
Friday, May 8, 2009


Tricia's had a rough couple of days. It almost seems silly, compared to all of the other stuff she's been through, but she says the pain is the most brutal she's ever experienced. Her knees are not much worse than your normal scraped knee, but her hands each have about a dollar coin size chunk of skin and meat missing in the palm, which is about equivalent to a second degree burn. She's able to use her fingers, but not much else of her hands.

She's been in a lot of pain, almost constantly. At the ER last night, they had to spend about 20 minutes scrubbing the wounds in her hand to remove all of the gravel (having experienced that myself, I can tell you it's not very fun). The real pain didn't kick in until she got home last night. The pain meds she was on through this morning upset her stomach (as usual), but she was able to get a different med and has been feeling a little better this afternoon. She did not sleep a wink last night, but has had a few short naps today and is in bed now, hopefully for a long while.

We're hoping that she'll be feeling better in the morning. She'll be unable to use her hands much for the next week or so, which will keep her from being as interactive with Gwyneth, but all things considering, we're thankful that it wasn't any worse than it is. Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.



  1. Praying that the Lord eases Tricia's pain and gives her comfort and rest. Hang in there Tricia. Love from Canada

  2. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Praying you feel better soon, Tricia!

  3. I feel so bad for Tricia. I hope she sleeps some tonight and the pain meds can help and also agree with her.
    I don't know what it is but something it seems about the whole transplant process just seems to effect every part of my body in odd ways. A couple of years ago I fell, for no apparent reason and broke my ankle on one leg and broke the other leg up near my knee. It was the most horrible pain I had ever felt and it lasted a good while. People did not seem to believe me that it was the most pain I had ever felt. They would say, you had a double lung transplant, and this is more painful? Yes it was! I think my transplant doctor was right when he told me once you have a transplant, not just the transplanted "parts" are new, but your whole body is changed in the way it reacts to things. It has been my experience that he is right.
    I do hope Tricia gets over this quickly and is back to her usual self soon.
    And Happy Mother's Day Tricia!
    Irene In EC

  4. I hope that tomorrow is a better day. Tricia deserves a pain free existance after all that she has been thru.

  5. Tricia-hope you feel better, dear!

  6. Praying for a good night of sleep and less pain!

  7. I was wondering how things were going. Poor Tricia. I guess you're gonna have to get in the pool with Gwyneth, Nate!!

  8. I have had a lot happen to me medically too but the worst pain ever was slicing my index finger on my tailpipe when washing my car. More blood than I think I ever saw. Horrible reaction to the tetanus shot and the ER people making fun of me for washing my own car. 8 years later I still feel that slice when the weather is bad. I cut into the nail bed and sliced a nerve. So I fully understand the pain but don't understand the why. I'd rather give birth again over and over than have my hand hurt again. This too will pass I assure you. I just wish I understood pain stuff better. Think yellow.

  9. Bless her heart. Continuing to lift her in prayer.

  10. I hope that it feels better in the morning. Better yet, that she gets some sleep tonight too!

  11. Yikes...hands are so sensitive with all the nerves they have right there in the palm of your hands. I can totally understand why she's miserable. And being in pain when your a mommy is the worst! Mommies never get to stop being a mommy, so I'm sad that she'll be spending Mother's Day weekend feeling rotten!! Please let her know that I'm praying for her!

  12. I'm with Judy - the hands have so many nerves in them....I can see why this is the worst pain ever. It has to feel like fire, and it will be hard to heal since as she moves her hands, the scabs stretch. I feel so badly for her.

    Many prayers...get well soon!

  13. Good grief! Ouch! Gosh, I can almost feel the pain. Hope she sleeps well tonight and starts feeling better soon!

  14. I can empathize as I still have gravel from a road in Raleigh trapped under the skin in my knee. I know that is so painful. We're praying for you guys!

  15. So sorry to hear this happened. Praying for Tricia!

  16. Praying for you.... Hope the pain is under better control today.

  17. Oh, goodness. Poor thing.

    This is the last thing that you two needed. I am so sorry she is in so much pain.

    PRAYING for a quick recovery.


  18. Poor Tricia! That's awful news. I sure hope her hands heal fast! Hope she can get some help with the baby, as I can only imagine how difficult it will be caring for her without the use of her hands.

    If Tricia gets a chance, please ask her to stop by this site. Some really sad news, a family just found out at the same time that BOTH of their children were diagnosed with CF. I immediately thought of Tricia and was hoping that she could share some words of wisdom with them as she has been living with CF. I am sure her words would bring them much needed comfort and hope. God bless. Thank you.

  19. I am praying the Lord eases her pain. Nerve endings are in the palm and that would explain that terrible pain. Especially since you said it's like a burn. Poor girl!

  20. Gentle hugs to you xx

  21. Feel better TRICIA!! Poor girl, you have been through enough already. HUGS!

  22. Hope you feel better soon!!!

  23. I'm a bit of a klutz and have fallen more than I care to admit (even in my adult years). Praying Tricia feels better soon! HUGS.

  24. So sorry for all the pain she is going through. Praying that she will find rest today. Please tell her Happy Mother's Day for Texas.

  25. Continued prayers for Tricia. Thanks for the update.

  26. Tricia, I hope that you heal quickly and that you pain levels go down. We are praying for you in Bloomington, IL.

  27. Poor Tricia! I hope she starts feeling better soon. That must be so frustrating for her. Praying for a quick recovery!!

  28. Ouch! I've had scrapes like that on my knees so I know how painful that can be. Praying that Tricia's hands heal quickly.

  29. Oh so know what Tricia felt having those hands scrubbed...Ouch doesn't even begin to describe it. Losing the use of your hands isn't fun either. Praying the healing with come fast!

    BTW Happy Mother's Day to Tricia also.

  30. Ice? It can be applied safely multiple times per day; and elevation, to reduce/prevent swelling.

    Sounds like she did not injure her tendons - which is very good.

    Prayers for her quick healing. Barbara

  31. So sorry to hear that. I can agree that pain in the hands is worse than others - I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands over the past year, and the pain from that was definitely worse than labour or my C-section (nobody believes me!). I will continue to pray for your family. Thank you for all you share in your blog. - Heidi

  32. I am so sorry to hear this. Tricia will be in my thoughts and prayers! Happy Mother's Day Tricia. Feel better soon!

  33. Oh poor thing! There are so many nerve endings in the hands, no wonder she's hurting so much. Prayers coming for pain relief.

  34. Nate: I almost never leave any sort of advice on anybody's blog. BUT... having had pieces of flesh torn from me many times (I skate on country roads and climb big rocks), with one time being the equivilent of a second degree burn and covering an entire knee and part of my calf, I really do feel Tricia's pain.

    The thing that has helped me IMMENSELY when in the same situation is this: put a small amount of hydrocortisone around the EDGES of the would, where the skin is still living. You obviously don't want to put it ON the wound. Putting around just on the skin at the edge though, decreases the inflammation and does wonders for the pain.

    Of course, you may simply ignore my suggestion and I would never even know, never mind be bothered by it. Just thought I'd suggest the thing that helped me.

  35. My husband is a bicylist and used to crash during races. The road rash was the most intense, awful pain. I'm so sorry Tricia is feeling it. Love to you all. xoxo Elise

  36. Oh, her poor hands. Just reading about the gravel made my stomach queasy. I hope they heal fast!


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