
Thursday, May 7, 2009


Tricia tripped and fell this afternoon and tore up her hands and knees very badly. After a trip to the ER, she's home now but is in a lot of pain...the worst pain she's ever experienced, she says, which must be pretty bad. I know she'd appreciate your prayers, especially for her hands. We're trying to contact a physician right now to find out if there's anything else we can do to ease the pain.




  1. praying for Tricia in Pinetown,NC

  2. I'll be praying for Tricia and your family throughout the night as I pack to go to Lynchburg for my graduation this blessed!

  3. Sorry to hear about Tricia falling. Hopefully the Dr. can give her something to ease her pain. Prayers are with you.
    Elaine from MT

  4. Poor thing. I am keeping her in my prayers...I hope she feels better soon!

  5. So very sorry - we will pray for swift relief!

  6. Prayers being lifted up here in Minnesota.

  7. OUCH! Praying and hoping for her to have some peaceful sleep!

  8. Praying for Tricia in Creedmoor, NC.

  9. Poor Tricia! I just left you a message on FB. I mentioned something for the inflammation/pain that helped me, but you can't use it while she has open cuts. For now: Ice, ice, ice!

    I've fallen and really hurt myself a few times. It hurts like crazy and doesn't go away too fast, either. I feel so sorry for her!

    (My son can empathize, too, since falling down a 12ft. waterfall last week!)

    I'm praying for her.

  10. I'm sure that she is in a lot of pain, and I'll pray for her. I hope the doctor can provide some type of topical pain reliever..

  11. That kind of injury hurts like a burn- VERY painful. Especially with all the nerve endings in your hands. She's being prayed for!

  12. Praying for some relief for you tonight, Tricia! I can understand why this might feel like the worst pain, ever, even with all the things you have dealt with in your life! All of those nerve endings right at the skin surface are just raw now, and sending all sort of pain signals back to your brain! And that just HURTS! And everytime you even touch it gently, it just hurts all over again. Even the air, or a little breeze, hurts, I'll bet. Hopefully it will heal over very soon, and start to feel better. Will continue praying for some good rest tonight!

  13. Poor Tricia! I am praying for her pain to cease!

  14. Oh my I m sorry to hear that!!
    Wrapping an ice pack in a lightweight towel soft towel if she can stand it tonight.
    Praying for her that the pain eases some.

  15. Poor Tricia.

    I hope that the pain is lessened soon and that her injuries heal quickly.

  16. Nate, you KNOW we will ALL be PRAYING! This too will pass.

  17. Oh, Goodness! Bless her heart! I have done that myself a couple of times and I know what she means about that kind of pain. It's hard to much without moving hands and knees. Poor girl. I am praying she gets some relief and can rest well tonight. So glad she didn't break anything!

  18. Oh I can sympahize.

    I am a klutz...
    my hubby just teased me today.

    'Maam how old were you when your broke your first hip'?

    Its really not funny though.

    I have taken some bad falls.

    My ortho guy today said he could feel the chunk of bone that is loose and floating around by my knee.

    I will pray for you Tricia.

    I am so sorry. I know what it feels like.


  19. I an saying prays for Tricia, I hope she is feeling better soon.
    Praying in ND

  20. wow, that must be some terrible pain!!! praying that she finds relief and soon.

  21. Continued Prayers for you Tricia. Praying that you can rest well tonight and you aren't too uncomfortable.

  22. i will pray for her, especially that the pain goes away quickly.

  23. Oh no; I am sorry Tricia! I will be praying that the pain eases up soon!

  24. being a HUGE faller, skinner of knees, hands, and feet, bruiser of EVERY kind, I will most especially be praying for Tricia! And for YOU to continue to be patient, loving and compassionate, for in a day or two the pain can be so different, the "faller" may be more mobile but still in terrible... praying

  25. Oh no! :(
    I'll keep her in my thoughts. Hopefully she can get something to help with the pain.

  26. Dear Tricia, I am thinking of you...
    I pray that you will feel better today.

  27. Oh I know that pain. There's no describing it. I've had 7 knee surgeries with several falls in between...while I was recovering. Horrible.

    Hopefully your doctor will be able to prescribe something like Vicoden or Percoset....or at least a sleep aid. I think pain is always worse at night because you're just laying away thinking about it.

    I'll be sending major prayers.

