawberry Swing by Coldplay. Love them!

  2. I knew it was Coldplay, but I've never heard this song. Love it!

  3. Never heard the song, vaguely familiar with the group but man, those strawberries look delish! Bet it was a great time. Judith

  4. Okay, now you have me craving some serious strawberries and whipping cream. I am drooling here:) What a blessed day to celebrate your precious girls. Just Perfect.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  5. Well after this post its a good thing that I have some strawberries in the fridge.

    Off I go.


  6. Ditto Stawberry Swing - I did the same song for my 25 weeker son bday video!

  7. let me try that again

    happy bday tricia!

  8. That's funny b/c I thought to myself, "I wonder if he'll use Strawberry Swing." And sure enough, you did! Great song!

  9. Great pictures. Oh yeah, did you remember to put sunscreen on Gwyneth?? (I am totally just kidding!)

  10. What a fun day. I had never heard this song before, so thanks for sharing. I love Coldplay. Glad Tricia had a good day.

  11. Love that song by Coldplay. Cute video!!!

  12. I didn't know the name of the song but I have to say Gwyneth's strawberry dress is adorable and those were some great photos!

  13. Those strawberries look so juicy and delicious! What a fun way to spend Tricia's birthday! Did Gwyn like eating the strawberry?
    I love her little frog legs when shes sitting on the ground. Too cute!

    Happy Birthday, Tricia! Life is sweet!

  14. That last photo is just PERFECT!!! Glad you had such a great day!!!

    For some reason, I can only post as anonymous now... but that's ok... before, it wouldn't let me post at all.

  15. Happy Birthday Tricia! You guys are lucky! I can't wait for strawberry season!

  16. Looks like a fun and carefree day!

    ooh, gotta wait until July for Scottish strawberry and raspberry season....yum!

  17. Perfect day for sure. Nater you got me drooling and wanting them strawberries. I love the song and the video is so precious and adorable. Great Job Nate!;)

    Trish I am glad you had a great birthday.

    Much love,

  18. What a wonderful family day. Love the song and the video. You have me wishes my strawberry plants outside would hurry up and rippen. It's been too wet and cold our here in WA. So awesome that guys had such nice weather for Tricia's special day. God Bless...oh wait he already has! :)

  19. The strawberry picking looked so fun! You got some great pics of Gwyneth. She looked so cute in her hat! Did you remember her sunscreen? lol Couldn't resist that one after the FB discussion!

  20. It does look like a perfect day..Gwyneth looked like such a sweetie pie in that last pic- and Happy Happy Birthday Tricia!!! :)

  21. this is by far, my favorite video yet. It really shows how far you've all come in the past year, and how much you celebrate eachother, each and every single moment.

    Thanks for sharing, it made me smile and I needed one today!

    Take care,

  22. PS- oh yeah, Happy Birthday Tricia!!!

  23. I am glad you had a perfect day!

  24. Uhh I cannot believe I have to wait another month before I get to go Strawberry picking.....Mercy me they look so good

  25. Must.have.stawberries.NOW.

    Looks like a great day! Happy Birthday Tricia!

  26. I just can't help thinking of anyone who saw you out there - looking like a regular family - with no idea what a beautiful blessing it is that you're able now to do regular family stuff together. Praise God for His goodness!

  27. strawberry swing, coldplay. love that song, it's perfect "the skies could be blue, I don't mind. without you it's a waste of time"



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