
Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Gift Of A Future

I would be lying if I told you that, even on our wedding day, I was not cautiously optimistic that Tricia and I would be celebrating five years of marriage...certainly there were more than a few times when it seemed an impossibility. CF has certainly done it's best to take my wife away from us.

I truly believe that, without the grace of God and the work of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the generosity of those who have given to fund their research, Tricia would not be alive today. Although CF is no longer our greatest concern, we still live and cope daily with the effects this disease has had and continues to have in our lives. And, we will always desire to remain an encouragement to other families who are also living with CF.

Even if it's just a buck or two, if you'd like to help make my anniversary the best ever, please consider donating to My Great Strides Fund
and help make my family's future a little brighter today! Every penny goes directly to the CFF and their goal of making CF a thing of the past for thousands of people!




  1. It was a year ago this past March that I lost my brother Joseph to CF. He was only 22 years old. I have been following your blog for I guess a year now. I thank you for being so open and honest, and for opening the eyes of others to CF. :)

  2. Is there anyway to set up your site to take Paypal?

  3. @eduka2b

    Sorry, but I have little control over how the Great Strides page is set's pretty simple to donate via credit card, however!

  4. the podcast for Science mag last week featured CF research as one of the topics. Discussed the problem with animal models and the advances that have and have not been made in the last 20 years with the discovery of the CF gene and what they propose the future of CF research is. It may be of interest to you... I'll look for the link after church.


    Blessings to you,

  6. Hey Nathan,
    Would you let us know what it is like now for Tricia? Are there still many meds? How often are the check ups? Your entire family is a favorite miracle of mine. It is great to see that things are going well. I am cancer free for 19 years this October. It is good to see other medical situations turn out so well. OH...and Gwyneth??? She is amazing. I am so in awe of how God does things. What a blessing.

  7. Happy Anniversary...
    so thankful that the two of you have had these 5 years ! May you have many many more!

  8. We will make a donation in honor of Tricia and Gwyneth.
    Your story is awe inspiring. Tricia and Gwyneth are both miracles in their own right. I have enjoyed following your story.

    Please if you would , keep Pablo and his family in your prayers. You can read about this father's story of his six yr old son's illness, recent death (just a couple days ago), and thereafter..he writes so well and with such grace and dignity.

  9. Wow, we absolutely LOVE your blog. Thank you for being so open and honest about your wife's condition. It seems like there are so few people who have the courage to openly speak about disease and its real impact on our lives. We also have a website dedicated to disease awareness, It's not the same thing your wife is going through, but it speaks to the same things you do here -- the real life effects of an illness.

    Thanks again for your candid writing!


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