  28. Bless her heart! Tricia is always in my prayers but I will say a very special prayer to ease the pain she is having, especially in her hands. Hopefully, the doctors can do something to help her more with the pain.

    Sonja - Fl

  29. Ouch!! Poor Tricia.

    Praying for ya in the centre this morning.

  30. Definitely praying. I agree that sometimes falling and scraping up your hands and knees (or elbows)can be extremely painful! Been there done that! I hope you feel better soon and can get some relief from the pain. You didn't break anything did you?

    Hope to see you all next weekend.

  31. Poor Tricia. Hopefully the pain will ease. Try not to put anything on the cuts with aloe in it, that can lead to infection if the cuts are open. Will keep her in our prayers (still).

  32. Praying for a very quick recovery and that the pain gets better quick....

  33. You'd think poor Tricia was due for a break... I'll keep her in my heart and prayers, hoping the pain eases quickly.

    btw - I love the bug hunting pictures. Being a pug person myself, I also love it when Meka sneaks into the pictures... makes for a funnier background.

  34. oh no...I hope she heals quickly!
    You are all in our thoughts and prayers!!
    Take care and have a great weekend.

  35. Hoping she recovers quickly!

  36. Maybe a kiss from her little Rose will make her boo boo go away!

  37. Send my prayers and healing thoughts to Trica

  38. Yes, it must be pretty bad if she's hurting that bad!! I hope she is feeling a bit better soon and there is something she can take to help the pain.

  39. Praying for you!

  40. Hope Tricia was able to get some pain relief and is feeling better today.
    Elaine from MT

  41. how terrible i hope that she is feeling better this must have been a fall!

  42. Poor Tricia!!! Hoping she feels better soon!
    Erika from IL

  43. So sorry, sending prayers for pain relief and quick healing...

  44. Praying for Tricia. I'm so sorry.

  45. Oh No! Poor girl just cant catch a darn break!

    Praying for ya girl!

  46. Prayer sent! Hope things get better for her.



  47. My best friend with CF, Leigh Allyn, is starting to hear the words "lung transplant" from her doctors, is terrified, and would really appreciate your prayers! Thank you and will continue to pray for Tricia!

    leigh Allyn's blog is

  48. Oh dear! Poor Tricia! I'll be praying. As someone who falls often, I know that pain. A combination of whiplash & being scrubbed down with sandpaper! Awful! I will be praying for relief from the aches & pains, cuts & bruises.

  49. Try frozen bags of vegetables. Or cold anything. I hope she feels better soon but am glad she didn't have Curlilocks in her arms!

  50. Sorry to hear that Tricia feel and that she is on pain. I hope the Dr. can prescribe something to offer something that can help. Please tell Tricia that I am praying for her and hope she feels been very soon.

  51. My goodness, that must have been quite a fall. Will be thinking of her and hope something can help her pain. Get better Tricia!

  52. oh poor dear, I hope she is feeling better, for her to say anything at all like that is a call to concern.
    peace to all your hearts.

  53. I did that when I was 34 weeks pregnant and it HURTS!!! I am sorry but praying all will heal up quickly.

  54. I hope you're feeling better today.

    Love to all.

  55. Definitely cold packs. I'm so sorry. I'm a huge faller-downer myself. And Tricia's beautiful slim build means those knees don't have ANY padding at all!! Tricia I hope you feel better soon. Prayers rising.

  56. Sending my love and prayers Trisha. So sorry to hear about your fall. Much love from the capital city of North Dakota~Darlene

  57. OUCH! :( Praying in Virginia Beach!
    The Burgesses

  58. Tricia, We are so sorry about your accident, praying there is some way to ease your pain very soon.

  59. Praying in New Mexico..

  60. Oh, no!

    Prayers ensuing.


  61. Oh, no!!! I'm so sorry! Please tell Tricia that we are praying for her, and that I hope she feels better soon! So sorry that she hurts so much.
    God bless,
    ~ Jean Marie

  62. So sorry for Tricia's pain. Praying for quick healing.

  63. I had to come back to this post and say that something similar happened to me today. My right knee took the beating, though. Luckily, the skin isn't torn up too much, but my knee is pretty swollen.

    A lady saw it and said something about my pride being hurt, but I think I was in too much shock to be concerned. Amazing how bad it can hurt! I'm sure by know you are healed, Tricia. But as soon as it happened today, I thought of you.


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